Picture of Simon Danner

M.Sc. Simon Danner

Chair of Ergonomics (Prof. Bengler)

Postal address

Boltzmannstr. 15
85747 Garching b. München


Mr. Simon Danner graduated from the University Innsbruck (UIBK) with a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and then completed his Master study in psychology with a minor in computer science at the University in Erlangen (FAU). In his master thesis he helped to plan, develop and evaluate a mobile health app. Since October 2018, Mr. Danner has been working as a research associate at the Chair of Ergonomics and focuses on adaptive human machine interfaces in the context of automated driving in cooperation with AUDI AG (INI.TUM).



  • Danner, Simon; Feierle, Alexander; Gary, Sebastian; Bengler, Klaus: The effects of displaying availability sections of an automated driving function. Frontiers in Future Transportation 4, 2023 more…


  • Danner, Simon; Feierle, Alexander; Gary, Sebastian; Bengler, Klaus: The Effects of Displaying Availability Sections of an Sae Level 3 Automation on Acceptance, Usability, Workload and Task Performance in Ndras. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2022 more…


  • Danner, Simon; Feierle, Alexander; Manger, Carina; Bengler, Klaus: Context-Adaptive Availability Notifications for an SAE Level 3 Automation. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 5 (4), 2021, 16 more…
  • Danner, Simon; Hecht, Tobias; Steidl, Benjamin; Bengler, Klaus: Why is the Automation Not Available and When Can I Use It? In: Black N.L., Neumann W.P., Noy I. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). Springer International Publishing, 2021 more…


  • Danner, Simon; Pfromm, Matthias; Bengler, Klaus: Does Information on Automated Driving Functions and the Way of Presenting It before Activation Influence Users' Behavior and Perception of the System? Information 11 (1), 2020, 54 more…
  • Danner, Simon; Pfromm, Matthias; Limbacher, Reimund; Bengler, Klaus: Information needs regarding the purposeful activation of automated driving functions--an exploratory study. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES 2020) Europe Chapter 2019 Annual Conference, 2020Nantes, France more…
  • Feierle, Alexander; Danner, Simon; Steininger, Sarah; Bengler, Klaus: Information Needs and Visual Attention during Urban, Highly Automated Driving---An Investigation of Potential Influencing Factors. Information 11 (2), 2020, 62 more…
  • Hecht, Tobias; Danner, Simon; Feierle, Alexander; Bengler, Klaus: Does a Confidence Level for Automated Driving Time Estimations Improve the Subjective Evaluation of an Automation HMI? Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 4 (3), 2020, 36 more…