Uli Ebner
Head of the Workshop
Uli Ebner
Technical University of Munich
Chair of Medical Materials and Implants (Prof. Mela)
Postal address
Boltzmannstr. 15
85748 Garching b. München
- Phone: +49 (89) 289 - 16706
- ebner@tum.de
Curriculum Vitae
Uli Ebner completed an apprenticeship in the Central Workshop of the Physics Department at the Technical University of Munich in the direction of precision instruments construction. After finishing his apprenticeship prematurely he completed his civil service at the Bavarian Red Cross as a rescue paramedic. At FRM 1, Mr. Ebner was responsible for the manufacture of research equipment for research operations. In February 2000, Mr. Uli Ebner passed the examination for Master of Precision Mechanics Craftsmanship. Since August 2000, Mr. Uli Ebner has been employed as head of the Technical Laboratory at the Chair of Medical Technology. At the Academy for Management in Munich, Mr. Ebner successfully passed the examination for Industrial Manager of Craftsmanship in 2007. For outstanding services in the field of vocational training, Uli Ebner was awarded the August Föppl Medal by the President of the TUM. From 2011 to 2020, Mr. Ebner was a member of the Faculty Council of Mechanical Engineering and represented the interests of his colleagues in this committee. In 2020, the TUM transformed from a faculty to a school structure. Mr. Ebner was a member of the Joint School Council Engineering and Design from 2020 to 2021.