New in SG-Lib 4.0

Last change of this page: 2018-09-04
SGTdrill(SG,N,t,CPL)- drills a contour hole into a solid geometries frame
SGTdrill(SG,N,t,CPL) % SGTdrill(SG,N,t,CPL) - drills a contour hole into a solid geometries frame
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-03 as class: SURFACES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: SGbool4, SGT
% SG=SGTdrill(SG,[N,t,CPL])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% N: Name of Frame; default is 'B'
% t: depth of hole
% CPL: radius or contour
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid Geometry with hole
% A=SGbox([30,20,10]); A=SGTset(A,'B',TofP([0 0 5]))
% SGTdrill(A,'',1,5)
% See also: SGbool4, SGT
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
copyfig (cf)- copies a axis diagramm into a new MATLAB figure
copyfig (cf) % copyfig (cf) - copies a axis diagramm into a new MATLAB figure
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-03 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% Menue, colors, grid, etc. are not copied. (Status of: 2018-08-15)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: copyplot, snapplot, copyobj, movegui, subfig
% copyfig([cf])
% cf: copy figure handle; default is gcf/gca
% SGfigure(SGsample(27)); view(-30,30);
% copyfig
% See also: copyplot, snapplot, copyobj, movegui, subfig
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
SGcutT(SG,T,centxy)- cuts an object below a arbitrary plane using SGcut relative to the center of floor of bb
SGcutT(SG,T,centxy) % SGcutT(SG,T,centxy) - cuts an object below a arbitrary plane using SGcut relative to the center of floor of bb
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-02 as class: SURFACES)
% Beside Franz Irlinger who introduce me into the beauty of mechanism
% instead of robots, I'd like to thank Marcus Rompf and Henning Schober,
% both involved into the design of accordion mechanics. (Status of:
% 2018-08-21)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: SGcut, SGcut2, SGcutBB
% [SGU,SGO]=SGcutT(SG,T,[centxy])
% SG: Solid Geoemtry
% T: cutting plane to cut under
% centxy: if true, center the SG on xy-plane; default=false | new in 4.1
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGU: New solid geometry
% SGO:
% load JACO_robot.mat
% SGcutT(JC0,TofR(rot(pi/6,pi/6,pi/6),[0 0 100]),true)
% SGcutT(JC0,TofR(rot(pi/6,pi/6,pi/6),[0 0 100]))
% See also: SGcut, SGcut2, SGcutBB
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
cputoc- similar to toc but uses the cpu timer
cputoc % cputoc - similar to toc but uses the cpu timer
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-01 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: cputic, cputime, timeit
% tc=cputoc
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% tc: Elapsed cpu time in seconds
% tic; for i=10000000000; x=cos(pi/16); end; toc
% cputic; for i=10000000000; x=cos(pi/16); end; cputoc
% f=@() cos(pi/3), timeit(f)
% See also: cputic, cputime, timeit
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
cputic- similar to tic but uses the cpu timer
cputic % cputic - similar to tic but uses the cpu timer
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-01 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: cputoc, cputime, timeit
% cputic
% tic; for i=10000000000; x=cos(pi/16); end; toc
% cputic; for i=10000000000; x=cos(pi/16); end; cputoc
% f=@() cos(pi/3), timeit(f)
% See also: cputoc, cputime, timeit
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
collofBBs(bba,bbb)- returns from two bounding box list the colliding index lists
collofBBs(bba,bbb) % collofBBs(bba,bbb) - returns from two bounding box list the colliding index lists
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-01 as class: ANALYZING PROCEDURES)
% This fnctn can be used directly to preprocess, i.e. accelerate facet
% crossing fnctns (Status of: 2017-08-01)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: VLDLBBofVLFL
% [CL,ca,cb]=collofBBs(bba,bbb)
% bba: bounding box list A
% bbb: bounding box list B
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CL: Crossing list [n x 2] = [ia ib]
% ca: optional list of crossing boxes in A; ca=unique(CL(:,1),'stable');
% cb: optional list of crossing boxes in B; cb=unique(CL(:,2),'stable');
% A=SGbox([30,20,10]);
% [~,~,~,~,~,~,bb]=VLDLBBofVLFL(A.VL,A.FL,1)
% collofBBs(bb,bb)
% See also: VLDLBBofVLFL
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGbool4(flag,A,B,thr)- returns the result of a boolean operation on two closed elementary solids
SGbool4(flag,A,B,thr) % SGbool4(flag,A,B,thr) - returns the result of a boolean operation on two closed elementary solids
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-01 as class: SURFACES)
% ATTENTION: SGbool4 is the same fnctn as SGbool3, but much faster. It
% uses the - now public - fnctns
% SGintersectFacetPoints and VLFLinsertFacetPoints which were private in
% SGbool3. It has a more clear structure, but has exactly the same
% algorith for face assignment. In addition it shows all four possible
% results of SGbool for two solids. Use CSGsample for testing.
