- Do methods work? On the correlation of method application, effort, and product quality. Proceedings of NordDesign 2024, 2024, 333-341 mehr…
- Computing solution spaces for gear box design. Proceedings of the Design Society, 2024 mehr…
- Improving sustainability of additive manufacturing processes based on digital twins – a case study. Proceedings of the Design Society, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2024, 2089-2098 mehr…
- Distributed design optimization of multi‑component systems using meta models and topology optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2024 mehr…
- High‑ratio planetary gearbox with EC gearing for robot applications. International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 2024 mehr…
- Learning by doing? The relationship between effort, learning effect and product quality during hackathons of novice teams. Design Science 10, 2024 mehr…
- Influences of different parameters on selected properties of gears for robot-like systems. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2024 mehr…
- Influences of different parameters on selected properties of gears for robot-like systems. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 11, 2024 mehr…
- Design and Validation Strategy for an X-Ray Target Subject to Ultra-High Heat Flux Loading. ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference 2024, 2024 mehr…
- Efficient numerical modelling of magnetophoresis in millifluidic systems. Lab on a Chip, 2024 mehr…
- Designing lab-on-a-chip systems with attribute dependency graphs. Proceedings of the Design Society, 2024 mehr…
- Efficient numerical modelling of magnetophoresis in millifluidic systems. Lab on a Chip, 2024 mehr…
- SysML’ – incorporating component properties in early design phases of automated production systems. at - Automatisierungstechnik 72 (1), 2024, 59-72 mehr…
- Topology optimisation of multiple robot links considering screw connections. Proceedings of the Design Society, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2024, 1879-1888 mehr…
- Flexibility Despite Dependencies And Constraints: Product Family Design With Solution-Compensation Spaces. 25th International DSM Conference (DSM 2023), The Design Society, 2023 mehr…
- On the Treatment of Requirements in DfAM: Three Industrial Use Cases. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED23), 2023, 10 mehr…
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- ON THE TREATMENT OF REQUIREMENTS IN DFAM: THREE INDUSTRIAL USE CASES. Proceedings of the Design Society 3, 2023, 2815-2824 mehr…
- Designing Variable Thickness Sheets for Additive Manufacturing Using Topology Optimization with Grey-Scale Densities. In: Industrializing Additive Manufacturing. Springer International Publishing, 2023 mehr…
- On the derivation of inequality constraints for independent component optimization maintaining a minimum system eigenfrequency. Journal of Sound and Vibration 565, 2023, 117892 mehr…
- VIBRATION REDUCTION BY TUNED MASS DAMPERS INSIDE CAVITIES OF TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZED LATTICE STRUCTURES. 24th International Conference on Engineering Design, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2023 mehr…
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- VIBRATION REDUCTION OF A HAMMER DRILL WITH A TOP-DOWN DESIGN METHOD. 24th International Conference on Engineering Design, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2023 mehr…
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- On the design of internal features for additive manufacturing. Tagungsband zum 11. Landshuter Leichtbau-Colloquium, 2023 mehr…
- Towards closed-walled designs in topology optimization using selective penalization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 66 (7), 2023 mehr…
- Computational Systems Design of Low-Cost Lightweight Robots. Robotics 12 (4), 2023, 91 mehr…
- Robust co-design of robots via cascaded optimisation. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), IEEE, 2023 mehr…
- A DIGITAL TWIN BUSINESS MODELLING APPROACH. Proceedings of the Design Society, Cambridge University Press, 2023International Conference of Engineering and Design, 121 - 130 mehr…
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- Coordination and complexity: an experiment on the effect of integration and verification in distributed design processes. Design Science 9, 2023 mehr…
- Requirement definition for a vibration source using transfer path analysis and solution spaces. Automotive Acoustic Conference 2023, 2023 mehr…
- Design of Vibrating Systems Using Solution Spaces. Machines 11 (6), 2023, 642 mehr…
- Automatic Design and Optimization of a Satellite Structure Using Parametric CAD Modeling. In: Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023 mehr…
- MBSE incorporating time-dependent behavior for the design of robot-like systems. International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), Cambridge University Press, 2023, 2585-2594 mehr…
- Design of an Autonomous Trash-Picking Service Robot Focussed on Human-Robot Interaction. Proceedings of the Design Society, Cambridge University Press (CUP) , 2022 mehr…
- Topology optimization subject to anisotropic stiffness constraints for the lightweight design of vibrating structures. International Conference On Noise and Vibration Engineering, 2022, 3437-3448 mehr…
- Estimation of Composite Laminate Ply Angles Using an Inverse Bayesian Approach Based on Surrogate Models. Design 2022, Cambridge University Press (CUP) , 2022 mehr…
- Systems Design Using Solution-Compensation Spaces with Built-In Tolerance Applied to Powertrain Integration. Design 2022, 2022 mehr…
