Simplex: Fault-Tolerant Control Strategy for Real-Time Cyber-Physical Systems - Laboratory

Lecturer (assistant)
TypePractical course
Duration4 SWS
TermWintersemester 2023/24
Language of instructionEnglish
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline
DatesSee TUMonline


Admission information


On successful completion of this module, students will be able to understand basic concept of real-time, safety-critical Cyber-Physical Systems and procedure for synthesizing controller for them using Simplex architecture. The students are able to build and linearize analytical model for a physical system and design different feedback controllers regarding different performance specifications. Moreover, students are able to calculate the safety envelope specified by a give safety controller using Lyapunov stability analysis and design control switching logic based on this envelope. Additionally, students will be able to implement controller with C on MATLAB and SIMULINK platform to increase the efficiency of code execution.


Key concepts in cyber-physical systems; modeling and linearization of system; basic of modern control theory; feedback control design; Lyapunov stability theory; performance evaluation of controller; key concepts in Simplex architecture; safety of physical systems; design of control switching logic.


Basic knowledge of programming in general and Linear Algebra is required. Knowledge in automatic control and MATLAB is appreciated, but not a prerequisite.

Teaching and learning methods

The introduction to theoretical concepts will be presented in the lecture format. During the theoretical part, integrated lectures introduces basic concept of Cyber-Physical Systems, fundamental of modern control theory and Simplex architecture. Some laboratory tasks are given to improve the understanding. After the theoretical introduction, students will be required to apply the methods and concepts in the theoretical part to design a safety controller and the corresponding switching logic for a real-time Cyber-Physical Systems.


(weighting 30%), the presentation for the practical project (weighting 30%), and report for the final practical project (weighting 40%). Written tests (processing time 30 min each) are held at the beginning of each day to check the understanding of theoretical knowledge taught in the day before. In the practical project, students are required to work in groups to design a safety controller and the corresponding switching logic for real-time Cyber-Physical Systems. Students need to demonstrate, analyze and discuss about their result with other students in the presentation and summarize them in the report.

Recommended literature

For further details, scientific papers will be made available on Moodle.
