- Experimental Study on Deep-Drawing Dies Made of Pre-Stressed UHPC. MDPI Materials 18 (2), 2025, 277 more…
- Integration of confocal chromatic spectroscopy into a test bench concept for safety inspection practices, with focus on stress detection. Discover Applied Sciences 6 (12), 2024 more…
- Thin-walled Production Forming. Targeted use of forming-induced residual stresses in metal components (1st edition), 2024 more…
- Straightforward identification of flow curve and yield locus parameters from three-point bending experiments. International Journal of Material Forming 17 (6), 2024 more…
- User friendly FE Formulation for anisotropic distortional hardening model based on non-associated flow plasticity and its application to springback prediction. Thin-Walled Structures 202, 2024, 112142 more…
- Dual-Alloy Sand Mold Casting: Main Principles and Features. International Journal of Metalcasting, 2024 more…
- Hybrid joining of cast aluminum and sheet steel through compound sand casting and induction heating to enable thin-walled lightweight structures. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 324, 2024, 118261 more…
- Investigations of strain rate sensitivity under different stress triaxialities for DC04. Materials Research Proceedings, Materials Research Forum LLC, 2024 more…
- Simulation-based data reduction and data processing for sheet metal forming in the hybrid twin framework. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 134 (1-2), 2024, 261-269 more…
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- Determination of the onset of yielding and the Young’s modulus after a change in the loading direction. International Journal of Material Forming 17 (3), 2024 more…
- Virtual inline compensation by single point-tracking in free-form bending. Materials Research Proceedings, Materials Research Forum LLC, 2024 more…
- An inline point-tracking approach for the real-time monitoring of the free-form bending process. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 9, 2024, 100150 more…
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- The effect of elastic and plastic stresses on the electrical resistivity of conductive materials. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1307 (1), 2024, 012046 more…
- Data-Driven Process Analysis for Iron Foundries with Automatic Sand Molding Process (accepted). International Journal of Metalcasting, 2023 more…
- Analysis of the melting and solidification process of aluminum in a mirror furnace using Fiber-Bragg-Grating and numerical models. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1281 (1), 2023, 012063 more…
- Monitoring strain evolution and distribution during the casting process of AlSi9Cu3 alloy with optical fiber sensors. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 935, 2023, 168146 more…
- Influence of Equal-Channel Angular Pressing on the Microstructure and Texture of Mg-Zn-Y-Zr-RE Alloy Sheets. In: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023 more…
- Predicting the local solidification time using spherical neural networks. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1281 (1), 2023, 012037 more…
- Residual stresses and magnetic material properties of embossed and cut magnetic flux barriers in non-oriented electrical steel under tensile load. 2023 13th International Electric Drives Production Conference (EDPC), IEEE, 2023 more…
- Model-Based Evaluation of Methods for the Determination of the Onset of Yielding by Temperature Measurement. In: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023 more…
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- Liquid Metal Jetting of Aluminum Parts with Salt Support Structures. 2023 International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, 2023 more…
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- Experimental analysis on the influence of freeform bending on Barkhausen noise for steel tubes. Materials Research Proceedings, Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023Esaform 2023, 2091-2100 more…
- Innovative experimental setup for the investigation of material models with regard to strain hardening behavior. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1284 (1), 2023, 012071 more…
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- Advantages in the production of power transmitting gears by fineblanking. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023 more…
- Numerical and experimental investigation on the applicability of elastomer tooling components for the manufacturing of undercut geometries by sheet metal forming. Materials Research Proceedings, Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023 more…
- Quantification of the Impact of Forming-Induced Residual Stresses on Subsequent Cutting Operations for Aluminum AA7075 Thick Sheets. In: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023, 134-145 more…
- Investigation of Multi-Material Liquid Metal Jetting with copper materials. The 34th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium - An Additive Manufacturing Conference - 2023, 2023 more…
- Influence of Thermal Process Parameters on the Properties of Material Jetted CuSn8 Components. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2023 more…
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- Impact of the process velocities on the quality of free-form bent parts. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1284 (1), 2023, 012061 more…
- Optimization of the Calibration Process in Freeform Bending Regarding Robustness and Experimental Effort. In: Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Springer International Publishing, 2023 more…
- On the Sensitivity of a Tool–Workpiece Thermocouple to Chemical Composition and Microstructure. steel research international, 2023, 2200456 more…
- Effect of ECAP Process on the Activation of Deformation Mechanisms During Subsequent Uniaxial Tension of Mg-ZEWK2000 Sheets. In: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023 more…
- Stresses between die and slug in blanking and their significance for slug pulling. Production Engineering, 2023 more…
- Freeform Bending Tool Design for Rectangular Profiles and Its Influence on the Process. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 145 (10), 2023 more…
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- Localization of Cavities in Cast Components via Impulse Excitation and a Finite Element Analysis. Production Engineering, 2022 more…
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- Three-Dimensional Control Point Based Surface Description for Data Reduction, Reverse Engineering and Springback Compensation in Sheet Metal Forming. In: The Minerals, Metals &Materials Series. Springer International Publishing, 2022 more…
- Failure behaviour of various pre-formed steel sheets with respect to the mechanical grain boundary properties. International Journal of Material Forming 15 (4), 2022 more…
- Prediction of Necking Initiation in Case of Abrupt Changes in the Loading Direction. In: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer International Publishing, 2022 more…
- Experiments on forming behaviour of the aluminium alloy AA6016. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1238 (1), 2022, 012023 more…
- Influence of Loading Direction on the Mechanical Parameters of Pre-formed Materials in Tensile Test. In: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer International Publishing, 2022 more…
- Comparative study of v-ring indenter configurations in fineblanking in order to derive tool design guidelines. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 123 (11-12), 2022, 4171-4179 more…
- Analysis of CuSn8 components manufactured using the material jetting process. Copper Alloys 2022 , Kupferverband, 2022 more…
- Blanking of Stainless Steel. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1238 (1), 2022, 012030 more…
- Automatic Extraction and Conversion of the Bending Line from Parametric and Discrete Data for the Free-Form Bending Process. In: The Minerals, Metals &Materials Series. Springer International Publishing, 2022 more…