% Nevertheless, it should be clear that there are limitations even of
% closed surface models with SGbool3 and SGBool4:
% 1. Never have identical points in both surfaces
% 2. Never have identical lines in both surfaces
% 3. Never have indentical surface planes in both surfaces
% 4. Never have an overlap of enclosed "holes" => unmotivated surfaces
% If there is a risc, use SGgrow to grow before substraction or addition
% by 1e-4
% It is possible to remove those problems one day by cutting tetrahedrons
% instead of triangles
% A => A without B
% B => B without A
% + => A combined with B
% x => A intersected with B
% (Status of: 2017-08-08)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: SGbool, SGbool2, SGbool3
% SGX=SGbool4(flag,A,B,[thr])
% flag: Boolean operator ('AB+x')
% A: Solid A (VL/FL)
% B: Solid B (VL/FL)
% thr: threshold for grid; default is 1e-5
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGX: resulting surface geometry
% [A,B]=CSGsample(1); SGbool4('-',A,B);
% [A,B]=CSGsample(2); SGbool4('-',A,B);
% [A,B]=CSGsample(3); SGbool4('-',A,B); % Problems with crossing holes
% [A,B]=CSGsample(4); SGbool4('-',A,B);
% See also: SGbool, SGbool2, SGbool3
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLDLBBofVLFL(VL,FL,thr)- returns for a facet list the vertex coordinates, the edge vectors, and the bounding box of the facets
VLDLBBofVLFL(VL,FL,thr) % VLDLBBofVLFL(VL,FL,thr) - returns for a facet list the vertex coordinates, the edge vectors, and the bounding box of the facets
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-31 as class: SURFACES)
% This fnctn returns for a facet list the vertex coordinates, the edge
% vectors, and the bounding box of the facets. Is also used in some other
% fnctn with global variables.
% The bounding box list can be used for fast comparison of facets before
% a crossing check (Status of: 2017-08-01)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: crossingfacets2VLFL, collofBBs
% [v1,v2,v3,d1,d2,d3,bb]=VLDLBBofVLFL(VL,FL,[thr])
% VL: Vertex list
% FL: Facet List
% thr: supplement to bounding boxes; default is 1e-12
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% v1: List of first vertex of facet list: v1=VL(FL(:,1),:);
% v2: List of second vertex of facet list: v2=VL(FL(:,2),:);
% v3: List of thried vertex of facet list: v3=VL(FL(:,3),:);
% d1: d1=v2-v1;
% d2: d2=v3-v2;
% d3: d3=v1-v3;
% bb: bounding box of all facets;
% A=SGsample(18); VLDLBBofVLFL(A.VL,A.FL);
% A=SGsample(19); VLDLBBofVLFL(A.VL,A.FL);
% A=SGsample(27); VLDLBBofVLFL(A.VL,A.FL);
% See also: crossingfacets2VLFL, collofBBs
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CPLdisttopoint(CPL,p);- returns the minmal distance between a contour and a given point
CPLdisttopoint(CPL,p); % CPLdisttopoint(CPL,p); - returns the minmal distance between a contour and a given point
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-30 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% for each edge/ conenction between two points, the distance to the
% origin or the optional point p is calculated (Status of: 2017-07-30)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: centerCPL
% dmin=CPLdisttopoint(CPL,[p]);
% CPL: Closed polygon line
% p: point of interest; default is [0 0]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% dmin: radius of the minmal circle that touches the contour
% CPLdisttopoint(CPLofPL(PLcircle(10,3)),[-6 0])
% See also: centerCPL
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGtorquelimiter(R,m,t,h)- returns a torque limiter part
SGtorquelimiter(R,m,t,h) % SGtorquelimiter(R,m,t,h) - returns a torque limiter part
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-30 as class: MODELING PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: VLFLsnaprivet
