- Hybrid joining of cast aluminum and sheet steel through compound sand casting and induction heating to enable thin-walled lightweight structures. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 324, 2024, 118261 mehr…
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- Deviation compensation in LPBF series production]{Deviation compensation in LPBF series production via statistical predeformation and structural pattern analysis} (accepted). Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2023 mehr…
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- An artificial neural network approach on crystal plasticity for material modelling in macroscopic simulations. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1284 (1), 2023, 012052 mehr…
- Impact of the process velocities on the quality of free-form bent parts. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1284 (1), 2023, 012061 mehr…
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- Three-Dimensional Control Point Based Surface Description for Data Reduction, Reverse Engineering and Springback Compensation in Sheet Metal Forming. In: The Minerals, Metals &Materials Series. Springer International Publishing, 2022 mehr…
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- In-situ analysis of the thermoelastic effect and its relation to the onset of yielding of low carbon steel. Materials & Design 219, 2022, 110753 mehr…
- Springback and compensation in sheet metal forming reconsidered as an ill-posed problem. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1157 (1), 2021, 12044 mehr…
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- Temperature-based determination of the onset of yielding using a new clip-on device for tensile tests. 18th International Conference on Sheet Metal, SHEMET, 2019, 490-497 mehr…
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- Investigation on strain dependent elastic behavior for accurate springback analysis. Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 1063, 2018 mehr…
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- Process-integrated Compensation of Geometrical Deviations for Bulk Forming. International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity, Elsevier, 2017, 466-471 mehr…
- Individualized sheet metal part manufacturing by an incremental free-forming process. Korea-Workshop, Sogang University (Seoul); KAIST (Daejeon), 2017 mehr…
- Determination of crystallographic young’s modulus for sheet metals by in situ neutron diffraction. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 896, 2017, 012123 mehr…
- New Strategy for Prevention and Compensation of Springback for Metal Forming Applications. HxGN LIVE 2017, 2017 mehr…
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- Advanced Methods in Sheet Metal Testing - Material Characterization and Prediction of Local Properties. Advanced Methods in Material Testing for Sheet Metal Forming, Institute of Metal Forming and Casting, Technical University of Munich , 20169th Forming Technology Forum 2016 , 3-8 mehr…