Picture of Daniel Piendl

Daniel Piendl, M.Sc.

Technical University of Munich

Postal address

Boltzmannstr. 15
85748 Garching b. München

Department Machine Tools

Phone: +49 (89) 289 - 15586
Email: Daniel.Piendl@iwb.tum.de

Research topics

  • Condition monitoring and predictive maintenance of machine tool components
  • Protection of sensitive machine data using privacy-enhancing technologies
  • Collaborative (cross-company) training of AI models for tool condition monitoring
  • Systematic acquisition, processing and storage of machine tool data using edge devices, data interfaces, dashboards and databases


  • Ellinger, Johannes; Piendl, Daniel; Zaeh, Michael F.: Comparison of Sensitivity-Guided and Black-Box Machine Tool Parameter Identification. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 7 (4), 2023, 120 more…