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- Experimental Investigation of Factors Influencing the Determination of the Onset of Yielding by Temperature Measurement. Key Engineering Materials 926, 2022, 1021--1029 more…
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- In-Situ High Temperature and Large Strain Monitoring During a Copper Casting Process Based on Regenerated Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors. Journal of Lightwave Technology 39 (20), 2021, 6660-6669 more…
- Grain Size Influence on the Magnetic Property Deterioration of Blanked Non-Oriented Electrical Steels. Materials 14 (22), 2021, 7055 more…
- Simulation of Dynamic Effects in Progressive Die Operation and Control. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1157 (1), 2021, 012085 more…
- Homogenization of the interfacial bonding of compound-cast AA7075/6060 bilayer billets by co-extrusion. International Journal of Material Forming, 2021 more…
- Potentials for material card validation using an innovative tool. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1157 (1), 2021, 012067 more…
- Characterisation of the decoring behaviour of inorganically bound cast-in sand cores for light metal casting. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 296, 2021, 117201 more…
- Strategies for residual stress adjustment in bulk metal forming. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2021 more…
- Impact of residual stress evoked by pyramidal embossing on the magnetic material properties of non-oriented electrical steel. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2021 more…
- Analysis of Cylindrically and Spherically Embossed Flux Barriers in Non-oriented Electrical Steel. In: Forming the Future. Springer International Publishing, 2021 more…
- Vertical continuous compound casting of copper aluminum bilayer rods. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 288, 2021, 1-16 more…
- Thermomechanical Analysis and Experimental Validation of ECAP for Aluminum Sheet Metal. In: Forming the Future. Springer International Publishing, 2021 more…
- An approach to validate simulation models for the optimization of fiber-reinforced bead patterns. NAFEMS Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz GmbH, 2021 more…
- Springback and compensation in sheet metal forming reconsidered as an ill-posed problem. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1157 (1), 2021, 12044 more…
- Measurement of strain, strain rate and crack evolution in shear cutting. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 288, 2021, 116872 more…
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- Aluminium schmelzen mit Windstrom: Potenzialstudie WindMelt. Gießerei 108 (10), 2021, 50-54 more…
- Characterization Methods along the Process Chain of Electrical Steel Sheet—From Best Practices to Advanced Characterization. Materials 15 (1), 2021, 32 more…
- Facing the Issues of Sheet Metal Equal‐Channel Angular Pressing: A Modified Approach Using Stacks to Produce Ultrafine‐Grained High Ductility AA5083 Sheets. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2021, 2100244 more…
- A Structure for the Control of Geometry and Properties of a Freeform Bending Process. IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (11), 2021, 115-120 more…
- A Method for Characterising the Influence of Casting Parameters on the Metallurgical Bonding of Copper and Steel Bimetals. Materials 14 (20), 2021, 6223 more…
- Influence of cutting parameters on mechanisms causing slug pulling. Production Engineering, 2021 more…
- Influence of Salt Support Structures on Material Jetted Aluminum Parts. Materials 14 (15), 2021, 4072 more…
- Analysis of salts for use as support structure in metal material jetting. Production Engineering, 2021 more…
- A Plane Stress Failure Criterion for Inorganically-Bound Core Materials. Materials 14 (2), 2021 more…
- Feasibility of Acoustic Print Head Monitoring for Binder Jetting Processes with Artificial Neural Networks. Applied Sciences 11 (22), 2021, 10672 more…
- Mohr–Coulomb characterisation of inorganically-bound core materials. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 296, 2021, 117214 more…
- Material Design for Low-Loss Non-Oriented Electrical Steel for Energy Efficient Drives. Materials 14 (21), 2021, 6588 more…
- Fiber Bragg Sensors Embedded in Cast Aluminum Parts: Axial Strain and Temperature Response. Sensors 21 (5), 2021, 1680 more…
- The influence of freeform bending process parameters on residual stresses for steel tubes. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 2, 2021, 100047 more…
- Parameterized data handling for forming tool tryout: reverse engineering, data consolidation and springback compensation. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1157 (1), 2021, 12035 more…
- Shear cutting induced residual stresses in involute gears and resulting tooth root bending strength of a fineblanked gear. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2021 more…
- Shear cutting induced residual stresses in involute gears and resulting tooth root bending strength of a fineblanked gear. Archive of Applied Mechanics 91 (8), 2021, 3679-3692 more…
- Load-specific variant generation of bead cross sections in sheet metal components by unidirectional carbon fibre reinforcement. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1157 (1), 2021, 012093 more…
- Combining Structural Optimization and Process Assurance in Implicit Modelling for Casting Parts. Materials 14 (13), 2021, 3715 more…
- Development of a numerical compensation framework for geometrical deviations in bulk metal forming exploiting a surrogate model and computed compatible stresses. International Journal of Material Forming, 2021 more…
- Alternative Magnetflussführung in Elektromotoren. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, 2021 more…
- The Frictional Force between Slug and Die in Shear Cutting after Material Separation. Key Engineering Materials 883, 2021, 285-293 more…
- A System Identification and Implementation of a Soft Sensor for Freeform Bending. Materials 14 (16), 2021, 4549 more…
- Integrated Process Simulation of Non-Oriented Electrical Steel. Materials 14 (21), 2021, 6659 more…
- Temperature, thermoelectric current and adhesion formation during deep drawing. Wear 477, 2021, 203839 more…
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- Influence of Process Parameters on Grain Size and Texture Evolution of Fe-3.2 wt.-% Si Non-Oriented Electrical Steels. Materials 14 (22), 2021, 6822 more…
- Motion profile calculation for freeform bending with moveable die based on tool parameters. ESAFORM 2021, 2021 more…
- A Combined Numerical and Experimental Investigation on Deterministic Deviations in Hot Forging Processes. Procedia Manufacturing 47, 2020, 295-300 more…
- Co-extrusion of compound-cast AA7075/6060 bilayer billets at various temperatures. 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity, 2020 more…
- Influence of heat treatment on interfacial bonding in co-extrusion of compound-cast AA7075/6060 bilayer billets. 12th International Aluminum Extrusion Technology Seminar & Exposition, 2020 more…
- Digital sand core physics: Predicting physical properties of sand cores by simulations on digital microstructures. International Journal of Solids and Structures 188-189, 2020, 155-168 more…
- Modelling of intermetallic layers formation during solid-liquid joining of dissimilar metallic materials. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 861, 2020, 1-8 more…
- Interface Formation and Characterization of Brass/Aluminum Compounds Fabricated Through Die Casting and Semi-Continuous Casting. International Journal of Metalcasting 14, 2020, 564-579 more…
- Experimental and numerical investigations into the deformation and fracture behavior of intermetallics and base materials in as-cast Al-Cu compounds. Materials Today Communications 25, 2020, 1-11 more…
- Production of aluminum AA7075/6060 compounds by die casting and hot extrusion. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 280, 2020, 1-12 more…