% SG=SGtorquelimiter([R,m,t,h])
% R: Radius [Router Rinner]
% m: modul; number of fnctns / cosinus
% t: amplitude of cosinus
% h: height of the solid
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid geometry
% See also: VLFLsnaprivet
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
zigzag(x,per)- returns a zig zag curve in the interval [0 2*pi]
zigzag(x,per) % zigzag(x,per) - returns a zig zag curve in the interval [0 2*pi]
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-30 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% corresponds to cosinus fnctn (Status of: 2017-07-30)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: sin, cos
% y=zigzag(x,[per])
% x: x value
% per: periode; default is 2*pi
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% y: zigzag value
% zigzag(0)
% zigzag(0:2*pi)
% zigzag(1,4)
% See also: sin, cos
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGTrotate(SG,N,ax,val)- returns a solid rotated around a Frame coordinate System
SGTrotate(SG,N,ax,val) % SGTrotate(SG,N,ax,val) - returns a solid rotated around a Frame coordinate System
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-28 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: SGtransT, SGrotate
% SGN=SGTrotate(SG,[N,ax,val])
% SG: Solid Geoemtry
% N: Frame; default is ez; nan means eigenvectors; default is 'B'
% ax: rotation axis sequence; 'xyz' or 'x' or 'z'
% val: values for rotation; same as ax
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN: Spatial rotated Solid includeing the frames
% See also: SGtransT, SGrotate
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGplugofSGT(SG,N,h,ms,tol)- creates a plug for an SGT
SGplugofSGT(SG,N,h,ms,tol) % SGplugofSGT(SG,N,h,ms,tol) - creates a plug for an SGT
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-28 as class: SURFACES)
% creates a plug for feature surface by orthogonal walls and leaves space
% for a magnetic-connection. The plug is a honeycomp structure with a
% rigid border that fits into the opening of the frame related surface.
% In the center (Status of: 2017-07-29)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: JACOmodel
% SGP=SGplugofSGT(SG,N,[h,ms,tol])
% SG: Solid geoemtry with frames
% N: Name of frame, the plug is for
% h: Optional height of plug; default is 5mm
% ms: Diameter of a magnet; default is 10mm
% tol: Tolerance for all values; default is 0.2mm (smaller)
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGP: Solid Geometry of the Plug
% See also: JACOmodel
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
exp_2017_07_27 (SG)- EXPERIMENT to compare the pdegplot(model,'Facelabel','on') with FSplot
exp_2017_07_27 (SG) % exp_2017_07_27 (SG) - EXPERIMENT to compare the pdegplot(model,'Facelabel','on') with FSplot
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-27 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% currently it looks identically. May be same strategy and the same
% alhpha angle of ~1 (60 degree) (Status of: 2017-07-27)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% exp_2017_07_27([SG])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% SG=SGreadSTL(which('BracketWithHole.stl'),1000);
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
FSplot(TR,alp,fsi,col,siz);- plots the featureEdges of TR, SG or VLFL
FSplot(TR,alp,fsi,col,siz); % FSplot(TR,alp,fsi,col,siz); - plots the featureEdges of TR, SG or VLFL
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-27 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% Similar to FE plot, it plots the feature surfaces of a solid;
% Feature surfaces are not officially supported by matlab, nevertheless
% there the pde toolbox for instance has a facet plot, which is
% comparable to FS.
