Dr.-Ing. Hannes Weiss

Research and Work Focus

  • Shear cutting of electric sheet metal
  • Optical strain measurement



  • Gilch, Ines; Vogt, Simon; Neuwirth, Tobias; Schauerte, Benedikt; Hameyer, Kay; Schulz, Michael; Gustschin, Alex; Volk, Wolfram; Weiss, Hannes Alois: Analysis of Cylindrically and Spherically Embossed Flux Barriers in Non-oriented Electrical Steel. In: Forming the Future. Springer International Publishing, 2021 more…
  • Hartmann, C.; Weiss, H.A.; Lechner, P.; Volk, W.; Neumayer, S.; Fitschen, J.H.; Steidl, G.: Measurement of strain, strain rate and crack evolution in shear cutting. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 288, 2021, 116872 more…
  • Tröber, Philipp; Welm, Markus; Weiss, Hannes A.; Demmel, Peter; Golle, Roland; Volk, Wolfram: Temperature, thermoelectric current and adhesion formation during deep drawing. Wear 477, 2021, 203839 more…


  • Schauerte, B.; Leuning, N.; Vogt, S.; Moll, I.; Weiss, H.; Neuwirth, T.; Schulz, M.; Volk, W.; Hameyer, K.: The influence of residual stress on flux-barriers of non-oriented electrical steel. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 504, 2020, 166659 more…
  • Welm, M.; Tröber, P.; Weiss, H. A.; Demmel, P.; Golle, R.; Volk, W.: Thermoelectrically Based Approaches to Reduce Adhesive Wear During Blanking. JOM - The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) 72, 2020 more…
  • Welm, Markus; Tröber, Philipp; Weiss, Hannes Alois; Demmel, Peter; Golle, Roland; Volk, Wolfram: A Thermoelectrically Based Approach to Reduce Adhesive Wear During Blanking. In: The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (Ed.): TMS 2020 149th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, 2020, 1993-2007 more…


  • Leuning, Nora; Elfgen, Silas; Weiss, Hannes A.; Volk, Wolfram; Hameyer, Kay: Der Einfluss des Schneidens von Elektroblechlamellen und die geeignete numerische Modellierung. e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 136 (2), 2019, 184-194 more…
  • Tröber, P.; Welm, M.; Weiss, H.; Demmel, P; Golle, R.; Volk, W.: The influence of process parameters and sheet material on the temperature development in the forming zone. Manufacturing Review 6, 2019 more…
  • Weiss, H.A.; Steentjes, S.; Tröber, P.; Leuning, N.; Neuwirth, T.; Schulz, M.; Hameyer, K.; Golle, R.; Volk, W.: Neutron grating interferometry investigation of punching-related local magnetic property deteriorations in electrical steels. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 474, 2019, 643-653 more…
  • Weiss, Hannes Alois; Leuning, Nora; Hameyer, Kay; Hoffmann, Hartmut; Volk, Wolfram: Manufacturing efficient electrical motors with a predictive maintenance approach. CIRP Annals 68 (1), 2019, 253-256 more…


  • Kawalla, R.; Stöcker, A.; Prahl, U.; Wei, X.; Dierdorf, J.; Hirt, G.; Heller, M.; Roggenbuck, S.; Korte-Kerzel, S.; Weiss, H. A.; Tröber, P.; Böhm, L.; Volk, W.; Leuning, N.; Hameyer, K.: Low-loss FeSi sheet for energy-efficient electrical drives. AIMS Materials Science, 2018 more…
  • Leuning, N.; Dierdorf, J.; Stöcker, A.; Kawalla, R.; Wei, X.; Dierdorf, J.; Roggenbuck, S.; Hirt, G.; Korte-Kerzel, S.; Weiss, H.; Volk, W.; Hameyer, K.: Impact of the interaction of material production and mechanical processing on the magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel. AIP Advances, 2018 more…
  • Tröber, P.; Welm, M.; Weiss, H. A.; Demmel, P.; Golle, R.; Volk, W.: Einfluss verschiedener Prozessparameter auf die Temperaturentwicklung in der Umformzone beim Durchsetzen von Vergütungsstahl. Dry Metal Forming Open Access Journal 4, 2018, 47-51 more…
  • Tröber, P.; Welm, M.; Weiss, H. A.; Demmel, P.; Golle, R.; Volk, W.: The influence of process parameters on the temperature development in the forming zone. MATEC Web of Conferences (190), 2018 more…
  • Vogt, S.; Neuwirth, T.; Schauerte, B.; Weiss, H. A.; Falger, P. M.; Gustschin, A.; Schulz, M.; Hameyer, K.; Volk, W.: Extent of embossing-related residual stress on the magnetic properties evaluated using neutron grating interferometry and single sheet test. Production Engineering, 2018 more…
  • Vogt, Simon; Neuwirth, Tobias; Schauerte, Benedikt; Weiss, Hannes Alois; Falger, Peter Markus; Gustschin, Alex; Schulz, Michael; Hameyer, Kay; Volk, Wolfram: Extent of embossing-related residual stress on the magnetic properties evaluated using neutron grating interferometry and single sheet test. Production Engineering 13 (2), 2018, 211-217 more…