- Casting methods for the production of rotationally symmetric copper bimetals. Materials Science and Technology 36 (8), 2020, 906-916 more…
- Kontinuierliches Verbundgießen von Messing/Aluminium-Hybriden. Symposium Stranggießen 2020, 2020 more…
- Experimental and numerical investigations into the deformation and fracture behavior of intermetallics and base materials in as-cast Al-Cu compounds. Materials Today Communications 25, 2020, 101278 more…
- Calibration of cast-in fibre Bragg gratings for internal strain measurements in cast aluminium by using neutron diffraction. Measurement, 2020 more…
- Evaluation of Strain Transition Properties between Cast-In Fibre Bragg Gratings and Cast Aluminium during Uniaxial Straining. Sensors, 2020 more…
- Evolution of Grain Refinement in AA5083 Sheet Metal Processed by ECAP. In: Light Metals 2020. Springer International Publishing, 2020, 362-369 more…
- Phase transition and microstructure investigation of perferritic isothermed ductile iron (IDI). International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 2020 more…
- Phase Transition Kinetics in Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) with Regard to Mo Content. Materials 13 (22), 2020, 1-23 more…
- Ein mechanisches Bruchmodell für wasserglas-gebundene Formstoffe. Formstoff-Forum, 2020 more…
- Acoustical and Optical Determination of Mechanical Properties of Inorganically-Bound Foundry Core. Materials (13), 2020 more…
- Transition from purely elastic to viscoelastic behavior of silica optical fibers at high temperatures characterized using regenerated Bragg gratings. Optics Express 28 (5), 2020, 7323–7340 more…
- Semi – automatic approach for the creation of non - proportional load paths. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 967, 2020, 012001 more…
- Composite casting and characterization of Cu-Al bilayer compounds. International Journal of Metalcasting 14 (1), 2020, 155-166 more…
- The influence of residual stress on flux-barriers of non-oriented electrical steel. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 504, 2020, 166659 more…
- Effect of One- and Two-Stage Shear Cutting on the Fatigue Strength of Truck Frame Parts. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 2020 more…
- Development of inline closed-loop vibration control in progressive die stamping using finite element simulation. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 967, 2020, 012035 more…
- Evaluation of Prediction Accuracy for Anisotropic Yield Functions Using Cruciform Hole Expansion Test. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 4 (2), 2020, 43 more…
- Influence of non-proportional load paths and change in loading direction on the failure mode of sheet metals. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 69, 2020 more…
- Prediction of limit strains during non-proportional load paths with a change in loading direction. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 967, 2020, 012069 more…
- Thermoelectrically Based Approaches to Reduce Adhesive Wear During Blanking. JOM - The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) 72, 2020 more…
- A Thermoelectrically Based Approach to Reduce Adhesive Wear During Blanking. In: TMS 2020 149th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings. Springer International Publishing, 2020, 1993-2007 more…
- Digital image correlation and optical flow analysis based on the material texture with application on high-speed deformation measurement in shear cutting. Digital Image & Signal Processing, Corgascience, UK, 2019International Conference on Digital Image & Signal Processing (DISP 2019), 1-8 more…
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- Innovative Tool for Material Model Assessment and Improvement. 12th Forming Technology Forum, 2019 more…
- Open hole tensile tests for the determination of the edge-crack sensitivity of sheared holes dependent on specimen geometry, cutting parameters, and the notch factor. Procedia Manufacturing 29, 2019, 412-419 more…
- Thermal Analysis and Production of As-Cast Al 7075/6060 Bilayer Billets. International Journal of Metalcasting 13 (4), 2019, 817-829 more…
- Mechanical characterization of as-cast AA7075/6060 and CuSn6/Cu99.5 compounds using an experimental and numerical push-out test. Materials Science and Engineering: A 751, 2019, 214-225 more…
- Numerical and experimental study on ECAP-processing parameters for efficient grain refinement of AA5083 sheet metal. Key Engineering Materials, 2019, 315-323 more…
- Experimental analysis of Roman coin minting. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, 2019, 498-506 more…
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- An artificial neural network approach for tool path generation in incremental sheet metal free-forming. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 30, 2019, 757-770 more…
- Variational methods in comparison to digital image correlation for full field deformation analysis under variable conditions. Determination and validation of material parameters for sheet metal simulation, Institute of Metal Forming and Casting, Technical University of Munich , 201912th Forming Technology Forum 2019, 1-7 more…
- Knowledge-based incremental sheet metal free-forming using probabilistic density functions and voronoi partitioning. Procedia Manufacturing 29, 2019, 4-11 more…
- Non-destructive in-situ strain measurement based on Fibre Bragg Gratings and neutron diffraction during solidification and cooling of aluminium alloys. EUROMAT 2019, 2019 more…
- In‑situ strain measurements in the plastic deformation regime inside casted parts using fibre‑optical strain sensors. Production Engineering, 2019 more…
- A Novel Method for Measuring Elastic Modulus of Foundry Silicate Binders. International Journal of Metalcasting, 2019, 1-9 more…
- Der Einfluss des Schneidens von Elektroblechlamellen und die geeignete numerische Modellierung. e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 136 (2), 2019, 184-194 more…
- Data-Driven Compensation for Bulk Formed Parts Based on Material Point Tracking. Key Engineering Materials, 2019, 277-284 more…
- Fabrication and processing of metallurgically bonded copper bimetal sheets. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 263, 2019, 33-41 more…
- Development of a Production Chain for Cu-bilayer Products. TMS 2019 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2019 more…
- Warm and cold blanking of manganese-boron steel 22MnB5 with different tool geometries. Procedia Manufacturing 29, 2019, 345-352 more…
- Investigation of non-proportional load paths by using a cruciform specimen in a conventional Nakajima test. International Deep Drawing Research Group 38th Annual Conference, 2019 more…
- Low-risk bypassing of machine failure scenarios in automotive industry press shops by releasing overall capacity of the production networks. Journal of Manufacturing Systems 52 / Part A , 2019, 121-130 more…
- Jazz-Glocke: Sound Design, Strukturoptimierung und Guss. Fortschritte der Akustik-DAGA : 45. Jahrestagung für Akustik, 18.-21. März, DEGA e.V., 2019 more…
- The Influence of Residual Stresses Induced by Near-Net-Shape Blanking Processes on the Fatigue Behavior under Bending Loads. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 651, 2019, 012086 more…
- The influence of process parameters and sheet material on the temperature development in the forming zone. Manufacturing Review 6, 2019 more…
- Temperature-based determination of the onset of yielding using a new clip-on device for tensile tests. 18th International Conference on Sheet Metal, SHEMET, 2019, 490-497 more…
- Experimental investigation of the scalability of roller‐clinching processes with regard to joint strength and failure mode. Material Science & Engineering Technology 50 (8), 2019, 1015-1026 more…
- Numerical investigation on the robustness of the roller clinching process. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019 more…
- Method for highly spatially resolved determination of residual stress by using nanoindentation. Production Engineering 13 (2), 2019, 133-138 more…
