- Intelligente Automatisierte Angebotserstellung zur Termingerechten Fertigung mittels Agenten Systemen. VDI-Kongress AUTOMATION (VDI KA), 2023 more…
- Benchmark and design support for demand-oriented cloud-communication architectures of Cyber-physical Production Systems. 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), 2023 more…
- Inconsistency Management in Heterogeneous Engineering Data in Intralogistics Based on Coupled Metamodels. Automatisierungstechnik 71 (5), 2023, 364--379 more…
- Execution Time Oriented Design of an Adaptive Controller for Mobile Machines. 21st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN'23, 2023 more…
- Shared-Control Ansatz zur Operator-KI Interaktion für die Großbaumaschinensteuerung. VDI-Kongress AUTOMATION (VDI KA), 2023 more…
- Synthetic Data Generation for the Enrichment of Civil Engineering Machine Data. CLEaR 2023 -- Construction Logistics, Equipment, and Robotics, 2023 more…
- Execution Time Measurement of Narma-L2 Neural Controller Training on Embedded Devices for Mobile Machines. 22nd IFAC World Congress (IFAC), 2023 more…
- Delay Modelling and Measurement of Multi-Agent Systems with Digital Twins in a Gear Assembly Use Case. 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2023 more…
- Formalizing Selected Mechatronic Component's Constraints in SysML Models. 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), 2023 more…
- Towards a Graphical Modelling Tool for Response-Time Requirements based on Soft and Hard Real-time Capabilities in Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems. Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics (JESTIE) 3 (3), 2022, 13--22 more…
- Performance Evaluation of AI Algorithms on Heterogeneous Edge Devices for Manufacturing. 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2022 more…
- Educate complex C programming artefacts for robotics to mechanical engineers freshmen -- Array, Pointer, Loop. 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2022 more…
- BPMN++ to Support Managing Organizational, Multiteam and Systems Engineering Aspects in Cyber Physical Production Systems Design and Operation. Design Science 8 (8), 2022, 1--30 more…
- Konsistenzmanagement zum optimierten Data Management als Basis zur Anwendung von Data Science im Produktlebenszyklus von Materialflusssystemen. Logistics Journal 2022 (-), 2022, 0--13 more…
- Data Science und Konsistenzmanagement im Produktlebenszyklus von Materialflusssystemen. 18. Fachkolloquium Logistik, 2022 more…
- Towards a Quantitative Time Analysis and Decision Support for the Deployment of AI-Algorithms in Distributed Cyber-Physical Production Systems. 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), 2021 more…
- Towards a Graphical Modelling Tool for Response-Time Requirements based on Soft and Hard Real-time Capabilities in Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics, 2021, 1-1 more…
- (Re)deployment of Smart Algorithms in Cyber–Physical Production Systems Using DSL4hDNCS. Proceedings of the IEEE 109 (4), 2021, 542-555 more…
- Modellkonsistenz in der Entwicklung von Materialflusssystemen - Eine Studie über Entwicklungswerkzeuge und Einflüsse auf den Produktentstehungsprozess. ZWF-Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 116 (11), 2021, 820--825 more…
- Dynamic Generation of Shop Floor Gateway Configurations from Standard System Engineering Models during Runtime. 14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2018 more…