  • Hameyer, K.; Leuning, N.; Steentjes, S.; Stöcker, A.; Kawall, R.; Wei, X.; Dierdorf, J.; Hirt, G.; Roggenbuck, S.; Korte-Korzel, S.; Weiss, H.; Volk, W.: Impact of the Interaction of Material Production and Mechanical Processing on the Magnetic Properties of Non-oriented Electrical Steel. 23rd Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, SMM 2017, 2017 more…
  • Kopp, T.; Tröber, P.; Weiss, H.: Auswirkungen der Werkzeugsteifigkeit auf den Stanzprozess. Branchentreff Stanzwerkzeugbau, 2017 more…
  • Vitzthum, S. J.; Hartmann, C.; Weiss, H. A.; Baumgartner, G.; Hofmann, M.; Volk, W.: Determination of crystallographic young’s modulus for sheet metals by in situ neutron diffraction. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 896, 2017, 012123 more…
  • Weiss, H. A.; Tröber, P.; Golle, R.; Steentjes, S.; Leuning, N.; Hameyer, K.; Volk, W.: Loss reduction due to blanking parameter optimization for different non-grain oriented electrical steel grades. Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), 2017 IEEE International, 2017 more…
  • Weiss, H. A.; Vogt, S.; Backs, A.; Neuwirth, T.; Steentjes, S.; Leuning, N.; Schulz, P.; Volk, W.; Hameyer, K.; Böni, P.: Targeted Local Stress Imprint in Electrical Steel as Means of Improving the Energy Efficiency. 4th Conference on X-ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings 2017 more…
  • Weiss, H.; Golle, R.; Hoffmann, H.; Volk, W.: Auswirkung des Stanzprozesses auf den Wirkungsgrad von Elektromotoren. 9. Kongress Stanztechnik, 2017 more…


  • Gaber, C.; Jocham, D.; Weiss, H. A.; Böttcher, O.; Volk, W.: Evaluation of non-linear strain paths using Generalized Forming Limit Concept and a modification of the Time Dependent Evaluation Method. International Journal of Material Forming, 2016 more…
  • Leuning, N.; Steentjes, S.; Weiss, H.; Volk, W.; Hameyer, K.: On the Magneto-Elastic Behavior of Non-Oriented Electrical Steel Sheets and its Modeling, Advances in Multi-Scale Methods and Homogenization for Laminates and Windings in Magnetic Fields. MSHOW'16, 2016 more…
  • Steentjes, S.; Leuning, N.; Dierdorf, J.; Wei, X.; Weiss, H. A.; Volk, W.; Roggenbuck, S.; Korte-Kerzel, S.; Stoecker, A.; Kawalla, R.; Hameyer, K.: Effect of the Interdependence of Cold Rolling Strategies and Subsequent Punching on Magnetic Properties of NO Steel Sheets. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2016 more…
  • Volk, W.; Hartmann, C.; Feistle, M.; Gaber, C.; Jocham, D.; Weiss, H. A.: Advanced Methods in Sheet Metal Testing - Material Characterization and Prediction of Local Properties. Advanced Methods in Material Testing for Sheet Metal Forming, Institute of Metal Forming and Casting, Technical University of Munich , 20169th Forming Technology Forum 2016 , 3-8 more…
  • Weiss, H. A.; Leuning, N.; Steentjes, S.; Hameyer, K.; Andorfer, T.; Jenner, S.; Volk, W.: Influence of shear cutting parameters on the electromagnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel sheets. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Volume 421, 2016, 250-259 more…


  • Leuning, N.; Steentjes, S.; Dierdorf, J.; Wei, X.; Hirt, G.; Weiss, H.; Volk, W.; Roggenbuck, S.; Korte-Kerzel, S.; Stöcker, A.; Kawalla, R.; Hameyer, K.: Continuous Process Chain Modeling of low-loss FeSi Sheet for Energy-efficient Electrical Drives. International Compumag Society (Volume 22, Number 3), 2015 more…


  • Volk, W.; Weiss, H.; Jocham, D.; Suh, J.: Phenomenological and numerical description of localized necking using generalized forming limit concept. IDDRG Proceedings 2013, Towards Zero Failure Production Methods by Advanced Modeling Techniques and a Process Integrated Virtual Control, 2013, 16-21 more…