% In contrast to pdeplotfaces, the SG-Lib gives you full access to the
% feature surfaces using surfacesofSG. Especially for automatic design it
% is necessary to select surfaces in many different ways, such as a
% normal vector. Also information on the faces are required. (Status of:
% 2017-08-25)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: FEplot, surfacesofSG, textVLFS, pdeplotfaces, pdegplot
% h=FSplot([TR,alp,fsi,col,siz]);
% TR: surface (Tetrahedron, Triangulation, Solid)
% alp: alpha value for neigbor facets
% fsi: selected FS; depend on alpha; default is all
% col: color of FS; default is colofn
% siz: size of descriptiors; default is 16
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to graphics object consisting of text and patches
% EXAMPLE: FSplot(SGsample(3))
% SG=SGreadSTL(which('BracketWithHole.stl'),1000);
% SGfigure; FSplot(SG,1)
% SGfigure; FSplot(SG,0.1);
% SGfigure; FSplot(SG,1,[4 6]);
% SGfigure; FSplot(SG,1,[4 6],'r');
% SGfigure; FSplot(SG,1,[4 6],'r',30);
% See also: FEplot, surfacesofSG, textVLFS, pdeplotfaces, pdegplot
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
csgofPL(PL,sf)- returns MATLAB's Constructed Solid Geometry (CSG) dg matrix for a list of polygons
csgofPL(PL,sf) % csgofPL(PL,sf) - returns MATLAB's Constructed Solid Geometry (CSG) dg matrix for a list of polygons
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-26 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% TIP: Currently I do not see an advantage to use csg Constructed Solid
% Geometry (CSG) instead of boundary Representation (BREP) which is the
% foundation of the SG-Lib. Nevertheless, an interface should exist.
% Matlab supports for 2D geometries the method Constructed Solid
% Geometries (CSG) Decompositon already before 2006a. This fnctn converts
% a Point List into a csg or gd (Geometric Description Matrix).
% It is possible either to convert a PL into the 2D csg format for one
% polygon or
% It is possible to convert a cell list of Polygon plus a string formular
% into a geoemetric matrix.
% Currently the first polygon is "A", the second "B" and so on.
% The Formula is a string of Type "A+B" or "A-B" "A*B" or "A" or "B".
% (Status of: 2017-07-27)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: decsg, pdemodel, geometryFromEdges, pdegeom, CPLpolybool
% [csg,bt]=csgofPL(PL,[sf])
% PL: CPL of cell list of CPLs
% sf: Formula wrt. to A polygon sequence 'A' 'B' 'C' etc.
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% csg: or dg (Geometry description matrix)
% bt:
% csgofPL(PLstar(10)); % returns matlab's CSG polygon list format
% csgofPL({PLstar(10)},'A') % returns the geometry list of 1st Polygon
% csgofPL({PLcircle(4);PLcircle(2)+2},'A')
% csgofPL({PLcircle(4);PLcircle(2)+2},'B')
% csgofPL({PLcircle(4);PLcircle(2)+2},'A+B')
% csgofPL({PLcircle(4);PLcircle(2)+2},'A-B')
% See also: decsg, pdemodel, geometryFromEdges, pdegeom, CPLpolybool
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CPLradialEdges(CPL,R)- returns a vertex list (VL) with rounded edges
CPLradialEdges(CPL,R) % CPLradialEdges(CPL,R) - returns a vertex list (VL) with rounded edges
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-26 as class: ANALYZING PROCEDURES)
% ATTENTION: This fnctn is based on VLradialEdges not on PLradialEdges
% Replaces edges by a radial curve. The desired radius can be reduced
% automatically if necessary. It is possible to maximize the radius
% automatically.
