International Collaboration
The Laboratory for Product Development and Lightweight Design collaborates with various international research institutes in different research projects. New ideas, ways of thinking and concepts are exchanged and developed in intensive professional discussions.
Study abroad
In the context of our international collaborations, students and researchers exchange between chairs on a regular basis. Those students who have proven themselves at the Laboratory for Product Development and Lightweight Design can be part of these exchanges.
If you want to take part in an exchange, the following requirements have to be met:
- strong involvement in activities at the Laboratory for Product Development and Lightweight Design prior to your application (theses, HiWi-jobs, Tutor-supervisor, etc.)
- above average study results
- outstanding language skills
- independent working style
If you are interested, please send a short cover letter and the following documents or information:
- preliminary work you did at the Laboratory, especially theses, HiWi-jobs, etc. specifying the topics you worked on
- technical interests and competences
- regional preferences and knowledge of language
- desired time period
- curriculum vitae and transcript of study results