- Determination and Validation of Material Parameters for Sheet Metal Simulation. 12th Forming Technology Forum, 2019 more…
- Models and Modelling for Process Limits in Metal Forming. CIRP Annals 68 (2), 2019, 775-798 more…
- Prediction and Validation of Forming Limits in Sheet Metal Forming with Non-Proportional Load Histories. 18th International Conference on Sheet Metal (SheMet 2019), 2019 more…
- Introduction to residual stresses in production technology. Production Engineering, 2019 more…
- Neutron grating interferometry investigation of punching-related local magnetic property deteriorations in electrical steels. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 474, 2019, 643-653 more…
- Manufacturing efficient electrical motors with a predictive maintenance approach. CIRP Annals 68 (1), 2019, 253-256 more…
- Validation of numerical simulations for the reduced freeform bending process using a test bench. Production at the leading edge of technology - Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP), September 30th - October 2nd, Hamburg 2019, Springer Vieweg, 2019WGP Jahreskongress, 149-157 more…
- A holistic approach to lightweight design of multi-component gearwheels. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 418, 2018, 012121 more…
- Innovative measurement technique to determine equibiaxial flow curves of sheet metals using a modified Nakajima test. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Elsevier Ltd, 2018, 265–268 more…
- Detection of Core Fracture in Inorganically Bound Cast-in Sand Cores by Acoustic Microphony. Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology, 2018, 34-43 more…
- Maximizing the Expansion Ratio through Multi-stage Shearcutting Process during Collar Forming. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 418, 2018 more…
- Casting methods for the production of rotationally symmetric copper compounds. Copper Alloys 2018, 2018 more…
- Numerical quantification of damage accumulation resulting from blanking in multi-phase steel. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 418, 2018 more…
- Geometrical compensation of deterministic deviations for part finishing in bulk forming. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 261, 2018, 140-148 more…
- Implementation and evaluation of optical flow methods for two-dimensional deformation measurement in comparison to digital image correlation. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 107, 2018, 127-141 more…
- In-situ-Dehnungsmessung während der Erstarrung und Abkühlung von Aluminiumlegierungen mittels Faser-Bragg-Gitter. Leichtbau in Guss, 2018 more…
- Numerical Analysis of the Scalability of Roller Clinching Processes. Key Engineering Materials 767, 2018, 377-385 more…
- Tensile properties of aluminium 4047A built in droplet-based metal printing. Rapid Prototyping Journal 25 (2), 2018, 427-432 more…
- Thermal process simulation of droplet based metal printing with aluminium. Production Engineering 12 (3-4), 2018, 457-464 more…
- Low-loss FeSi sheet for energy-efficient electrical drives. AIMS Materials Science, 2018 more…
- Mikrostrukturbasierte Vorhersage von Materialeigenschaften anorganischer Formstoffe. Formstoff-Forum, 2018 more…
- Fracture Statistics for Inorganically-Bound Core Materials. Materials (11), 2018, 1996-1944 more…
- Stress-based compensation of geometrical deviations in metal forming. Advances in Production Research, 2018WGP 2018, 647-656 more…
- Impact of the interaction of material production and mechanical processing on the magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel. AIP Advances, 2018 more…
- Regenerated Bragg Grating Sensor Array for Temperature Measurements During an Aluminum Casting Process. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2018 more…
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- Determination of the minimum possible damage due to shear cutting using a multi-stage shear cutting process. International Deep Drawing Research Group 37th Annual Conference, 2018 more…
- Experimental investigations on the influence of the thermal conditions during composite casting on the microstructure of Cu-Al-bilayer-compounds. International Journal of Metalcasting 12 (1), 2018, 79-88 more…
- Simulation des Verbundstranggießens von Kupferwerkstoffen im Bandformat. Große Gießereitechnische Tagung, 2018 more…
- Modelling the microstructure and computing effective elastic properties of sand core materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018 more…
- Residual Stresses in Parts Manufactured by Near-Net-Shape-Blanking. Production Engineering – Research and Development, 2018 more…
- Einfluss verschiedener Prozessparameter auf die Temperaturentwicklung in der Umformzone beim Durchsetzen von Vergütungsstahl. Dry Metal Forming Open Access Journal 4, 2018, 47-51 more…
- The influence of process parameters on the temperature development in the forming zone. MATEC Web of Conferences (190), 2018 more…
- Investigation on strain dependent elastic behavior for accurate springback analysis. Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1063, 2018 more…
- Tool setup to investigate scalability of roller clinching processes. Procedia Manufacturing Volume 15, 2018, 1338-1345 more…
- Extent of embossing-related residual stress on the magnetic properties evaluated using neutron grating interferometry and single sheet test. Production Engineering, 2018 more…
- Extent of embossing-related residual stress on the magnetic properties evaluated using neutron grating interferometry and single sheet test. Production Engineering 13 (2), 2018, 211-217 more…
- Advanced Strategies for Material Characterization and Validation in Sheet Metal Forming. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Engineering Plasticity and its Applications (AEPA2018), 2018 more…
- Inverse Calibration of a Shear Cutting Simulation and Investigation of Various Shear Cutting Parameters. Forming Technology Forum 2018, 2018 more…
- Verhalten einer AISi9-Mikrostruktur unter Last und Berechnung der mechanischen Eigenschaften auf Basis der Mikrostruktur. Metall, 2017, 185-192 more…
- Multi-component lightweight gearwheels with deep-drawn wheel body for automotive applications. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 896, 2017, 012083 more…
- FEA Simulation of Free-Bending – a Preforming Step in the Hydroforming Process Chain. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 896, 2017, 012063 more…
- Influence of process parameters on the formability of bead stamping part using advanced models. Korea-Workshop, Sogang University (Seoul); KAIST (Daejeon), 2017 more…
- Adaptive Wear Model for Shear-Cutting Simulation with Open Cutting Line. Wear 386-387, 2017, 17-28 more…
- Influence of process parameters on the formability of bead stamping part using advanced models. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 896, 2017, 012005 more…
- Geometriebasierte prozessbegleitende Abweichungskompensation. massivUMFORMUNG, 2017, 66-71 more…
- Determination of Beginning Shear Band Formation using the Acoustic Tensor. 67th CIRP General Assembly, 2017 more…
- Reduction of burr formation for conventional shear cutting of boron-alloyed sheets through focused heat treatment. Procedia CIRP 63C (2017), 2017, 493-498 more…
- Design and conceptualization of a cutting tool to investigate the influence of the shear cutting process on edge crack sensitivity. 36th IDDRG Conference Materials Modelling and Testing for Sheet Metal Forming, Journal of Physics, 2017 more…
- Development of a 2-stage shear-cutting-process to reduce cut-edge-sensitivity of steels. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 896, 2017, 012104 more…
- A knowledge-based automated driving approach for flexible production of individualized sheet metal parts. IEEE Trans. Automation Sci. and Eng. , 2017 more…
- Impact of the Interaction of Material Production and Mechanical Processing on the Magnetic Properties of Non-oriented Electrical Steel. 23rd Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, SMM 2017, 2017 more…
