Patrick Carqueville M.Sc.
Room: Hochbrück Parkring 35 Room 3.3.09
Tel: +49 (0) 89 289 10 350
Research Fields: Measurement Technology and Algorithm Development, Material Sciences, Biomechanics 

Consultation hours:


Academic degree or title:

M.Sc. (TUM) Technology and Management (2016-2019)

B.Sc. (TUM) Technology and Management (2011-2016)


Tabular resume:

10.2019 Research Associate, Professorship of Sport Equipment and Materials, Technical University Munich






  • "Mechatronic Ski Binding" - sponsored by the Bayerische Forschungsstiftung BFS (Project Start, approximately in Oktober 2019)


Supervised student works:


Lectures / assistant lectures:


Doctoral projects:

Project title Begin Faculty Doctorfather/mother Mentor  
      Prof. Dr.-Ing. Veit Senner