- Active-Learning Combined with Topology Optimization for Top-Down Design of Multi-Component Systems. Proceedings of the Design Society, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2022, 1629-1638 mehr…
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- Warped Gaussian Processes for Prognostic Health Monitoring. Structural Health Monitoring 2021: Enabling Next-generation SHM for Cyber-Physical Systems, 2022 mehr…
- Comparison of Error Measures and Machine Learning Methods for Strain-Based Structural Health Monitoring. Structural Health Monitoring 2021: Enabling Next-generation SHM for Cyber-Physical Systems, 2022 mehr…
- On integrating prior knowledge into Gaussian processes for prognostic health monitoring. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (171), 2022, 108917 mehr…
- Material selection for extreme thermo-mechanical loads using design space projection: A concept study for an ultra-high power X-Ray source. NordDesign 2022, 2022 mehr…
- Topology optimization of periodically arranged components using shared design domains. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 65 (1), 2022 mehr…
- Attribute dependency graphs: modelling cause and effect in systems design. Design Science 8, 2022 mehr…
- Cost Optimization of Product Families Using Solution Spaces: Application to Early-Stage Electric Vehicle Design. Design 2022 , Cambridge University Press (CUP) , 2022 mehr…
- A systems design approach for the co-design of a humanoid robot arm. Workshop on Development and Design Pipelines - From first ideas to well-functioning robots, 2022 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2022), 2022 mehr…
- Einführung eines digitalen Zwillings in die technische Produktentwicklung – Ein Leitfaden für die industrielle Praxis - 3. überarbeitete Auflage. , Hrsg.: Viessmann Werke Allendorf GmbH, Lehrstuhl für Produktentwicklung und Leichtbau (Garching, Deutschland) , 2022, mehr…
- A Digital Twin Trust Framework for Industrial Application. INTERNATIONAL DESIGN CONFERENCE – DESIGN 2022, Cambridge University Press, 2022, 293 - 302 mehr…
- Heat management of a compact x‐ray source for microbeam radiotherapy and FLASH treatments. Medical Physics 49 (5), 2022, 3375-3388 mehr…
- Computing Component Requirements for Multiple Connected Transfer Paths of Structural Borne Noise. The 2022 Leuven Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, 2022 mehr…
- Formulating Engineering Systems Requirements. In: Handbook of Engineering Systems Design. Springer International Publishing, 2022 mehr…
- WHAT IS SUCCESSFUL PROTOTYPING? INSIGHTS FROM NOVICE DESIGNERS’ SELF-EVALUATION OF PROTOTYPING SUCCESS. Proceedings of the Design Society: Design in Motion, Cambridge University Press, 2021 mehr…
- Approximating solution spaces as a product of polygons. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2021 mehr…
- Decomposition and optimization of linear structures using meta models. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2021 mehr…
- A FUZZY FRONT-END PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK FOR START-UPS. Proceedings of the Design Society: Design in Motion, Cambridge University Press, 2021 mehr…
- A Role-Based Prototyping Approach for Human-Centered Design in Industry. In: Design for Tomorrow—Volume 2. Springer Singapore, 2021, 931-943 mehr…
- A model for the dynamic friction behaviour of rubber-like materials. Tribology International 164, 2021, 107220 mehr…
- Reinforcement Learning for Structural Health Monitoring based on Inspection Data. 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Materials Research Forum LLC, 2021, 203-210 mehr…
- Improving Production Efficiency with a Digital Twin Based on Anomaly Detection. Sustainability 13 (18), 2021, 10155 mehr…
- A Behavior-Centric Concept for Engineering Education in New Product Development. NordDesign , The Design Society, 2020 mehr…
- Optimizing Distributed Design Processes for Flexibility and Cost. 22nd International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference 2020, The Design Society , 2020 mehr…
- Optimizing Component Solution Spaces for Systems Design. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2020 mehr…
- Oberflächenmodellierung eines akustischen Metamaterials und Prototypaufbau mittels additiver Fertigung zur Geräuschreduktion. konstruktion für additive fertigung 2020, 2020 mehr…
- Modular Topology Optimization of a Humanoid Arm. 2020 3rd International Conference on Control and Robots (ICCR), IEEE, 2020 mehr…
- Utilizing artificial neural networks and design solution spaces to cope with the complexity in subframe design. 11th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2020, Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2020, 293-307 mehr…
- A Matrix-Based Blueprint for System Architecture Design – A Case Study with an Industrial Partner. Proceedings of the 22nd International DSM Conference (DSM 2020), The Design Society, 2020, 217-226 mehr…
- A Role-based Prototyping Approach for Human-Centred Design in Fuzzy Front-End Scenarios. NordDesign 2020, The Design Society, 2020 Lyngby, Denmark, 12th - 14th August 2020, 1-12 mehr…
- Crack Detection Zones: Computation and Validation. Sensors (20(9)), 2020 mehr…
- COST OPTIMIZATION OF PRODUCT FAMILIES USING SOLUTION SPACES. Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2020, 1087-1094 mehr…
- Sequencing of Information in Modular Model-based Systems Design. 22nd International Dependency and Structure Modelling Conference (DSM 2020), 2020 mehr…
- Conception of a Digital Twin in Mechanical Engineering - A Case Study in Technical Product Development. INTERNATIONAL DESIGN CONFERENCE – DESIGN 2020, 2020, 383-392 mehr…
