Considering the elastic impact of complex wheel body geometries in gear design using the example of RIKOR

Research Topic

Short Title FE-Structures in RIKOR
Start of Project Q1/2023
Funding FVA-Nr. 30/XII
Research Association for Drive Technology e.V., FVA
Contact Dr.-Ing. M. Otto

Project Description

RIKOR is the central calculation program for the design and recalculation of helical gears in FVA. Since the load distribution in the gear mesh depends on the gear environment (shafts, bearings, housing, flank modifications, etc.), RIKOR bundles different functionalities for modeling these systems and provides data for further calculation programs after the calculation. For modeling the stiffness influence of the wheel body shape, a purely analytical method is currently available in RIKOR.

The analytical description of the wheel body stiffness with the wheel body factor  CR has provided good agreements with measurement results in the investigations in FVA 592II [Daf17] for symmetrical wheel bodies. For asymmetric wheel bodies in particular, however, more significant deviations were found, which is why this project aims to create a possibility for numerical modeling of wheel bodies via finite element structures in RIKOR. The formulation of the wheel body as an FE structure is carried out using the FEA system Z88 and a parameterized mesh generation. The object of research is in particular the formulation of a correct interface between the numerical FE structure of the wheel body from Z88 and the fast calculating, purely analytical gear calculation in RIKOR. The aim is to determine a FE gear body stiffness in accordance with the basic mechanical models for calculating tooth stiffness according to Weber/Banaschek [Web55] and to replace the analytical gear body deformation in this model by the numerically determined stiffness.

The result of the project is thus a possibility for more exact modeling of the wheel body stiffnesses in RIKOR through a targeted supplementation of the efficient and analytical gear calculation of RIKOR by a numerical calculation approach in Z88.



[Daf17] Daffner, M.; Otto, M. Stahl, K.; FVA-Nr. 592 II - Heft 1232 - Weiterführende Validierung der Verformungsrechnung in RIKOR - Detaillierte Betrachtung einzelner Getriebeelemente, 2017.

[Web55] Weber, C.; Banaschek, K.; Formänderung und Profilrücknahme bei gerad- und schrägverzahnten Rädern, in: Bd. 11 Schriftreihe Antriebstechnik, Braunschweig: Vieweg-Verlag, 1955.