- Innovative measurement technique to determine equibiaxial flow curves of sheet metals using a modified Nakajima test. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Elsevier Ltd, 2018, 265–268 mehr…
- Advances in Characterization of Sheet Metal Materials. 36th IDDRG Conference Materials Modelling and Testing for Sheet Metal Forming, 2017 mehr…
- Investigation and Compensation of Biaxial Pre-strain During the Standard Nakajima- and Marciniak-test Using Generalized Forming Limit Concept. Procedia Engineering 207, 2017, 568-573 mehr…
- Material testing and process control: Anachronism or future challenge for the German automotive industry with respect to industry 4.0? Proceedings of the 8th Zwick Academia Day 2017, 2017 mehr…
- Evaluation of non-linear strain paths using Generalized Forming Limit Concept and a modification of the Time Dependent Evaluation Method. International Journal of Material Forming, 2016 mehr…
- Experimental prediction of sheet metal formability of AW-5754 for non-linear strain paths by using a cruciform specimen and a blank holder with adjustable draw beads on a sheet metal testing machine. International Journal of Material Forming, 2016 mehr…
- Advanced Methods in Sheet Metal Testing - Material Characterization and Prediction of Local Properties. Advanced Methods in Material Testing for Sheet Metal Forming, Institute of Metal Forming and Casting, Technical University of Munich , 20169th Forming Technology Forum 2016 , 3-8 mehr…
- Prediction of formability for multi-linear strain paths. Advanced constitutive models in sheet metal forming, 2015, 59-64 mehr…
- Advanced Failure Prediction in Sheet Metal Forming. Advanced constitutive models in sheet metal forming, Institute of Virtual Manufacturing, ETH Zurich, 20158th Forming Technology Forum Zurich 2015, 43-47 mehr…
- Neue Methodik zur Vorhersage des Materialversagens bei nicht-linearen Dehnwegen. 35. EFB-Kolloquium 2015 Intermezzo der hybriden Werkstofflösungen, 2015, 201-214 mehr…