- On the Treatment of Equality Constraints in Mechanical Systems Design Subject to Uncertainty. NordDesign 2020, The Design Society, 2020 mehr…
- What is a Digital Twin? - Definitions and Insights from an Industrial Case Study in Technical Product Development. INTERNATIONAL DESIGN CONFERENCE – DESIGN 2020, 2020, 757-766 mehr…
- Data-Driven Engineering – Definitions and Insights from an Industrial Case Study for a New Approach in Technical Product Development. NordDESIGN 2020, 2020 mehr…
- Current Challenges in the Design of Drives for Robot-Like Systems. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2020), 2020 mehr…
- A Role-Activity-Product Model to Simulate Distributed Design Processes. 22nd International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference 2020, The Design Society , 2020 mehr…
- Simulation of Gradient-Based Individual Design Behaviour in Distributed Development Processes. International Design Conference 2020 , 2020, 1579-1588 mehr…
- Set-based Design in Agile Development: Developing a Banana Sorting Module – A Practical Approach. IEEM 2019, 2019 mehr…
- Sequential Updating of Quantitative Requirements for Increased Flexibility in Robust Systems Design. International Conference on Engineering Design, 2019, 3531-3540 mehr…
- A sampling-based optimization algorithm for solution spaces with pair-wise-coupled design variables. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 60 (2), 2019, 501-512 mehr…
- Bio-Inspired Design for Additive Manufacturing - Case Study: Microtiter Plate. Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design , Cambridge University Press (CUP) , 2019, 289-298 mehr…
- Robust Design of a Complex, Perturbed Lateral Control System for Automated Driving. the 10th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, 2019 mehr…
- A Joint-Selective Robotic Gripper with Actuation Mode Switching. IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), IEEE, 2019 mehr…
- Strain-based Structural Health Monitoring: Computing Regions for Critical Crack Detection. Structural Health Monitoring 2019, Stanford University, DEStech Publications, 2019, 132-139 mehr…
- Mapping the Progress in Agile Product Development: A Multi-Case Study. Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2019ICED, 1215-1224 mehr…
- Modelling of the steering system and the tie rod force for the steering feel assessment in a driving simulator. 28th Aachen Colloquium Automobile and Engine Technology 2019, 2019 mehr…
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- Parametric Study on Thermal Properties of a PMSM Motor in Cryogenic Environment Using COMSOL Multiphysics®. Comsol Conference 2019 Cambridge, 2019 mehr…
- Using the Design Structure Matrix for Space System Design. Proceedings of the 21st International DSM Conference, The Design Society, 2019, 179-188 mehr…
- On the Optimal Decomposition of High-Dimensional Solution Spaces of Complex Systems. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems 4 (2), 2018, - mehr…
- Bionik - Potenziale für die Konstruktion additiv gefertigter Bauteile. Workshop "Konstruktion für die Additive Fertigung", 2018 mehr…
- Top-down development of controllers for highly automated driving using solution spaces. 9th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2018, Springer Vieweg, 2018, - mehr…
- Computing solution-compensation spaces using an enhanced Fourier-Motzkin algorithm. GAMM 2018, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, 2018, - mehr…
- Optimizing tolerance to uncertainty in systems design with early- and late-decision variables. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 2018 mehr…
- On the design of large systems subject to uncertainty. Journal of Engineering Design 28 (4), 2017, 233-254 mehr…
- Optimal decomposition of high dimensional solution spaces for robust design. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2016 mehr…
- Direct computation of solution spaces. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 55 (5), 2016, 1787-1796 mehr…
- On the computation of solution spaces in high dimensions. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 54 (4), 2016, 811-829 mehr…
- Optimizing suspension systems for feasibility, performance and cost. 13th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, 2016 mehr…
- NEW CHASSIS SYSTEMS AND METHODS – Resolving conflicts of goals in complex design processes – application to the design of engine mount systems. In: Proceedings. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2016 mehr…
- Optimizing suspension systems for feasibility, performance and cost. Advanced Vehicle Control: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control (AVEC'16), September 13-16, 2016, Munich, Germany, 2016 mehr…
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- Robust Design using classical optimization. PAMM 15 (1), 2015, 565-566 mehr…
- Concurrent design of vehicle tires and axles. In: 6th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2015. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015 mehr…
- Solution Spaces for Vehicle Concepts and Architectures. 24th Aachen Colloquium Automobile and Engine Technology, 2015 mehr…
- Solution spaces for damper design in vehicle dynamics. In: Proceedings. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2014 mehr…
- Solution spaces for damper design in vehicle dynamics. 5th International Munich Chassis Symposium, 2014 mehr…
- Identifying Key Parameters for Design Improvement in High-Dimensional Systems With Uncertainty. Journal of Mechanical Design 136 (4), 2014, 041007 mehr…
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