Software platform for generation of process-specific GCode for droplet generators

Project title

Industry project: „Platform for generation of process-specific GCode for droplet generators"


Development of a platform for generation and optimization of efficient slicing alglorthms


M.Sc. Andreas Schröffer (wiss. Mitarbeiter)


Data processing from a STL file to process specific GCode for a new droplet based additive manufacturing system

Research topic

Tool path generating and optimization for additive manufacturing systems

State of the art

Hatching algorithms and nearest neighbour heuristics to optimize fabriation time 

Drawbacks of the State of the Art

Limitations to take influence on component properties, such as mechanical strength, surfarce quality or dimensional accuracy


MATLAB Library based on the SG-Lib as integrated development environment  (IDE) for design, simulation and optimization of novel fabrication approaches

Current Results

First toolbox version with three integrated novel tool path planning approaches