
Lorenz Maier - Winner of the EFB Project Award 2024

This year's project award winners were also honored during the celebration of the EFB's 75th anniversary in Würzburg. We are delighted to be among the winners again. Lorenz Maier impressed the jury with his research work on the development of a tryout manager for sheet metal forming.

Lorenz Maier wird von K. Linnig die Urkunde zum EFB Projektpreis 2024 überreicht.
© fotografie-grasser für EFB

By using the Tryout Manager, the training period in toolmaking is shorter and therefore more efficient. The integration of simulation data, the use of a mathematical surface description using B-spline surfaces and the systematic analysis of deviations in deterministic and stochastic distributions are central aspects of the project. The required data volumes are so small that statistical analyses can be carried out without having to rely on extensive computing times.
The Tryout Manager is therefore particularly suitable for use in small and medium-sized companies.

The results were published in German language in EFB Research Report No. 602.
Lorenz Maier has been part of the forming group at utg since 2021, where he conducts research specifically on material characterization and modelling.