Picture of Lorenz Prasch

M.Sc. Lorenz Prasch

Postal address

Boltzmannstr. 15
85747 Garching b. München


Lorenz Prasch, M. Sc. is a research associate at the chair of ergonomics since October 2016. He has a Bachelor’s degree in cognitive science from the Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen and a Master’s degree in human factors engineering from the Technical University of Munich. During his study he focused on system ergonomics and interaction design. In his thesis he evaluated the influence of post-hoc explanations on trust, acceptance and mental models of highly automated driving systems. For his research Mr. Prasch explores the possibilities of fostering creativity in the modern workplace.



  • Adam, Caroline; Prasch, Lorenz; Nevermann, Svenja; Bengler, Klaus: Teaching Engineers Creativity: A Recursive Process Model for Higher Education. Frühjahrskongress 2023 - Nachhaltig Arbeiten lund Lernen, GfA-Press, 2023Hannover, Deutschland more…


  • Prasch, L.; Top, F.; Schmidtler, J.; Bengler, K.; Fottner, J.: User-Centered Interface Design and Evaluation for Teleoperated Cranes with Boom Tip Control. 24th HCI International Conference, HCII (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 13307), SPRINGER NATURE;Springer International Publishing;Imprint Springer, 2022Washington, D. C., 23 more…


  • Prasch, Lorenz; Bruch, Lena aus dem; Bengler, Klaus: User Needs for Digital Creativity Support Systems in an Occupational Context. In: Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). Springer International Publishing, 2021 more…
  • Reinhardt, Jakob; Prasch, Lorenz; Bengler, Klaus: Back-off:Evaluation of Robot Motion Strategies to Facilitate Human-Robot Spatial Interaction. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction 10 (3), 2021, 1-25 more…


  • Fottner, J., Bengler K.; Top, F.; Prasch, L.: Entwicklung eines intuitiven Steuerungskonzepts für Lasthebemaschinen – Forschungsbericht Intuitive Laststeuerung. , Ed.: Fottner, J., Bengler K.: Technische Universität München, 2020, more…
  • Maruhn, Philipp; Dietrich, Andre; Prasch, Lorenz; Schneider, Sonja: Analyzing Pedestrian Behavior in Augmented Reality --- Proof of Concept. Proceedings of the IEEE VR 2020 Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2020Georgia Atlanta, USA more…
  • Prasch, Lorenz; Maruhn, Philipp; Brünn, Marcel; Bengler, Klaus: Creativity Assessment Via Novelty and Usefulness (CANU) -- Approach to an Easy to Use Objective Test Tool. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC2020), 2020Oulu, Finland more…


  • Prasch, L.; Bengler, K.: Ergonomics in the Age of Creative Knowledge Workers -- Define, Assess, Optimize. Advances in intelligent Systems and Computing, Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) 2018 , Springer, Cham, 2019Florence, Italy more…
  • Prasch, Lorenz; Geßler, Florian; Reinhardt, Jakob; Bengler, Klaus: You do the talking. Passengers are happy when the automation decides on cooperation. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) 4.-7.11-2018, IEEE , 2019Maui, HI, USA more…
  • Radlmayr, J.; Ratter, M.; Feldhütter, A.; Körber, M.; Prasch, L.; Schmidtler, J.; Yang, Y.; Bengler, K.: Take-Overs in Level 3 Automated Driving -- Proposal of the Take-Over Performance Score (TOPS). Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) 2018, Springer, Cham, 2019Florence, Italy more…


  • Körber, Moritz; Prasch, Lorenz; Bengler, Klaus: Why Do I Have to Drive Now? Post Hoc Explanations of Takeover Requests. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 60 (3), 2018, 305--323 more…
  • Top, F.; Prasch, L.; Schmidtler, J.; Fottner, J.: Intuitive Steuerung von teleoperierten Kranen in Bau und Industrie. Tagungsband zur 7. Fachtagung Baumaschinentechnik (Schriftenreihe der Forschungsvereinigung Bau- und Baustoffmaschinen e. V. 55), Forschungsvereinigung Baumaschinen und Baustoffanlagen e.V. , 2018Dresden, Deutschland more…


  • Prasch, L.; Tretter, S.: Ich bin dann mal raus. Die Bedeutung der Erklärbarkeit von Übernahmeaufforderungen für das Vertrauen in hochautomatisierte Fahrsysteme. Mensch und Computer 2016, 2016Aachen, Gesellschaft für INformatik e. V. more…