% In case that R is negative; VLbreakEdges is used instead (Status of:
% 2017-07-26)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: PLradialEdges, SGcontourtube, RLofEulerInterpolation,
% VLinsertEulerSteps, VLradialEdges, TofPez, PLtangentcirc,
% VLtangentcirc, SGbreakCorners, SGradialCorners
% CPLN=CPLradialEdges(CPL,[R])
% CPL: Vertex list nx3
% R: Radius; default is none
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPLN: New closed Polygon list; All points are doubled
% CPLradialEdges(CPLsample(4),5);
% CPLradialEdges(CPLsample(12),5);
% CPLradialEdges(CPLsample(12),-4);
% See also: PLradialEdges, SGcontourtube, RLofEulerInterpolation,
% VLinsertEulerSteps, VLradialEdges, TofPez, PLtangentcirc,
% VLtangentcirc, SGbreakCorners, SGradialCorners
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGchamfer_org(SG,ph,ed,r,stype)- chamfers the edges of a 2.5D Solid Geometry
SGchamfer_org(SG,ph,ed,r,stype) % SGchamfer_org(SG,ph,ed,r,stype) - chamfers the edges of a 2.5D Solid Geometry
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-26 as class: SURFACES)
% It does not returns as perfect edges as SGofCPLzchamfer (Status of:
% 2017-08-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: SGofCPLzchamfer, SGof2CPLzheurist, CPLradialEdges
% SGN=SGchamfer_org(SG,[ph,ed,r,stype])
% SG: Solid Geometry with just two different z values
% ph: edge/phase size default is 0.3
% ed: curved edges; default is true
% r: radius for radial edges; default is 0
% stype: default is 'length'; see SGof2CPLzheurist
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN:
% SGchamfer(SGsample(2))
% SGchamfer(SGofCPLz(PLcircleoval(10,'',20,5),10))
% SGchamfer(SGofCPLz(PLstar(10),10),0.3,'')
% SGchamfer(SGofCPLz(PLstar(10),10),0.3,'',2)
% SGchamfer(SGofCPLz(PLstar(10),10),0.3,'',-0.5)
% See also: SGofCPLzchamfer, SGof2CPLzheurist, CPLradialEdges
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
CPLfillin(CPL,Amin,Asam)- creates a contour that fills a another or several contours
CPLfillin(CPL,Amin,Asam) % CPLfillin(CPL,Amin,Asam) - creates a contour that fills a another or several contours
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-24 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Powerful fnctn that is not the same as CPLpolybool! (Status of:
% 2017-07-25)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: delaunayofCPL
% [iCPL,A]=CPLfillin(CPL,[Amin,Asam])
% CPL: Closed Polygon List
% Amin: Minimum surface to be interested
% Asam: percentage of maximum area ; default a=90%, 0.9
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% iCPL: inverse polygon
% A: VL and FL of the open surface
% CPLfillin(CPLsample(14));
% CPLfillin(CPLsample(19));
% CPLfillin(CPLsample(21));
% See also: delaunayofCPL
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
findchangerow(c)- returns in a list of succeding rows, when the row is different to its predecessor
findchangerow(c) % findchangerow(c) - returns in a list of succeding rows, when the row is different to its predecessor
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-24 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% creates a change index list from any row list (Status of: 2017-07-24)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: mod1
% [i,CIL]=findchangerow(c)
% c: list of succeeding rows
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% i: index list
% CIL: Change index list
% [a,b]=findchangerow([1 2 3 4 5 5 6 1]')
% See also: mod1
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CPLofSGimageslice(SG,z,l,t)- returns a slice produced by an orthographic matlab figure
CPLofSGimageslice(SG,z,l,t) % CPLofSGimageslice(SG,z,l,t) - returns a slice produced by an orthographic matlab figure
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-23 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% This fnctn is neither faster nor more accurate than CPLofSGslice. It is
% just an unnecessary implementation to learn. TRY TO AVOID
% This fnctn has a limited resolution since it uses the pixel resolution
% of the screen.
