Patrick Carqueville | M.Sc. |
Room: | Hochbrück Parkring 35 Room 3.3.09 |
Email: | patrick.carqueville@tum.de |
Tel: | +49 (0) 89 289 10 353 |
Research Fields: | Measurement Technology and Algorithm Development, Material Sciences, Biomechanics |

Consultation hours:
Publications and Conference papers:
- Senner, V., Hermann, A., Carqueville, P. (2024). Mechatronic Ski Binding. In: Memmert, D. (eds) Sports Technology. Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-68703-1_9
- Hermann A, Christl V, Hastreiter V, Carqueville P, Ellenberger L, Senner V. Muscular Fatigue and Quadriceps-to-Hamstring Ratio in Alpine Skiing in Women over 40 Years. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023; 20(8):5486. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20085486
- Mitternacht J, Hermann A, Carqueville P. Acquisition of Lower-Limb Motion Characteristics with a Single Inertial Measurement Unit—Validation for Use in Physiotherapy. Diagnostics. 2022; 12(7):1640. https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics12071640
- Carqueville, P., Hermann, A., & Senner, V. (2022). Measuring skiing speed—Possibilities of machine learning. In ISEA 2022—The Engineering of Sport. Purdue University. https://doi.org/10.5703/1288284317556
- Baldinger, M., Carqueville, P., Geier, T., Schuster, C., Shu, J., Hermann, A., & Senner, V. (2022). Towards Quantifying Movements in Qigong. In ISEA 2022—The Engineering of Sport. Purdue University. http://dx.doi.org/10.5703/1288284317562
- Hermann, A., Baumeister, D., Carqueville, P., & Senner, V. (2022a). A fuzzy controller design for a mechatronic ski binding. In Proceedings Engineering of Sport 14th Conference, Perdue Lafayette.
- Hermann, A., Carqueville, P., Baldinger, M., & Senner, V. (2021). Measuring pressure in different layers of the ski boot to estimate skiing movements. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (pp. 28–35). SCITEPRESS—Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.5220/0010650700003059
- Krollmann, J., Alvarado, C. S., Carqueville, P., Snajdr, R., Zaremba, S., & Drechsler, K. (2016). Hybrid-matrix processing: How to co-inject multiple resin systems into one composite part. In ECCM17-17th European Conference on Composite Materials. - Download
- "Mechatronic Ski Binding" - sponsored by the Bayerische Forschungsstiftung BFS
- ZIM - MotiTRAIN - interactive, digital fitness coach to increase motivation and correct movement through precise motion capture and visual and tactile feedback
- eXprt - Exoskeleton and Wearables Enhanced Prevention and Treatment
Supervised student works:
- Analysis of stroke-related hemiparesis using IMU technologies and the provision of a suitable training methodology, Interdisciplinary Project, Daniel Homm, Zekun Jiao, Jessica Fella & Valentin Mohr, 2023.
Mechatronische Skibindung:
- Anomaly Detection of Skiing Scenarios Based on Inertial Sensors: An Exploration as Foundation for a New Control System of a Mechatronic Ski Binding, Bachelorarbeit, Ann-Kathrin Najda, 2024.
- Development and Sensitivity Analysis of a Fuzzy Logic Controller for Predicting ACL Injury Risk Values: a Study Using a Ski-Equipped Leg Surrogate, Masterarbeit, Nicolò Guidolin, 2024.
- Development of a Ski Boot Sensor System Including Software for Detecting Forward and Backward Moments in Alpine Skiing, Leilani Tam von Burg, 2023.
- Development of an IMU-based Pants System for Real-time Determination of Knee angles, Masterarbeit, Hichem Mestiri, 2021.
- Calibration and validation of a measuring binding in alpine skiing to determine the tibial moment, Masterarbeit, Florian Reiter, 2021.
- Speed measurement during skiing with IMU and GNSS receiver - An overview of modern sensor technologies and future challenges, Semesterarbeit, Jürgen Köstlbacher, 2021.
- Integration of a Battery for a Winter Sports Application and Development of Concepts to Guarantee the Function under Extreme Environmental Conditions, Masterarbeit, Roland Lindner, 2021.
- Machine Learning Classification of Qigong Exercises Using IMU Data, Interdisziplinäres Projekt, Jonas Dunkel, Arina Mironova & Philipp Ehrle, 2022.
- Quantifying Qigong to develop a feedback system, Interdisziplinäres Projekt, Vera Christl, Andreas Liebl & Lea Spierer, 2022.
- Bench press – training and feedback system - collection of parameters and joint angles for error detection in bench press, Interdisziplinäres Projekt, Moritz Büttner, Nina Koller Michael Oberauer & Verena Pongratz, 2022.
- Gamification approach to capture implicit motives in sport, Semesterarbeit, Peter Emmerich, 2021.
- Quantification of Bench Press Kinematics using IMU-Sensors, Bachelorarbeit, Anna Efa, 2021.
- Movement analysis bench press - comparison of kinematic parameters of the bench press movement between expert and beginner using optical methods, Bachelorarbeit, Michael Domes, 2021.
Visual Augmentation To Improve Bench Pressing Form, Bachelorarbeit, Jonas Helms, 2019.
Further Topics:
- Development and validation of a respiratory measurement system for the qualification of thoracic and abdominal respiratory parameters, Bachelorarbeit, Lucas Horch, 2024.
- Portable and Affordable Golf Swing Analysis System Utilizing Club mounted Inertial Measurement Units, Masterarbeit, Jonas Dunkel, 2023.
- Deep Learning-based Motion Capture Systems - A Study on Performance-Efficient and Cost-Effective 3D Pose Estimation for Home Use, Semesterarbeit, Paul Kölschbach 2023.
- Further Development And Commissioning Of Instrumented Climbing Holds For Training Analysis, Bachelorarbeit, Maria Hecht, 2022.
- Development of a navigation bracelet with tactile feedback for ski touring, Interdisziplinäres Projekt, Jan Ahlbrecht, 2022.
- UX and UI Design of a Navigation Concept for Backcountry Ski Tours, Masterarbeit, Christopher Heiduk, 2020.
- Gait analysis during ski touring, Interdisziplinäres Projekt, Léonie BONAUER, Hendrik CECH, Diana ROTTENAICHER & Moritz THALMAYR, 2020.
Visual Augmentation To Improve Bench Pressing Form, Bachelorarbeit, Jonas Helms, 2019.
Doctoral projects:
Project title | Begin | Faculty | Doctorfather/mother | Mentor | |
Human Motion Anomaly Detection - Towards Explainable Systems | 10.2019 | Mechanical Engineering | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Veit Senner | Dr.-Ing. Aljoscha Hermann |
Lectures / assistant lectures:
- Introduction into LabView (VO: Sports Engineering)
Academic degree or title:
M.Sc. (TUM) Technology and Management (2016-2019)
B.Sc. (TUM) Technology and Management (2011-2016)
Tabular resume:
10.2019 | Research Associate, Professorship of Sport Equipment and Materials, Technical University Munich |