- Temperature, thermoelectric current and adhesion formation during deep drawing. Wear 477, 2021, 203839 more…
- Lubricant-free forming by affecting thermoelectric currents. DFG, 2020, more…
- Thermoelectrically Based Approaches to Reduce Adhesive Wear During Blanking. JOM - The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) 72, 2020 more…
- A Thermoelectrically Based Approach to Reduce Adhesive Wear During Blanking. In: TMS 2020 149th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, 2020, 1993-2007 more…
- Adhesive Wear Initiation during Blanking of Austenitic Stainless Steel, with regard to Thermoelectricity. Dry Metal Forming Open Access Journal, 2019 more…
- The influence of process parameters and sheet material on the temperature development in the forming zone. Manufacturing Review 6, 2019 more…
- Neutron grating interferometry investigation of punching-related local magnetic property deteriorations in electrical steels. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 474, 2019, 643-653 more…
- Low-loss FeSi sheet for energy-efficient electrical drives. AIMS Materials Science, 2018 more…
- Einfluss verschiedener Prozessparameter auf die Temperaturentwicklung in der Umformzone beim Durchsetzen von Vergütungsstahl. Dry Metal Forming Open Access Journal 4, 2018, 47-51 more…
- The influence of process parameters on the temperature development in the forming zone. MATEC Web of Conferences (190), 2018 more…
- Auswirkungen der Werkzeugsteifigkeit auf den Stanzprozess. Branchentreff Stanzwerkzeugbau, 2017 more…
- An inverse approach for the geometry prediction of sheetmetal. 36th IDDRG Conference Materials Modelling and Testing for Sheet Metal Forming, 2017 more…
- On the influence of Seebeck coefficients on adhesive tool wear during sheet metal processing. Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik und Gießereiwesen, 2017, more…
- In-situ Temperaturmessung beim schmierstofffreien Durchsetzen von Vergütungsstahl. Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik und Gießereiwesen, 2017, more…
- On the correlation between thermoelectricity and adhesive tool wear during blanking of aluminum sheets. Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik und Gießereiwesen, 2017, more…
- Loss reduction due to blanking parameter optimization for different non-grain oriented electrical steel grades. Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), 2017 IEEE International, 2017 more…
- Experimental investigation of the lateral forces during shear cutting with an open cutting line. Journal of Materials Processing Technologiy Volume 238, 2016, 49-54 more…
- Experimental investigation on the thermoelectric current during embossing of Aluminum EN AW 1050. Dry Metal Forming Open Access Journal FMT 2, 2016, 40-43 more…
- Influence of lubrication on the measured thermoelectric voltage and temperature in the forming zone when embossing S355MC. Dry Metal Forming Open Access Journal FMT 1, 2015 more…
- Thermoelectric currents and their impact on wear behavior of punches during embossing operations. Dry Metal Forming Open Access Journal FMT 1, 2015, 103-107 more…
- Entstehung thermoelektrischer Effekte im Umformwerkzeug und deren Auswirkung auf den Verschleiß. Werkstoffwoche 2015, 2015 more…
- Characterization of the thermoelectric behavior of plastically deformed steels by means of relative Seebeck coefficient. Materials Science Forum 755, 2013, 1-7 more…