Collection and analysis of process and usage data for the optimization of sustainable construction equipment fleets
In the coming decades, our society will face the enormous challenge of reducing global warming to a minimum. In this context, every industrial sector is faced with the task of creating value in the most resource-optimized way possible. The construction industry has a particular obligation in this respect due to its high consumption of energy and resources.
The transparency on energy consumption needed to improve the sustainability of the construction industry is currently lacking due to the high fragmentation and complexity of the construction task. In the same way, there are hardly any methods to date for creating such a knowledge and decision-making basis via systematic data collection and effective data analysis.
Increasing electrification and digitization in particular are opening up new opportunities to collect process and usage data from construction equipment in operation, to gather this data across fleets and to evaluate it in a targeted manner using intelligent data modeling.
The scientific objective of the research project is to explore and elaborate a method for collecting and evaluating process and usage data of light construction equipment in construction operations. The related industrial goal of the research project is the data-driven optimization of light construction equipment with regard to its use in the construction process and ecological sustainability.
The project is divided into 6 work packages (WP):
WP 1: Structured preparation of the machine portfolio and its applications
WP 2: Method and system development
WP 3: Fleet testing
WP 4: Data analysis and visualization
WP 5: Derivation of design guidelines
WP 6: Documentation of project progress