Picture of Christina Harbauer-Rieß

M.Sc. Christina Harbauer-Rieß

Chair of Ergonomics (Prof. Bengler)

Postal address

Boltzmannstr. 15
85747 Garching b. München


Christina Harbauer studied mechatronics and information technology at the Technical University of Munich and wrote her bachelor thesis on human-machine interaction in collaborative robots. In her master's degree she also focused on automation technology and control engineering. She worked both in her term project and as a supporting assistant at the Chair of Ergonomics on the use and evaluation of body-worn lifting aids in load handling, also called exoskeletons.

Since December 2017, she is working as a research assistant at the Chair of Ergonomics, focusing on production ergonomics, in particular on the ergonomic development and evaluation of physical assistance systems and exoskeletons for use in an industrial environment.


Winter term 2023/24

Course no.TitleLecturer (assistant)
0000000412Production Ergonomics Exercise



  • Bengler, Klaus; Harbauer, Christina M.; Fleischer, Martin: Exoskeletons: A challenge for development. Wearable Technologies 4, 2023 more…


  • Harbauer, Christina M.; Fleischer, Martin; Bandmann, Cerys E. M.; Bengler, Klaus: Optimizing Force Transfer in a Soft Exoskeleton Using Biomechanical Modeling. In: Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). Springer International Publishing, 2021 more…
  • Harbauer, Christina M.; Fleischer, Martin; Nguyen, Thao; Kopfinger, Stefan; Bos, Fabian; Bengler, Klaus: Too Close to Comfort ? A New Approach of Designing a Soft Cable-driven Exoskeleton for Lifting Tasks under Ergonomic Aspects. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research Vol. 10 (No. 3), 2021, 99-106 more…
  • Harbauer, Christina M.; Fleischer, Martin; Sugiarto, Wahy Kassendra; Bengler, Klaus: Analyse der auftretenden Gelenkreaktionskräfte durch Nutzung eines weichen Exoskeletts mittels biomechanischer Simulation. GfA 67. Frühjahrkongress. Arbeitswissenschaftlichen Kongress, GfA-Press, 2021Dortmund, 3.-5.03.2021 more…
  • Uhl, Michael; Germann, René; Sänger, Johannes; Fleischer, Martin; Harbauer, Christina; Bengler, Klaus; Matthiesen, Sven: Research Approach for Predicting Body Postures and Musculoskeletal Stress Due to Disruptive Design Changes on Power Tools. In: Ahram, T.; Taiar, R. (Ed.): Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V IHIET 21. Springer International Publishing, 2021 more…


  • Harbauer, Christina M.; Fleischer, Martin; Nguyen, Thao; Bos, Fabian; Bengler, Klaus: Too Close to Comfort? A New Approach of Designing a Soft Cable-Driven Exoskeleton for Lifting Tasks under Ergonomic Aspects. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Robotic and Control Engineering (IRCE) 2020, XPlore Digital Library, 2020virtuell / Oxford UK more…
  • Harbauer, Christina; Fleischer, Martin; Neth, Sundaro; Bengler, Klaus: Literaturanalyse zur Kinematik von Exoskeletten. 66. Frühjahrskongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA) 2020, GfA-Press, 2020Berlin, Deutschland more…


  • Harbauer, Ch.; Knott, V.; Hergeth, L.; Bengler, K.: Kinematische Evaluation eines aktiven Exoskeletts. 65. Frühjahrkonferenz der GfA. Arbeit interdisziplinär analysieren - bewerten - gestalten, GfA Press, 2019Dresden more…


  • Schmidtler, J.; Harbauer, C.; Bengler, Klaus: Investigation of Human Behaviour in Pushing and Pulling Tasks for Direct Manipulation of a Collaborative Robot. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter 2014 Annual Conference, HFES, 2014Lisabon, Portugal more…