Competence- and Requirement-Optimized Teaching Strategy for the Study-Entry- and Study-Phase with Criteria-Based Guideline for Analog, Digital as well as Synchronous or Asynchronous Teaching Approaches and Formats

Research Topic

Short Title Competence- and Requirement-Optimized Teaching Strategy
Start of Project Q2/2022
Funding Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, STMWK Bayern
Project Partner ProLehre | Media and Didactics
Contact Dr.-Ing. T. Lohner; Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Stahl

Project Description

The project "Competence- and Requirement-Optimized Teaching Strategy" is supposed to provide a criterion-based guideline for analog, digital, and synchronous or asynchronous teaching approaches and formats for the study-entry- and study-phase. The strategy aligns the degree of digitization of the teaching approach with the needs and the intended competencies of the students. The respective advantages of the teaching approaches and formats are to be used in the best possible way in the different phases of the studies. At the beginning, students are guided into their new stage of life by a high degree of face-to-face courses and progressively led to digital, asynchronous formats. Digital offerings should assist selectively and be used primarily when the intended competencies require, for example, the use of software. In the further progression, the degree of digital asynchronous formats will increase in order to demand and promote self-directed learning of the students. Figure 1 schematically shows the degree of digitization of the teaching approach over the study term and assigns key areas of the concept to the different phases, the Study-Entry-Phase and the Study-Phase.