TUM-internal Cooperations

Department for Prevention, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Faculty of Sports- and Health Sciences (Prof. Dr.med. Martin Halle)

Name of cooperating partner:Department for Prevention, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Faculty of Sports- and Health Sciences (Prof. Dr.med. Martin Halle)
Legal structure:TUM in-house
Type of cooperation:
  • student exchange / internships / Master’s and Bachelor’s thesis
  • common research / development / PhD-projects
  • frequent knowledge and information exchange
Additional Information:Our contact person: Dr.-med. Johannes Scherr

University / University of Applied Science National

Chemnitz University of Technology, Professorship of Sports Equipment & Technology, Chemnitz, Germany

Name of cooperating partner: Chemnitz University of Technology, Professorship of Sports Equipment & Technology, Chemnitz, Germany
Legal structure: University / University of Applied Science National
Homepage: http://www.sportgeraete-technik.de
Type of cooperation:
  • student exchange / internships / Master’s and Bachelor’s thesis
  • common research / development / PhD-projects
  • frequent knowledge and information exchange
Additional Information:

Our contact person: Prof. Dr. Stephan Odenwald

Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Faculty of Human Sciences – Sport Science, Magdeburg, Germany

Name of cooperating partner:Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Faculty of Human Sciences – Sport Science, Magdeburg, Germany
Legal structure:University / University of Applied Science National
Type of cooperation:
  • student exchange / internships / Master’s and Bachelor’s thesis
  • frequent knowledge and information exchange
Additional Information:

Our contact person: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Witte


Deutsche Hochschule für Prävention und Gesundheitsmanagement GmbH

Name of cooperating partner:Deutsche Hochschule für Prävention und Gesundheitsmanagement GmbH
Legal structure:University / University of Applied Science National
Type of cooperation:
  • teaching / guest lectures
  • common research / development / PhD-projects
  • frequent knowledge and information exchange
  • others
Additional Information:Major common research topic: Sustainability in fitness and related services

Hochschule Reutlingen

Name of cooperating partner:Hochschule Reutlingen
Legal structure:University / University of Applied Science National
Type of cooperation:
  • student exchange / internships / Master’s and Bachelor’s thesis
  • common research / development / PhD-projects
Additional Information:

Development of technical textures


University / University of Applied Sciences International

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, School of Fashion and Textiles, Melbourne, Australia

Name of cooperating partner:

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, School of Fashion and Textiles, Melbourne, Australia

Legal structure:University / University of Applied Science National
Type of cooperation:
  • student exchange / internships / Master’s and Bachelor’s thesis
  • common research / development / PhD-projects frequent
  • knowledge and information exchange
Additional Information:Our contact at RMIT: Assoc. Prof. Olga Troynikov, MSc PhD 

Aalborg University, Department of Health Science and Technology, Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction, Aaalborg, Denmark

Name of cooperating partner:Aalborg University, Department of Health Science and Technology, Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction, Aaalborg, Denmark
Legal structure:University / University of Applied Science National
Type of cooperation:
  • student exchange / internships / Master’s and Bachelor’s thesis
  • common research / development / PhD-projects
  • frequent knowledge and information exchange
Additional Information:Our contact person: Prof. Dr. Uwe Kersting

Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Sports Engineering Research Sheffield, England

Name of cooperating partner:Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Sports Engineering Research Sheffield, England
Legal structure:University / University of Applied Science National
Type of cooperation:
  • student exchange / internships / Master’s and Bachelor’s thesis
  • common research / development / PhD-projects
  • frequent knowledge and information exchange
Additional Information:Our contact person: Dr. David James

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Name of cooperating partner:University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Legal structure:University / University of Applied Science National
Type of cooperation:
  • common research / development / PhD-projects frequent
  • knowledge and information exchange
Additional Information:Our contact person: Prof. Dr. Matej Supej

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (ETH), Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering Design and Computing, Zürich, Switzerland

Name of cooperating partner:Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (ETH), Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering Design and Computing, Zürich, Switzerland
Legal structure:University / University of Applied Science National
Type of cooperation:
  • teaching / guest lectures
Additional Information:Our contact person: Prof. Kristina Shea, Ph.D., M.Sc.

University of Sydney, Faculty of Health Sciences, Sydney, Australia

Name of cooperating partner:University of Sydney, Faculty of Health Sciences, Sydney, Australia
Legal structure:University / University of Applied Science International
Type of cooperation:
  • student exchange / internships / Master’s and Bachelor’s thesis
  • frequent knowledge and information exchange
Additional Information:

Our contact at USyd: Dr. Ollie Jay

Research projects in human thermoregulation und environmental ergonomics


Association / Society / Organization

Deutscher Alpenverein e.V. (DAV) - German Alpine Association

Name of cooperating partner:Deutscher Alpenverein e.V. (DAV) - German Alpine Association
Legal structure:Association / Society / Organization
Type of cooperation:
  • common research / development / PhD-projects
  • frequent knowledge and information exchange
  • membership / involvement in board, steering committee or working group
Additional Information:Major cooperation: Active membership in DAV working group “Safety” Research projects: kids’ via ferrata safety sets; edge resistance of climbing ropes

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Schneesport an Hochschulen e.V.

Name of cooperating partner:Arbeitsgemeinschaft Schneesport an Hochschulen e.V.
Legal structure:Association / Society / Organization
Type of cooperation:
  • frequent knowledge and information exchange
  • membership / involvement in board, steering committee or working group
Additional Information:Since 2006, Professor Senner is head of this association, which represents and deals with snow sport education programs at German universities.

Swiss Competence Centre for Accident Prevention (bfu), Bern (Switzerland)

Name of cooperating partner: Swiss Competence Centre for Accident Prevention (bfu), Bern (Switzerland)
Legal structure: Association / Society / Organization
Homepage: http://www.bfu.ch
Type of cooperation:
  • common research / development / PhD-projects
  • frequent knowledge and information exchange
Additional Information:

Our contact person: Dipl. natw. Othmar Brügger Major common research projects:

  1. Expert Report on Skiing Equipment and Knee Injuries and
  2. Modeling ans simulation of wrist guards for snowboarding



Orthoplus München

Name of cooperating partner:Orthoplus München
Legal structure:Others
Type of cooperation:
  • frequent knowledge and information exchange
Additional Information:

Intensive collaboration with Priv.-Doz. Dr. Peter Brucker in the field of knee injuries in alpine skiing.