- Process-integrated Compensation of Geometrical Deviations for Bulk Forming. International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity, Elsevier, 2017, 466-471 more…
- Individualized sheet metal part manufacturing by an incremental free-forming process. Korea-Workshop, Sogang University (Seoul); KAIST (Daejeon), 2017 more…
- Influence of tool elasticity on process forces and joint properties during clinching with rotational tool movement. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 896, 2017, 012116 more…
- Inkrementelles Gießen – Direkter Metalldruck mit Aluminium. Leichtbau in Guss, 2017 more…
- Increasing the efficiency of designing hemming processes by using an element-based metamodel approach. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 896, 2017, 012041 more…
- Notch Shear Cutting of Aluminium Alloys. 17th International Conference on Sheet Metal, SHEMET17, 2017, 53-58 more…
- On the opportunities of problem- and process-adapted shear cutting simulations for effective process design. International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity, 2017 more…
- On the Influence of Different Parameters on the Characteristic Cutting Surface when Shear Cutting Aluminum. Procedia CIRP , 2017, 230-236 more…
- On the Influence of Different Parameters on the Characteristic Cutting Surface when Shear Cutting Aluminum. Procedia CIRP 63, 2017, 230-235 more…
- Potentials for the use of tool-integrated in-line data acquisition systems in press shops. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 896, 2017, 012033 more…
- Manufacturing processes of multi-component gearwheels. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen (2-3), 2017, 265-269 more…
- Manufacturing processes of multi-component gearwheels. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen 81 (2-3), 2017, 265-269 more…
- Lightweight gearwheel design using separate gear ring and wheel body - Part II: Different manufacturing concepts for replacing a full body gearwheel. Steels in Cars and Trucks 2017, 2017 more…
- Continuous casting of copper compounds. Metall, 2017, 459-462 more…
- Horizontales Verbundstranggießen von Kupferwerkstoffen. 14. Kupfer-Symposium, 2017 more…
- Influence of shear cutting parameters on the fatigue behavior of a dual-phase steel. 36th IDDRG Conference Materials Modelling and Testing for Sheet Metal Forming, Journal of Physics, 2017 more…
- Mesh refinement study and experimental validation for stretch bending of sheet metals. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 896, 2017, 012071 more…
- An inverse approach for the geometry prediction of sheetmetal. 36th IDDRG Conference Materials Modelling and Testing for Sheet Metal Forming, 2017 more…
- Determination of crystallographic young’s modulus for sheet metals by in situ neutron diffraction. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 896, 2017, 012123 more…
- Experimental evaluation of tool wear throughout a continuous stroke blanking process of quenched 22MnB5 ultra-high-strength steel. 36th IDDRG Conference Materials Modelling and Testing for Sheet Metal Forming, 2017 more…
- Prognose von Werkstoffeigenschaften mit Hilfe einer Mikrostrukturanalyse im Bereich des Kokillengusses und anorganischer Formstoffe. Deutscher Gießereitag, 2017 more…
- Advances in Characterization of Sheet Metal Materials. 36th IDDRG Conference Materials Modelling and Testing for Sheet Metal Forming, 2017 more…
- Vorstellung des Lehrstuhls für Umformtechnik und Gießereiwesen und mögliche Forschungsschwerpunkte für die Federnindusitrie. VDFI-Mitgliederversammlung, 2017 more…
- Investigation and Compensation of Biaxial Pre-strain During the Standard Nakajima- and Marciniak-test Using Generalized Forming Limit Concept. Procedia Engineering 207, 2017, 568-573 more…
- Umformen und Schneiden von Blechbauteilen – 5-1. In: Handbuch Stahl: Auswahl, Verarbeitung, Anwendung. Carl Hanser Verlag, 2017, 105-129 more…
- Chances and Limitations of In-Line Measurement for Automotive Press Shops. 10thForming Technology Forum: Model Based Control for Smart Forming Processes, 2017 more…
- Material testing and process control: Anachronism or future challenge for the German automotive industry with respect to industry 4.0? Proceedings of the 8th Zwick Academia Day 2017, 2017 more…
- Experimental Validation of Detecting Surface Deflections on Sheet Metal Parts with LS-Dyna. 11th European LS-DYNA Conference, 2017 more…
- Prevention of Surface Deflections. CIRP 2017Lugano, Schweiz; 20.-26.08.2017 more…
- Strategy to prevent surface deflections for automotive sheet metal parts. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 896, 2017, 012058 more…
- FEA-based Development of a New Tool for Systematic Experimental Validation of Nonlinear Strain Paths and Design of Test Specimens. 20th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, 2017 more…
- Loss reduction due to blanking parameter optimization for different non-grain oriented electrical steel grades. Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), 2017 IEEE International, 2017 more…
- Targeted Local Stress Imprint in Electrical Steel as Means of Improving the Energy Efficiency. 4th Conference on X-ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings 2017 more…
- Auswirkung des Stanzprozesses auf den Wirkungsgrad von Elektromotoren. 9. Kongress Stanztechnik, 2017 more…
- Building a substitute model of a bolster based on experimentally determined deflection. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 896, 2017, 012044 more…
- Deep Drawing of Gear Wheel Bodies. International Cold Forging Group Plenary Meeting, 2016, 141-143 more…
- Determination of the bead geometry considering formability and stiffness effect using generalized forming limit concept (GFLC). Journal of Physics: Conference Series 734, 2016, 32077 more…
- Determining the influence of shear cutting parameters on the edge cracking susceptibility of high-strength-steels using the edge-fracture-tensile-test. 48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Ssystems - CIRP CMS 2015, 2016 more…
- Predicting Edge Cracks on Shear-Cut High-Strength Steels by Modified Uniaxial Tensile Tests. Journal of Key Engineering Materials Vol. 703, 2016, 49-55 more…
- Evaluation of non-linear strain paths using Generalized Forming Limit Concept and a modification of the Time Dependent Evaluation Method. International Journal of Material Forming, 2016 more…
- Projektbericht: Einflussanalyse anorganisch gebundener Formstoffe. 1. Internationales Deutsches Formstoff-Forum 2016, VDG, 2016, 47-53 more…
- Analysis of shear cutting of dual phase steel by application of an advanced damage model. 21st European Conference on Fracture, 2016, 1700-1707 more…
- FE-unterstützte Verschleißprognose beim Scherschneiden unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Verschleißmechanismen. 9. Forum Tribologische Entwicklungen in der Blechumformtechnik, Meisenbach Verlag GmbH, 2016, 59-71 more…
- Support for Ingate Design by Analysing the Geometry of High Pressure Die Cast Geometries Using Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm. Advanced Materials Research 1140, 2016, 400-407 more…
- Prozessgerechte Gestaltung von Druckgussbauteilen. Leichtbau in Guss, 2016 more…
- Joining by Plastic Deformation: Overview of the DFG Priority Program 1640. Advanced Multimaterial Structures in the Automotive Industry, 2016 more…
- Experimental prediction of sheet metal formability of AW-5754 for non-linear strain paths by using a cruciform specimen and a blank holder with adjustable draw beads on a sheet metal testing machine. International Journal of Material Forming, 2016 more…
- Strain rate sensitivity of DC06 for high strains under biaxial stress in hydraulic bulge test and under uniaxial stress in tensile test. International Journal of Material Forming, 2016 more…
- Yield locus determination of DX56 on a testing apparatus with link mechanism using thermoelectrical effect and equivalent plastic work. 9th Forming Technology Forum 2016, 2016, 81-86 more…
