Dr.-Ing. David Jocham


  • Volk, W; Feistle, M.; Gaber, C.; Hammer, T.; Heilmeier, F.; Jocham, D.; Kopp, T.; Stahl, J.; Weinschenk, A.: Material testing and process control: Anachronism or future challenge for the German automotive industry with respect to industry 4.0? Proceedings of the 8th Zwick Academia Day 2017, 2017 mehr…
  • Volk, W.; Eder, M.; Feistle, M.; Gaber, C.; Jocham, D.; Pätzold, I.; Vitzthum, S.; Weinschenk, A.: Advances in Characterization of Sheet Metal Materials. 36th IDDRG Conference Materials Modelling and Testing for Sheet Metal Forming, 2017 mehr…
  • Jocham, D.; Volk, W.: Numerical determination of the onset of local necking using time dependent evaluation method and dynamic material parameters. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 734 032015 734, 2016, 032015 mehr…
  • Gaber, C.; Jocham, D.; Weiss, H. A.; Böttcher, O.; Volk, W.: Evaluation of non-linear strain paths using Generalized Forming Limit Concept and a modification of the Time Dependent Evaluation Method. International Journal of Material Forming, 2016 mehr…
  • Jocham, D.; Norz, R.; Volk, W.: Strain rate sensitivity of DC06 for high strains under biaxial stress in hydraulic bulge test and under uniaxial stress in tensile test. International Journal of Material Forming, 2016 mehr…
  • Jocham, D.; Gaber, C.; Böttcher, O.; Wiedemann, P.; Volk, W.: Experimental prediction of sheet metal formability of AW-5754 for non-linear strain paths by using a cruciform specimen and a blank holder with adjustable draw beads on a sheet metal testing machine. International Journal of Material Forming, 2016 mehr…
  • Jocham, D.; Vitzthum, S.; Takahashi, S.; Weinschenk, A.; Volk, W.: Yield locus determination of DX56 on a testing apparatus with link mechanism using thermoelectrical effect and equivalent plastic work. 9th Forming Technology Forum 2016, 2016, 81-86 mehr…
  • Volk, W.; Hartmann, C.; Feistle, M.; Gaber, C.; Jocham, D.; Weiss, H. A.: Advanced Methods in Sheet Metal Testing - Material Characterization and Prediction of Local Properties. Advanced Methods in Material Testing for Sheet Metal Forming, Institute of Metal Forming and Casting, Technical University of Munich , 20169th Forming Technology Forum 2016 , 3-8 mehr…
  • Volk, W.; Opritescu, D.; Jocham, D.: Prediction of formability for non-linear deformation history and press hardening processes. Plastic Behavior of Conventional and Advanced Materials: Theory, Experiment, and Modeling, NEAT PRESS, 2015, 175-177 mehr…
  • Jocham, D.; Baumann, M.; Volk, W.: Optimierung einer Probenform für den Kreuzzugversuch zur Bestimmung der Grenzformänderung. Material Testing, Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. Kg, 2015, 205-214 mehr…
  • Jocham, D.; Gaber, C.; Böttcher, O.; Volk, W.: Prediction of formability for multi-linear strain paths. Advanced constitutive models in sheet metal forming, 2015, 59-64 mehr…
  • Volk, W.; Jocham, D.; Gaber, C.; Böttcher, O.: Neue Methodik zur Vorhersage des Materialversagens bei nicht-linearen Dehnwegen. 35. EFB-Kolloquium 2015 Intermezzo der hybriden Werkstofflösungen, 2015, 201-214 mehr…
  • Volk W., Böttcher O., Feistle M., Gaber C., Jocham D.: Advanced Failure Prediction in Sheet Metal Forming. Advanced constitutive models in sheet metal forming, Institute of Virtual Manufacturing, ETH Zurich, 20158th Forming Technology Forum Zurich 2015, 43-47 mehr…
  • Volk, Wolfram; Jocham, David: Verschleißverhalten von Guss- und Sondergusswerkstoffen beim Schneiden – Ergebnisse eines Vorhabens der industriellen Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF). Europäische Forschungsgesellschaft für Blechverarbeitung e.V., 2014, mehr…
  • Jocham, D.; Sunderkötter, C.; Helmholz, R.; Marusch, H.-E.; Volk, W.: Failure Prediction in direct press hardening through virtual forming limit curves based on measurable material properties. Warm and Hot Forming, 2014Proceedings of the 7th Forming Technology Forum, 75-80 mehr…
  • Jocham, D.; Golle, R.; Volk, W.: Wear behavior of austempered ductile Iron (ADI) in cutting and forming tools. IDDRG 2014 - Innovations for the sheet metal industry, 2014, 393-398 mehr…
  • Jocham, David; Bednarz, Martin; Volk, Wolfram: Steigerung der Produktivität durch den Einsatz von ADI als Werkzeugwerkstoff. Umformen, Schneiden, Verbinden im Leichtbau, 2013 mehr…
  • Jocham, D.; Bednarz, M.; Volk, W.: Steigerung der Produktivität durch den Einsatz von ADI als Werkzeugwerkstoff. 34. EFB Kolloquium / Tagungsband T36 EFB Kolloquium 04/13, 2013, 99-111 mehr…
  • Volk, W.; Weiss, H.; Jocham, D.; Suh, J.: Phenomenological and numerical description of localized necking using generalized forming limit concept. IDDRG Proceedings 2013, Towards Zero Failure Production Methods by Advanced Modeling Techniques and a Process Integrated Virtual Control, 2013, 16-21 mehr…


  • Jocham, D.:
    Optimization of Cruciform Specimen for Biaxial Tensile Test Seminar on Advanced Sheet Metal Forming Measurement,
    Wuhan Iron & Steel Co (WISCO), Wuhan, 27.03.2014
  • Jocham, D.; Baumann, M.; Volk, W.:
    Optimierung einer Probengeometrie für den Kreuzzugversuch
    22. testXpo, Zwick/Roell, Ulm, 17.10.2013
  • Jocham, D.:
    Cutting Simulation - Opportunities and Limits
    2nd UTG-NSMLAB Workshop, Sogang Unversity, Seoul, 24.07.2013
  • Volk, W.; Waadt, G.; Maier-Komor, P.; Jocham, D.:
    3D-Simulation of Die Life
    17th Mint Directors' Conference 2012: Tradition meets Inovation,
    XXVII MDC, Vienna 2012