- Investigations on the Heat Balance of the Melt Pool during PBF-LB/M under Various Process Gases. Metals 14 (9), 2024, 1058 more…
- Influence of argon, helium, and their mixtures on the powder bed fusion of an Al–Cu–Li–Ti alloy using a laser beam: Evaporation, microstructure, and mechanical properties. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 8, 2024, 100142 more…
- reAM250 — An open-source research platform for process monitoring and control in Powder Bed Fusion of Metals using a laser beam. Procedia CIRP 124, 2024, 295-300 more…
- Experimental and analytical investigations of the removal of spatters by various process gases during the powder bed fusion of metals using a laser beam. Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 2023 more…
- Approach towards a Quality Assurance System for Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing. Processes 11 (2), 2023, 612 more…
- Design and Investigation of a Novel Local Shielding Gas Concept for Laser Metal Deposition with Coaxial Wire Feeding. Applied Sciences 13 (8), 2023, 5121 more…
- Bond Behavior of WAAM Reinforcements in Comparison to Conventional Steel Reinforcements. Construction Materials 3 (2), 2023, 217-232 more…
- A Novel Methodology for the Thermographic Cooling Rate Measurement during Powder Bed Fusion of Metals Using a Laser Beam. Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 12 (1), 2023, 41-51 more…
- Simulation of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing in the Reinforcement of a Half-Cylinder Shell Geometry. Materials 16 (13), 2023, 4568 more…
- Investigations of process by-products by means of Schlieren imaging during the powder bed fusion of metals using a laser beam. Journal of Laser Applications 34 (4), 2022, 042045 more…
- Investigations of process by-products by means of Schlieren imaging during the powder bed fusion of metals using a laser beam. Journal of Laser Applications 34 (4), 2022, 042045 more…
- Methodology to Determine Melt Pool Anomalies in Powder Bed Fusion of Metals Using a Laser Beam by Means of Process Monitoring and Sensor Data Fusion. Materials 15 (3), 2022, 1265 more…
- Neue aluminiumbasierte Pulverwerkstoffe für die Additive Fertigung. ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 115 (7 -- 8), 2020, 459--462 more…
- Influence of Different Process Gases on AlSi10Mg Parts Processed by LPBF - Microstructure and Mechanical Properties. In: Euro PM2020 Proceedings. EPMA, 2020 more…