- Numerical determination of the onset of local necking using time dependent evaluation method and dynamic material parameters. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 734 032015 734, 2016, 032015 more…
- Experimental investigation of the lateral forces during shear cutting with an open cutting line. Journal of Materials Processing Technologiy Volume 238, 2016, 49-54 more…
- Experimental investigation of the influence of punch velocity on the springback behaviour and the flat length in free bending. Procedia CIRP 41, 2016, 1066-1071 more…
- On the Magneto-Elastic Behavior of Non-Oriented Electrical Steel Sheets and its Modeling, Advances in Multi-Scale Methods and Homogenization for Laminates and Windings in Magnetic Fields. MSHOW'16, 2016 more…
- Influence of process-related oxide formation during shaping of aluminum fiber mats in the mushy state. Prod. Eng. Res. Devel. 10, 2016, 227-240 more…
- Kupfer-Hybridhalbzeuge: Gießtechnische Herstellung eines rotationssymmetrischen Schichtverbundes. Metall, 2016, 248-251 more…
- Efficient parameterized characterization of manufacturing strategies for automated copied driving. Procedia CIRP 41, 2016, 1090-1095 more…
- Variation of components by automated driving - A knowledge-based approach for geometric variance. International Journal of Material Forming 9, 2016, 9-19 more…
- In Situ Study of the Influence of Nickel on the Phase Transformation Kinetics in Austempered Ductile Iron. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47 (2), 2016, 661-671 more…
- Effect of the Interdependence of Cold Rolling Strategies and Subsequent Punching on Magnetic Properties of NO Steel Sheets. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2016 more…
- Enhanced mechanical behavior and reduced mechanical anisotropy of AZ31 Mg alloy sheet processed by ECAP. Materials Science and Engineering: A 650, 2016, 523-529 more…
- Effect of processing route on texture and cold formability of AZ31 Mg alloy sheets processed by ECAP. Materials Science and Engineering: A 669, 2016, 159-170 more…
- Experimental investigation on the thermoelectric current during embossing of Aluminum EN AW 1050. Dry Metal Forming Open Access Journal FMT 2, 2016, 40-43 more…
- Strain-induced selective grain growth in AZ31 Mg alloy sheet deformed by equal channel angular pressing. Materials Characterization 113, 2016, 98-107 more…
- Trends und Herausforderungen für die deutsche Gießerei-Industrie aus Sicht der akademischen Forschung. GIESSEREI-SPECIAL 01/2016, 2016 more…
- Trends und Herausforderungen für die deutsche Gießerei-Industrie aus Sicht der akademischen Forschung. Deutscher Gießereitag 2016, 2016 more…
- Advanced Methods in Sheet Metal Testing - Material Characterization and Prediction of Local Properties. Advanced Methods in Material Testing for Sheet Metal Forming, Institute of Metal Forming and Casting, Technical University of Munich , 20169th Forming Technology Forum 2016 , 3-8 more…
- Challenges and Chances of the Shear Cutting Simulation. The International Deep Drawing Research Group, 2016 more…
- Systematic investigation of geometrical parameters’ influence on the appearance of surface deflections in sheet metal forming. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 734, 2016, 032004 more…
- Influence of shear cutting parameters on the electromagnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel sheets. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Volume 421, 2016, 250-259 more…
- Strain Measurement in Aluminium Alloy during the Solidification Process Using Embedded Fibre Bragg Gratings. Sensors 16 (11), 2016, 1853 more…
- Festigkeitsberechnung in der Gießsimulation mit Hilfe eines µ-FE-Modells. Gießtechnik im Motorenbau, VDI, 2015 more…
- Designing a High-Speed Press with a Six-Bar Linkage Mechanism. Applied Mechanics and Materials 794, 2015, 411-418 more…
- Interaction of heat generation and material behaviour in sheet metal blanking. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 64 (1), 2015, 249-252 more…
- Notch Shear Cutting of Press Hardened Steels. Journal of Key Engineering Materials Vol. 639, 2015, 477-484 more…
- Studies on the effect of tool wear on the production process in two stage shear cutting. Key Engineering Materials 651-653, 2015, 1261-1270 more…
- Joining Aluminium Alloy and Mild Steel Sheets by Roller Clinching. Applied Mechanics and Materials 794, 2015, 295-303 more…
- Optimierung einer Probenform für den Kreuzzugversuch zur Bestimmung der Grenzformänderung. Material Testing, Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. Kg, 2015, 205-214 more…
- Prediction of formability for multi-linear strain paths. Advanced constitutive models in sheet metal forming, 2015, 59-64 more…
- New diagnostic techniques for an automated hemming validation of hang-on parts. Key Engineering Materials 639, 2015, 509-516 more…
- New Diagnostic Techniques for an Automated Hemming Validation of Hang-On Parts. Key Engineering Materials, 2015, 509-516 more…
- Einfluss der Werkzeugsteifigkeit auf die Standmenge von Stanzwerkzeugen. 7. Kongress Stanztechnik, 2015 more…
- On the Development of Mg Sheets with Improved Formability by Applying Additional Shear Strain during Processing. Material Science Forum, 2015, 395-400 more…
- Continuous Process Chain Modeling of low-loss FeSi Sheet for Energy-efficient Electrical Drives. International Compumag Society (Volume 22, Number 3), 2015 more…
- Automated driving for individualized sheet metal part production - A neural network approach. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 35, 2015, 144-150 more…
- Improvement in cold formability of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets processed by equal channel angular pressing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 217, 2015, 286-293 more…
- Effects of twisted windings on the impedance of e-traction drives. 5th International Electric Drives Production Conference (EDFC) 2015, 2015 more…
- Neue Methodik zur Vorhersage des Materialversagens bei nicht-linearen Dehnwegen. 35. EFB-Kolloquium 2015 Intermezzo der hybriden Werkstofflösungen, 2015, 201-214 more…
- Prediction of formability for non-linear deformation history and press hardening processes. Plastic Behavior of Conventional and Advanced Materials: Theory, Experiment, and Modeling, NEAT PRESS, 2015, 175-177 more…
- Influence of Kinematics during Roller Clinching on Joint Properties. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2015 more…
- Einfluss von Reibung auf die Verbindungsausbildung beim Rotationsclinchen. 18. Workshop Simulation in der Umformtechnik & 3. Industriekolloquium des SFB/TR73, Shaker Verlag, 2015, 211-213 more…
- Bestimmung und Optimierung der prozessbeeinflussenden Parameter beim Durchsetzen hochfester Stähle. NEBU 2014, Neuere Entwicklungen in der Blechumformung, 2014 more…
- Methods to decrease cut edge sensitivity of high strength steels. 17th Conference of the European Scientific Association on Material Forming, ESAFORM 2014, 2014, 1294-1307 more…
- Wear behavior of austempered ductile Iron (ADI) in cutting and forming tools. IDDRG 2014 - Innovations for the sheet metal industry, 2014, 393-398 more…
- Failure Prediction in direct press hardening through virtual forming limit curves based on measurable material properties. Warm and Hot Forming, 2014Proceedings of the 7th Forming Technology Forum, 75-80 more…
- Development of a Continuous Composite Casting Process for the Production of Bilayer Aluminium Strips. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (7), 2014, 1445-1455 more…
- 3D Printing of Inorganic Sand Moulds for Casting Applications. Advanced Materials Research 1018, 2014, 441-449 more…
- In-situ strain measurements during casting using neutron diffraction. Materials Science Forum 768-769, 2014, 486-491 more…
- Simulation assisted analysis of material flow in roller clinched joints. Advanced Materials Research 966-967, 2014, 628-640 more…
- In-situ Neutron Diffraction of the Phase Transformation Kinetics in Austempered Ductile Iron Heat Treatments. Materials Science Engineering, 2014 more…
