Maximilian Erber, M.Sc.

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Telefon:   +49 89 289 - 14541
Raum:     0416

Forschungs- und Arbeitsschwerpunkte



  • Scandola, Lorenzo; Erber, Maximilian; Hagenlocher, Philipp; Steinlehner, Florian; Volk, Wolfram: Reconstruction of the bending line for free-form bent components extracting the centroids and exploiting NURBS curves. Graphical Models 135, 2024, 101227 mehr…


  • Bauer, Constantin; Erber, Maximilian; Fuchs, Georg; Brügge, Tobias; Hartmann, Christoph; Volk, Wolfram: Analysis of the melting and solidification process of aluminum in a mirror furnace using Fiber-Bragg-Grating and numerical models. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1281 (1), 2023, 012063 mehr…
  • Erber, Maximilian; Rosnitschek, Tobias; Bauer, Constantin; Ali Güldali, Muhammet; Alber-Laukant, Bettina; Tremmel, Stephan; Volk, Wolfram; Hartmann, Christoph: Predicting the local solidification time using spherical neural networks. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1281 (1), 2023, 012037 mehr…
  • Rosnitschek, Tobias; Erber, Maximilian; Hartmann, Christoph; Alber-Laukant, Bettina; Volk, Wolfram; Tremmel, Stephan: Integrating Geometric Metamodel-Assisted Process Assurance into Topology Optimization of Low-Pressure Die Castings. In: Proceedings of the Munich Symposium on Lightweight Design 2022. Springer International Publishing, 2023 mehr…


  • Erber, Maximilian; Rosnitschek, Tobias; Hartmann, Christoph; Alber-Laukant, Bettina; Tremmel, Stephan; Volk, Wolfram: Geometry-based Assurance of Directional Solidification for Complex Topology-optimized Castings using the Medial Axis Transform. Computer-Aided Design 152, 2022, 103394 mehr…


  • Rosnitschek, Tobias; Erber, Maximilian; Hartmann, Christoph; Volk, Wolfram; Rieg, Frank; Tremmel, Stephan: Combining Structural Optimization and Process Assurance in Implicit Modelling for Casting Parts. Materials 14 (13), 2021, 3715 mehr…


  • Landesberger, M.; Koos, R.; Erber, M.; Pernumian, M.; Masaggia, S.; Hoelzel, M.; Volk, W.: Phase transition and microstructure investigation of perferritic isothermed ductile iron (IDI). International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 2020 mehr…