Foto von Sophie Grabmann

Sophie Grabmann, M.Sc.

Technische Universität München


Boltzmannstr. 15
85748 Garching b. München

Abteilung Batterieproduktion


Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 15510


  • Laserfertigungstechnik
  • Lithium-Ionen-Batterien



  • Bernauer, Christian; Leitner, Philipp; Zapata, Avelino; Garkusha, Pawel; Grabmann, Sophie; Schmoeller, Maximilian; Zaeh, Michael F.: Segmentation-based closed-loop layer height control for enhancing stability and dimensional accuracy in wire-based laser metal deposition. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 86, 2024, 102683 mehr…
  • Bernauer, Christian; Sigl, Martina E.; Grabmann, Sophie; Merk, Thomas; Zapata, Avelino; Zaeh, Michael F.: Effects of the thermal history on the microstructural and the mechanical properties of stainless steel 316L parts produced by wire-based laser metal deposition. Materials Science and Engineering: A 889, 2024, 145862 mehr…
  • Grabmann, Sophie; Harst, Felix; Bernauer, Christian; Weiss, Tony; Zaeh, Michael F.: Analysis of photodiode signals for monitoring the laser beam welding process of cell-internal contacts in lithium-ion batteries. Optics & Laser Technology 175, 2024, 110730 mehr…


  • Grabmann, Sophie; Bernauer, Christian; Wach, Lovis; Leeb, Matthias; Zaeh, Michael F.: A method for the reproducible and accurate determination of electrical resistances based on multi-layer joints in lithium-ion batteries. Applied Energy 349, 2023, 121613 mehr…
  • Grabmann, Sophie; Harst, Felix; Mayr, Lukas; Zäh, Michael: Laserstrahlschweißen in der Batteriezellproduktion/Laser beam welding in battery cell production- Contacting of thermally sensitive electrode stacks for advanced cell technologies. wt Werkstattstechnik online 113 (03), 2023, 87-92 mehr…
  • Sigl, Martina E.; Grabmann, Sophie.; Zens, Amanda; Hartl, Roman; Zäh, Michael F.: Neue Potentiale für die zellinterne Kontaktierung großformatiger prismatischer Lithium-Ionen-Batterien durch das Mikro-Rührreibpunktschweißen. Schweissen und Schneiden 75 (6), 2023, 358--363 mehr…


  • Grabmann, Sophie; Kick, Michael K.; Geiger, Christian; Harst, Felix; Bachmann, Andreas; Zaeh, Michael F.: Toward the flexible production of large-format lithium-ion batteries using laser-based cell-internal contacting. Journal of Laser Applications 34 (4), 2022, 042017 mehr…
  • Grabmann, Sophie; Mayr, Lukas; Kick, Michael K.; Zaeh, Michael F.: Enhancing laser-based contacting of aluminum current collector foils for the production of lithium-ion batteries using a nanosecond pulsed fiber laser. Procedia CIRP 111, 2022, 778-783 mehr…
  • Kriegler, Johannes; Duy Nguyen, Tran Manh; Tomcic, Lazar; Hille, Lucas; Grabmann, Sophie; Jaimez-Farnham, Elena Irene; Zaeh, Michael F.: Processing of lithium metal for the production of post-lithium-ion batteries using a pulsed nanosecond fiber laser. Results in Materials 15, 2022, 100305 mehr…
  • Sigl, Martina E.; Grabmann, Sophie; Kick, Luca-Felix; Zens, Amanda; Hartl, Roman; Zaeh, Michael F.: Cell-Internal Contacting of Prismatic Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Micro-Friction Stir Spot Welding. Batteries 8 (10), 2022, 174 mehr…
  • Sigl, Martina E.; Grabmann, Sophie; Kick, Luca-Felix; Zens, Amanda; Hartl, Roman; Zaeh, Michael F.: Fast Production of High-performing Lithium-Ion Batteries through Cell-internal Contacting Using Micro-Friction Stir Spot Welding. In: DVS Congress 2022: Langfassungen der Vorträge der Veranstaltung in Koblenz vom 19. bis 21. September 2022. DVS Media GmbH, 2022 mehr…


  • Grabmann, Sophie; Kriegler, Johannes; Harst, Felix; Günter, Florian J.; Zaeh, Michael F.: Laser welding of current collector foil stacks in battery production–mechanical properties of joints welded with a green high-power disk laser. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021 mehr…
  • Wunderling, C.; Bernauer, C.; Geiger, C.; Goetz, K.; Grabmann, S.; Hille, L.; Hofer, A.; Kick, M. K.; Kriegler, J.; Mayr, L.; Schmoeller, M.; Stadter, C.; Tomcic, L.; Weiss, T.; Zapata, A.; Zaeh, M. F.: Solutions of laser material processing for electric mobility -- evaluation of the Technology Readiness Level. Proceedings of the Lasers in Manufacturing Conference (LiM), 2021 mehr…


  • Grabmann, Sophie; Kriegler, Johannes; Zah, Michael F.: Laser in der Batterieproduktion: Wie die Lasertechnik zur Mobilität von Morgen beiträgt. In: KG, media mind GmbH & Co. (Hrsg.): Automobiltechnologie in Bayern e-Car + Wasserstoff. media mind GmbH & Co. KG, 2020, 30--33 mehr…
  • Grabmann, Sophie; Kriegler, Johannes; Zah, Michael F.: Laser Technology in Battery Production: How laser technology shapes the mobility of tomorrow. In: KG, media mind GmbH & Co. (Hrsg.): Automotive Technology in Bavaria e-Car + Hydrogen. media mind GmbH & Co. KG, 2020, 30--33 mehr…
  • Grabmann, Sophie; Tomcic, Lazar; Zaeh, Michael F.: Laser beam welding of copper foil stacks using a green high power disk laser. Procedia CIRP 94, 2020, 582-586 mehr…
  • Meyer, Stefan P.; Bernauer, Christian J.; Grabmann, Sophie; Zaeh, Michael F.: Design, evaluation, and implementation of a model-predictive control approach for a force control in friction stir welding processes. Production Engineering, 2020 mehr…


  • Grabmann, Sophie; Zens, Amanda; Marstatt, Roland; Haider, Ferdinand; Zaeh, Michael F.: Temperature-controlled friction stir welding process of Al-Cu joints with complex geometries. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 22ND INTERNATIONAL ESAFORM CONFERENCE ON MATERIAL FORMING: ESAFORM 2019, AIP Publishing, 2019 mehr…