- The influence of temperature on zinc abrasion in deep drawing processes. 17th Conference of the European Scientific Association on Material Forming, ESAFORM 2014, 2014, 1039-1046 more…
- On the Effect of Material Processing: Microstructural and Magnetic Properties of Electrical Steel Sheets. 4th International Conference on Electric Drive Production, EDPC 2014 - Proceedings, 2014, 464-470 more…
- Influence of material processing steps annealing and cutting on magnetic materials´properties relevant for electrical machine design. 6th Forming Technology Forum, 2014 more…
- Improvement in cold formability of AZ31 Mg alloy sheets processed by equal channel angular pressing. The 2nd German-Korean Workshop on the production and industrial applications of semi-finished Mg products, 2014 more…
- Improvement of ductility at room temperature of Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy sheets processed by equal channel angular pressing. 11th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, ICTP 2014, 2014 more…
- Improvement of ductility at room temperature of Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy sheets processed by equal channel angular pressing. Procedia Engineering 81, 2014, 1517-1522 more…
- Simulation-Based Prediction of the Fracture Elongation as a Failure Criterion for Thin-Walled High-Pressure Die Casting Components. International Journal of Metalcasting 8 (4), 2014, 47-54 more…
- Umgeformte segmentierte Formstäbe für effizientere E-Traktionsantriebe. münchener kolloquium - Produktionskongress, 2014 more…
- Segmented Hairpins Made of Metal Formed Round Wires. Coiltech 2014 - World Magnetic Conference, 2014 more…
- Mechanische Schnellläuferpresse mit Koppelrastgetriebe. Fabrik der Zukunft. 5 Jahre Erfahrung mit Servopressen, Europäische Forschungsgesellschaft für Blechverarbeitung e.V., 2014, 71-93 more…
- Advances in the Shear Cutting of Press Hardened Steels. Warm and Hot Forming, University of Twente, 2014, 41-46 more…
- German Priority Program of Mechanical Joining. 11th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP) Nagoya, 2014 more…
- Decrease of Springback by Geometrical Modification of the Sheet Metal Part. Advanced Materials Research 1018, 2014, 277-284 more…
- Local microwave heating of sand molds as a means to overcome design limitations in sand mold casting. Advances in Radio Science 12, 2014, 21-28 more…
- Thermische Beanspruchung der Schneidkante beim Scherschneiden. 5. Kongress Stanztechnik, 2013 more…
- Characterization of the thermoelectric behavior of plastically deformed steels. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2013 more…
- Characterization of the thermoelectric behavior of plastically deformed steels by means of relative Seebeck coefficient. Materials Science Forum 755, 2013, 1-7 more…
- Carbon nanotubes–reinforced copper matrix composites produced by melt stirring. Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems 227 (2), 2013, 63-66 more…
- Steigerung der Produktivität durch den Einsatz von ADI als Werkzeugwerkstoff. 34. EFB Kolloquium / Tagungsband T36 EFB Kolloquium 04/13, 2013, 99-111 more…
- Steigerung der Produktivität durch den Einsatz von ADI als Werkzeugwerkstoff. Umformen, Schneiden, Verbinden im Leichtbau, 2013 more…
- Influence of strategy of evaluation on forming limit curve. Materials Testing 55 (9), 2013, 668-672 more…
- Dynamic strength behaviour of punch connections in shear cutting processes. 15th International Conference on Sheet Metal (SHEMET) / Key Engineering Materials, 2013, 262-269 more…
- In-situ measurement of phase transformation kinetics in austempered ductile iron. Materials Characterization 85, 2013, 124-133 more…
- Simulationsgestützte Optimierung der Maßhaltigkeit in der Prozesskette Druckguss. Deutscher Gießereitag 2013 & 5. NEWCAST-Forum, 2013 more…
- Simulationsgestützte Optimierung der Maßhaltigkeit von dünnwandigen Strukturbauteilen in der Prozesskette Aluminium-Druckguss. Giesserei-Praxis - Druckguss (7-8), 2013, 332-335 more…
- High voltage aluminium connector (LEIKO). CoFAT, 2013 more…
- LEIKO – An aluminium high voltage connector for hybrid cars. 3rd International Conference - Advanced Automotive Cabling 2013, 2013 more…
- Phenomenological and numerical description of localized necking using generalized forming limit concept. IDDRG Proceedings 2013, Towards Zero Failure Production Methods by Advanced Modeling Techniques and a Process Integrated Virtual Control, 2013, 16-21 more…
- Anisotropic plasticity model coupled with strain dependent plastic strain and stress ratios. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 62 (1), 2013, 283–286 more…
- Prediction of formability for non-linear deformation history using generalized forming limit concept (GFLC). NUMISHEET 2014 2013, 2013 more…
- Prediction of formability for non-linear deformation history using generalized forming limit concept (GFLC). NUMISHEET 2014, AIP Publishing LLC, 2013, 556-551 more…
- Experimental Investigation on the Temperature Distribution in the Shearing Zone During Sheet Metal Blanking. Steel Research International, 2012 more…
- Entwicklung kalkulatorischer Kenngrößen zur Gestaltung von Scherschneidprozessen und Bewertung der Bauteilqualität bei Anwendung hoher Schneidgeschwindigkeiten. 32. EFB-Kolloquiums Blechverarbeitung / EFB-Tagungsband Nr. 33, Europäische Forschungsgesellschaft für Blechverarbeitung e.V. (EFB), 2012, 179-192 more…
- Tool wear for shear cutting of ultra high strength steels according to different tool materials and tool geometries. 9th International Tooling Conference, 2012 more…
- Shear cutting of press hardened steel: influence of punch chamfer on process forces, tool stresses and sheared edge qualities. Production Engineering - Research and Development 6 (4-5), 2012, 413-420 more…
- Automated Driving by Standardizing and Scaling the Manufacturing Strategy. Procedia CIRP 3, 2012, 138-143 more…
- Forming and Shearing of Magnesium. 1st German-Korean Workshop, 2012 more…
- Gratfreies Scherschneiden. bayme vbm BayPAT-Patent-Workshop, 2012 more…
- Failure Prediction for Nonlinear Strain Paths in Sheet Metal Forming. 62nd CIRP General Assembly, 2012 more…
- Circular point clinching with rotating tools [Rundpunkt-Clinchen mit rotierenden Werkzeugen]. ZWF Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 107 (7-8), 2012, 537-540 more…
- RELIABLE AND ROBUST EVALUATION OF LOCAL NECKING WITH A GENERALIZED THINNING LIMIT DIAGRAM. 5th Forming Technology Forum 2012; Advanced Failure Prediction Methods in Sheet Metal Forming, 2012, 115-120 more…
- Failure prediction for nonlinear strain paths in sheet metal forming. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 61 (1), 2012, 259-262 more…
- Failure prediction for nonlinear strain paths in sheet metal forming. CIRP ANNALS-MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY , 2012 more…
- A new strategy for stiffness evaluation of sheet metal parts. AIP Conference Proceedings , 20118th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, NUMISHEET 2011, 525-532 more…
- Characterisation of Phase Transformation Kinetics in Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) by In-Situ Neutron Diffraction. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2011), 201112.09.2011-15.09.2011, Montpellier more…
- In-Situ Measurement of the Phase Transformation Kinetics of Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI). 7th International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC'2011), Trans Tech Publications, 201101.08.2011-05.08.2011; Quebec more…
- Accurate determination of plastic yield curves and an approximation point for the plastic yield locus with the bulge test. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, ICTP 2011, 2011, 799-804 more…
- Herausforderungen bei der wirtschaftlichen Umsetzung von Mischbaukonzepten. Tagungsband, CBC 2011, 6. Chemnitzer Karosseriekolloquium, Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, 2011 more…
- New algorithm for a robust user-independent evaluation of beginning instability for the experimental FLC determination. International Journal of Material Forming 4 (3), 2011, 339-346 more…
