Associate Professorship of Sport Equipment and Sport Materials
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Sportl. (Univ.) Veit Senner
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Technical University of Munich
Boltzmannstraße 15
D–85747 Garching
Building Part 3; 3rd Floor
(For sending a package/Delivery: D-85748 Garching)
Phone Office
+49 89 289 15366 (Ms. Chiritescu-Kretsch, M.A.)
Fax Message
+49 89 289 15389
For general consulting contact otherwise please contact our staff.
Consultation hours:
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Sportl. (Univ.) Veit Senner:
Tuesdays 16:00–17:00 CET
Room 3336
Please register for an appointment by consulting Ms. Chriritescu-Kretsch (via Email: or phone call +49 89 289 15366) in advance!
Route directions (graphic design) to the TUM main campus in Garching (called "Forschungszentrum TUM"):
Route direction (descriptive) to the TUM main campus in Garching (called "Forschungzentrum TUM")
Arriving by car
From the highway A9 take the exit Garching Nord and follow the signs in the direction "Forschungszentrum TUM"). Reaching the traffic light cross the B11 highway. You can find the parking lots west from the faculty building and also directly at the Boltzmanstrasse (liable for parking fee). Information for Delivery service The entrance for goods is at the Boltzmanstrasse opposite to the subway (U-Bahn) station. Drive right up to the barrier and ring the bell. The porter will open you.
Arriving by airplane
From the airport take the S-Bahn S1 to the station Neufahrn. Change there to the regional bus 690 in the direction Garching Forschungszentrum. The ride takes around 40 minutes.
Arriving by train/Metro (Underground)
Arriving at the Munich Central station (Hauptbahnhof), take one of the rapid-transit railways (S-Bahn) that are driving in the direction to "Ostbahnhof". Arriving at Marienplatz change S-Bahn to Underground (Metro line U6) in the direction "Garching Forschungszentrum" up to the last station. The ride takes around 30 minutes.
When entering the main entrance of the Mechanical Engineering building (have a look at the graphical design), go straight through the corridor until you reach element 3 to your left. The secretariat is located on the 3rd floor (Room 3335).
Professorship for Sport Equipment and Sport Materials at Campus Garching-Hochbrück -
Biomechanics Laboratory:
D-85748 Garching-Hochbrück
Parkring 35, 3rd floor
Contacts: M.Sc. Aljoscha Hermann; M.Sc. Bahador Keshvari
Find enclosed our travel directions to Campus Garching-Hochbrück also in pdf-format.