% (Status of: 2017-07-23)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: CPLofSGslice, CPLofSGslice2, CPLofSGslice3
% [CPL,n,res]=CPLofSGimageslice([SG,z,l,t])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% z: slice z value
% l: limitation to inout level; default is no limitations ([])
% t: slice thickness
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPL: CPL of a specified level
% n: number of contours
% res: resolution of the image
% See also: CPLofSGslice, CPLofSGslice2, CPLofSGslice3
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CVLremovez(CVL,z)- removes contours with a defined z value from a CVL
CVLremovez(CVL,z) % CVLremovez(CVL,z) - removes contours with a defined z value from a CVL
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-23 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: CVLseparatez
% XVL=CVLremovez(CVL,z)
% CVL: Contour vertex list
% z: list of z values to remove
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% XVL: New Contour vertex list
% load JACO_robot.mat; CVL=CVLofSGslices(JC0,10);
% z=CVLseparatez(CVL)
% CVLremovez(CVL,z([1 3 4 5 7]))
% See also: CVLseparatez
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
isintegerbv(x)- returns whether a number is an integer by value not by type
isintegerbv(x) % isintegerbv(x) - returns whether a number is an integer by value not by type
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-20 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% mod(x,1)==0
% (Status of: 2017-07-21)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: isinteger
% l=isintegerbv(x)
% x: scalar, array or vector
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% l: logical value,array or vector
% isintegerTL([pi pi pi;2 4 5;1.4 3 2.4])
% See also: isinteger
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
meshgridofBB(SG,nx,ny,nz,thr)- returns a meshgrid for the coordinates of a solid
meshgridofBB(SG,nx,ny,nz,thr) % meshgridofBB(SG,nx,ny,nz,thr) - returns a meshgrid for the coordinates of a solid
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-20 as class: SURFACES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: VLmeshgrid
% [X,Y,Z,VL,xx,yy,zz]=meshgridofBB(SG,[nx,ny,nz,thr])
% SG: Solid geometry
% nx: number of steps in x-direction
% ny: number of steps in y-direction
% nz: number of steps in z-direction
% thr: elongation before and after; default is 0
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% X: X-Values of Meshgrid
% Y: Y-Values of Meshgrid
% Z: Z-Values of Meshgrid
% VL: Vertex List of the meshgrid
% xx: steps in x-direction
% yy: steps in y-direction
% zz: steps in z-direction
% SG=SGreadSTL(which('ForearmLink.stl'))
% [X,Y,Z]=meshgridofBB(SG,10,10,10)
% [~,~,~,VL]=meshgridofBB(SG,20,20,20); SGisInterior(SG,VL);
% See also: VLmeshgrid
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
pdeplotfaces(model)- simply plots the surfaces to select
pdeplotfaces(model) % pdeplotfaces(model) - simply plots the surfaces to select
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-20 as class: FEM/PDE)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: pdemodelofSG
% pdeplotfaces(model)
% model: pde model
% model=pdemodelofSG(SG);
% pdeplotfaces(model);
% See also: pdemodelofSG
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
pdeplotresult(model,result)- plots the displacement in 3 quadrants
pdeplotresult(model,result) % pdeplotresult(model,result) - plots the displacement in 3 quadrants
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-20 as class: FEM/PDE)
% This fnctn is a plotting fnctn for showing the displacement results
% under load (Status of: 2018-02-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: pdemodelofSG, pdeplotfaces, pdesolvesurfaceload,
% pdestressstatic
% hf=pdeplotresult(model,result)
% model: pde model created by pdemodelofSG
% result: pde result created by pdesolvesurfaceload
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% hf: handle to figure
% EXAMPLE: Displacement of a robot link
% load JACO_robot.mat
% SG=SGseparate(JC1,6)
% model=pdemodelofSG(SG)
% pdesolvesurfaceload(model,1,2,[1 0 0]*1e4)
% See also: pdemodelofSG, pdeplotfaces, pdesolvesurfaceload,
% pdestressstatic
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
pdesolvesurfaceload(model,fixfacet,loadfacet,loadvec)- calculates the FEM analysis using pde for a pde mesh model
pdesolvesurfaceload(model,fixfacet,loadfacet,loadvec) % pdesolvesurfaceload(model,fixfacet,loadfacet,loadvec) - calculates the FEM analysis using pde for a pde mesh model
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-19 as class: FEM/PDE)
% search also at matlab central for
% von-mises-effective-stress-and-displacements !!! (Status of: 2018-02-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: pdemodelofSG, pdeplotfaces, pdeplotresult, pdestressstatic
% [result,model]=pdesolvesurfaceload(model,[fixfacet,loadfacet,loadvec])
% model: pdemodel created by pdemodelofSG
% fixfacet: list of facet that are fixed
% loadfacet: list of faces that are loaded
% loadvec: direction of load
% === PROPERTY NAMES =====
% 'FixedFaceIndices' : list of facet that are fixed
% 'LoadFaceIndices' : list of faces that are loaded
% 'Load' : direction of load
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% result: simulation result
% model: simulated model; called by reference!
