
Sonja Schneider (M.Sc.) is a research associate at the Chair of Ergonomics since March 2017. After graduating in Psychology from the LMU Munich, she obtained her master`s degree in Human Factors Engineering from the Technical University of Munich. In cooperation with the Technical University of Delft, her master's thesis concerned the effects of expectation and driving style on trust in highly automated vehicles. During her studies, Ms. Schneider worked as a research assistant at the German Aerospace Center (DLR, Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics) as well as at the Chair of Ergonomics. In this context, she gained experience concerning human factors research in the fields of medical robotics, aviation, and automated driving. Her current focus is on the cross platform validation of pedestrian simulators as a part of the PedSiVal project.



  • Pala, Prashant; Cavallo, Viola; Dang, Nguyen Thong; Granié, Marie-Axelle; Schneider, Sonja; Maruhn, Philipp; Bengler, Klaus: Analysis of Street-Crossing Behavior: Comparing a CAVE Simulator and a Head-Mounted Display among Younger and Older Adults. Accident Analysis & Prevention 152, 2021, 106004 more…
  • Pala, Prashant; Cavallo, Viola; Dang, Nguyen Thong; Granié, Marie-Axelle; Schneider, Sonja; Maruhn, Philipp; Bengler, Klaus: Is the street-crossing behavior with a head-mounted display different from that behavior in a CAVE? A study among young adults and children. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 82, 2021, 15-31 more…
  • Schneider, Sonja; Maruhn, Philipp; Dang, Nguyen-Thong; Pala, Prashant; Cavallo, Viola; Bengler, Klaus: Pedestrian Crossing Decisions in Virtual Environments: Behavioral Validity in CAVEs and Head-Mounted Displays. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2021, 001872082098744 more…
  • Schneider, Sonja; Salloum, Mariam; Gundel, Katharina; Boos, Annika: Estimating Time to Contact in Virtual Reality: Does Contrast Matter? In: Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). Springer International Publishing, 2021 more…


  • Maruhn, Philipp; Dietrich, Andre; Prasch, Lorenz; Schneider, Sonja: Analyzing Pedestrian Behavior in Augmented Reality --- Proof of Concept. Proceedings of the IEEE VR 2020 Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2020Georgia Atlanta, USA more…
  • Schneider, S.; Bengler, K.: Evaluating behavioral validity in traffic simulators. Proceedings of TRA2020 the 8th Transport Research Arena 2020, 2020Helsinki, Finland more…
  • Schneider, Sonja; Bengler, Klaus: Virtually the same? Analysing pedestrian behaviour by means of virtual reality. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 68, 2020, 231--256 more…
  • Schneider, Sonja; Li, Guojin: Virtual Scenarios for Pedestrian Research: A Matter of Complexity? Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference, HCII 2020: Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, Design and Interaction, Springer, 2020Denmark, Compenhagen more…


  • Maruhn, Philipp; Schneider, Sonja; Bengler, Klaus: Measuring egocentric distance perception in virtual reality: Influence of methodologies, locomotion and translation gains. PloS one 14 (10), 2019, e0224651 more…
  • Schneider, S.; Ratter, M.; Bengler, K.: Pedestrian Behavior in Virtual Reality: Effects of Gamification and Distraction. Proceedings of the Road Safety and Simulation Conference 2019, 2019Iowa City, Iowa, USA more…


  • Schneider, Sonja; Maruhn, Philipp; Bengler, Klaus: Locomotion, Non-Isometric Mapping and Distance Perception in Virtual Reality. Proceedings of the 2018 10th International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE), ACM Digital Library, 2018New York, USA more…


  • Feldhütter, A.; Gold, C.; Schneider, S.; Bengler, K.: How the Duration of Automated Driving Influences Take-Over Performance and Gaze Behavior. In: Schlick, C.; Duckwitz, S.; Flemisch, F.; Frenz, M.; Kuz, S.; Mertens, A.; Mütze-Niewöhner, S. (Ed.): Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes. Springer, 2017, 309--318 more…
  • Gontar, Patrick; Schneider, Sonja Anna Elisabeth; Schmidt-Moll, Carsten; Bollin, Celina; Bengler, Klaus: Hate to interrupt you, but$\ldots$ analyzing turn-arounds from a cockpit perspective. Cognition, Technology {&} Work 19 (4), 2017, 837--853 more…


  • Feldhütter, A.; Gold, C.; Schneider, S.; Bengler, K.: How Duration of Automated Driving Influences Take-Over Performance and Gaze Behavior. 62. GfA - Frühjahrskonferenz - Arbeit in komplexen Systemen. Digital, vernetzt, human?!, GfA Press, 2016Aachen, Deutschland more…