- Evaluation of Experimental Forming Limit Curves and Investigation of Strain Rate Sensitivity for the Start of Local Necking. THE 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP ON NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF 3D SHEET METAL FORMING PROCESSES (NUMISHEET 2011) / AIP Conference Proceedings (AIP Conference Proceedings), AIP Publishing LLC, 2011Seoul (Republic of Korea); 21.08.2011-26.08.2011, 99-106 more…
- Model adaptivity for industrial application of sheet metal forming simulation. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 46 (7), 2010, 585-600 more…
- Numerical Methods for a Robust User-Independent Evaluation of Nakajima Tests for the FLC Determination. International Deep-Drawing Research Group , 2009Golden; Colorado; 01.06.2009-03.06.2009, 437-448 more…
- Adaptive shell- solid coupling for industrial applications of sheet metal forming simulations. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2009 more…
- Limitations of standard material models for industrial applications. Proceedings of Forming Technology Forum 2009 for Constitutive Modeling of Kinematic and Anisotropic Hardening Effects for Ductile Materials, 2009Rüschlikon (Zürich); 05.05.2009-06.05.2009 more…
- Virtual engineering and planning process in sheet metal forming. Proceedings of the 7th European LS-Dyna Conference, DYNAmore, 2009Salzburg; 14.05.2009-15.05.2009 more…
- Automatic approach in the evaluation of the experimental FLC with a full 2D approach based on a time depending method. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes (Numisheet 2008), 2008Interlaken; 01.09.2008-05.09.2008, 279-284 more…
- Model adaptivity in the context of sheet metal forming. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simualtion of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes (Numisheet 2008), 2008Interlaken; 01.09.2008-05.09.2008, 455-460 more…
- Dimensional adaptivity in finite element simulation of sheet metal forming. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, IASS-IACM 2008: Spanning Nano to Mega, Curran Associates, Inc., 2008Ithaca; New York; 28.05.2008-31.05.2008 more…
- Cost effective strategy to predict formability in two-step sheet forming operations. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes (Numisheet 2008), 2008Interlaken; 01.09.2008-05.09.2008, 265-269 more…
- Virtual Forming Limit Curves. Part A: Physical Tryout report. The Numisheet 2008 Benchmark Study, 2008, 3-9 more…
- Simulation des Materialversagens bei der Blechumformung unter industriellen Rahmenbedingungen. Tagungsband des Workshops Umformsimulation, 2008 more…
- Virtual Forming Limit Curves. Part B: Benchmark Analysis. The Numisheet 2008 Benchmark Study (2008), 2008, 11-19 more…
- An unified approach to multiscale simulation and dimensional adaptivity: basic principles and industrial applications. Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, CIMNE, 200721.05.2007-23.05.2007 more…
- High order thin-walled solid finite elements applied to elastic spring-back computations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 195 (41-43), 2006, 5377-5389 more…
- New experimental and numerical approach in the evaluation of the FLDs with a FE-method. FLC-Zürich 2006; Proceedings of Forming Technology Forum 2006 for Numerical and Experimental Methods in Prediction of Forming Limits in Sheet Forming and Tube Hydroforming Processes, 2006Rüschlikon; Zürich; 15.03.2006-16.03.2006 more…
- Adaptive p-FEM for springback analysis. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, 2005 more…
- High order finite elements applied to the computation of elastic spring back in sheet metal forming. MATERIALS PROCESSING AND DESIGN: MODELING, SIMULATION AND APPLICATIONS, PTS 1 AND 2 / 8th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes (AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS), AMERICAN INSTITUTE PHYSICS, 2004Columbus; 13.06.2004-17.06.2004, 946-951 more…
- Combination of optical measurement technique and virtual process optimisation in sheet metal forming. Proceedings of the VIIth International Conference of Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS), 2003Barcelona; 07.04.2003-10.04.2003 more…
- Application of Simualtion Tools for Rapid Prototyping and Virtual Try-out. Proceedings International Conference on Accuracy in Forming Technology (ICAFT), Wissenschaftliche Scripten, 2003Chemnitz; 14.10.2003-15.10.2003 more…
- Neue Wege der virtuellen Prozessabsicherung in der Bauteilentstehungsphase. Proceedings „Neuere Entwicklungen in der Blechumformung“, 2002Fellbach; 04.06.2002-05.06.2002 more…
- Virtuelle Prozessentwicklung von Presswerkzeugen im industriellen Umfeld. 17. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover; Umformtechnik – Erschließung wirtschaftlicher und technologischer Potenziale, 2002Hannover; 27.02.2002-28.02.2002 more…
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- Analogiebetrachtungen für mikropolare Kontinua mit Anwendung auf den Biaxialversuch. Zur Beschreibung komplexen Materialverhaltens, Beiträge anlässlich des 50. Geburtstags von Herrn Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Ehlers, Institut für Mechanik (Lehrstuhl), 2001, 189-206 more…
- From discrete element simulations to a continuum model. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2000, 2000 more…
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- Localization Phenomena in Liquid-Saturated and Empty Porous Solids. Transport in Porous Media 34 (1-3), 1999, 159-177 more…
- On the regularization of shear band phenomena in liquid-saturated and empty soils. Nonlocal aspects in solid mechanics, Proceedings of the EUROMECH-Colloquium 378, 1998, 58-63 more…
- Die Bedeutung der Kompatibilitätsbedingung für mikropolare, elastisch-plastische Reibungsmaterialien. Große plastische Formänderungen - Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Mechanik der Ruhr Universität Bochum; Heft 114, Ruhr Universität Bochum, 1998, 23-26 more…
- Deformation and compatibility for elasto-plastic micropolar materials with application to geomechanical problems. JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV 8 (PR8), 1998, 127-134 more…
- Regularization of shear band phenomena in saturated and empty frictional granular porous solid materials. Keynote lectures of the Biot-Conference on Poromechanics, 1998Louvain-la-Neuve; 14.09.1998-16.09.1998 more…
- Fundamental considerations on the numerical investigation of shear band phenomena in saturated and non-saturated frictional porous materials. Computational Mechanics: New Trends and Applications, Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (CIMNE), CIMNE, 1998Buenos Aires; 29.06.1998-02.07.1998 more…
- The shear band problem in soil-structure interaction. Proceedings of the International Conference on Soil-Structure Interaction in urban civil engineering (COST C7), Darmstadt University of Technology, 1998Darmstadt; 08.10.1998-09.10.1998 more…
- Lokalisierung in mikropolaren fluid-gesättigten Böden. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 78, 1998, 365-366 more…
- On theoretical and numerical methods in the Theory of Porous Media based on polar and non-polar elasto-plastic solid materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures 35 (34-35), 1998, 4597-4617 more…
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- On shear band localization phenomena induced by elasto-plastic consolidation of fluid-saturated soils. Proceeding of the Computational Plasticity - Fundamentals and Applications (COMPLAS), 1997Barcelona; 17.03.1997-20.03.1997, 1657-1664 more…
- Cosserat-Theorie für gesättigte poröse Festkörper. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 77 Supplement 1, 1997, 83-84 more…
- On shear band localization phenomena of liquid-saturated granular elastoplastic porous solid materials accounting for fluid viscosity and micropolar solid rotations. Mechanics of Cohesive-frictional Materials 2 (4), 1997, 301-320 more…
- Elastoplastisches Stoffverhalten beim Konsolidationsproblem. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 76 Supplement 5, 1996, 119-120 more…