Advanced Seminar on Safe Cyber-Physical Systems (MW2400, IN2107)

Lecturer (assistant)
Duration3 SWS
TermSommersemester 2024
Language of instructionEnglish
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline
DatesSee TUMonline


* Canceled

Admission information

See TUMonline
Note: There is no pre-meeting.


After participating in the module, students will be able to understand the basics of cyber-physical systems (CPS), analyze CPS described in the literature, and subsequently evaluate them. The students will also get a deeper understanding of safety in CPS and get an overview of current problems and research topics in the field of CPS. The students further will learn methods for literature research, diversification of sources, and apply scientific methods for literature research.


Basics of CPS, Analysis of CPS, Safe CPS, Methods of Literature Research and Diversification of Sources. This course will introduce advanced topics for safe cyber-physical systems (CPS). The students will learn the basics of CPS design and analysis and get a good understanding of the safety problems in today's CPS. The topics covered in this course include a wide range of aspects from existing research. Furthermore, it is possible for students to suggest their own topics within the seminar's thematic scope. Note: This semester, as a complement to the standard format, the seminar has a special focus on functional safety and real-time for safety-critical embedded systems. We will have guest lectures by Dr. Luca Santinelli from BMW on the challenges and methods used in research and by the automotive industry to assure, improve and assess the functional safety of software-controlled systems. The lectures provide a comprehensive overview of how functional safety is achieved for automotive: - Introduction to Functional Safety theory - Design and analysis methods supporting the functional safety of embedded systems - Safety modeling, safety measures, and safety analyses - Software faults, software failure, and mechanisms of HW/SW fault tolerance - Risk analysis, risk acceptance criteria - Safety norms In addition to analysis methods, we will also discuss the design of safe automotive architectures with safety mechanisms and mitigation concepts.


We do not have any compulsory pre-requisites. As this course is open for students from both informatics and mechanical engineering, we cover a wide range of interdisciplinary areas, so an interest in either control theory, neural networks, computer engineering, real-time systems, or operating systems is helpful for research in specific topics.

Teaching and learning methods

In the first sessions, a set of current research topics will be presented by the lecturer. Students then select a topic of choice and start literature research in their area of interest. In subsequent sessions, the students present their progress, and the lecturer discusses the results and guides further research. The students prepare and write a scientific report on their topic and they hold a presentation at the end of the semester. In order to optimally support the students, small group size is aimed for this course. Due to the small number of participants, the teaching method consists of lectures on selected topics and of individual professional and methodical discussions between the lecturer and students as well as presentations by the lecturer and students in front of the group followed by open discussions.


The learning outcomes of the students are checked by means of a report (including a presentation). At the end of the seminar, students submit a written report of their literature review, which is graded by the lecturer (70%). In addition, the students must prepare a presentation that will be presented to the students and lecturer and will be graded (30%).

Recommended literature

K. Kim and P. Kumar, “Cyber–Physical Systems: A Perspective at the Centennial”, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 100, May 2012. DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2012.2189792