% EXAMPLE: Displacement of a bracket with hole
% A=SGreadSTL(which('BracketWithHole.stl'),1000)
% SGfigure; FSplot(A), view(30,30)
% model=pdemodelofSG(A)
% pdesolvesurfaceload(model,3,9,1e3)
% pdesolvesurfaceload(model,' FixedFaceIndices',3,' LoadFaceIndices',9,'
% Load',1e3)
% See also: pdemodelofSG, pdeplotfaces, pdeplotresult, pdestressstatic
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
pdemodelofSG(SG,h,e)- creates a pde model from a solid geometry
pdemodelofSG(SG,h,e) % pdemodelofSG(SG,h,e) - creates a pde model from a solid geometry
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-19 as class: FEM/PDE)
% This fnctn creates a pde model from a given solid. The pde models are
% typically loaded from a STL File similar to Simccape Multibody.
% Therefor this fnctn writes a temp solid and reads it afterwards.
% A pde model consists of a tetrahedral cross-linking (there are several
% possibilities for the fnctn generateMesh), while one, two or
% three-dimensional propagation of effects can be specified (line
% problems, surface deformation, volume deformation) The standard FEM
% equation will be specified. For these effects, the equilibrium
% condition formula can be selected or the parameters for the standard
% FEM equation specified. Subsequently, surfaces / introduction points
% with state specifications are given and surfaces / initiation point are
% given the effects of the action.
% ATTENTION: models are objects and modified by MATLAB fnctn with calls
% by reference! It means the models are modified by a call even the
% models are not an output parameter! The repeated call of
% applyBoundaryCondition(model, ....
% will add at each time conditions to the model even if the conditions
% are all the same!
% *MOTIVATION FOR THE PDE fnctns IN SG-LIB* The Partial Diffential
% Equation Toolbox (pde) contains some features that are helpful for the
% basic processing of solids. However, some of this feature does not have
% direct access, such as patching. Since the user can only access the
% faces assignment via a graphical representation, the SG-Lib has to
% implement a similar faces seperation. The same applies to the
% production of the mesh tesselation. (Status of: 2018-02-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: pdemodelofSG, SGtetramesh, pdeplotfaces, pdesolvesurfaceload,
% pdeplotresult, pdestressstatic
% [model,SG]=pdemodelofSG(SG,[h,e])
% SG: Solid Geoemtry
% h: Hmax parameter for generateMesh
% e: e modulus default is 3000Pa = 3e9
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% model: pde model for pde tool
% SG:
% EXAMPLE: Deforming a Bracket:
% A=SGreadSTL(which('BracketWithHole.stl'),1000)
% model=pdemodelofSG(A)
% pdeplot3D(model)
% A=SGsample(27)
% model=pdemodelofSG(A)
% SGfigure; pdeplot3D(model)
% See also: pdemodelofSG, SGtetramesh, pdeplotfaces, pdesolvesurfaceload,
% pdeplotresult, pdestressstatic
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
SGtetramesh(SG,h)- creates a tetramesh of a Solid Geometry
SGtetramesh(SG,h) % SGtetramesh(SG,h) - creates a tetramesh of a Solid Geometry
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-18 as class: FEM/PDE)
% This fnctn uses the importGeometry and generateMesh fnctns of the
% PDE-Toolbox to create a mesh of the solid an creates a triangualatin
% from this data.
% independent surfaces
% In contrast to the normal PDE mesh, the linear mode is used here to
% create the 4-facet meshes directly
% If SGtetramesh fails with error: "The input mesh is invalid" =>
% SGcheckmeshlab
% If SGtetramesh fails with error: "Meshing failed with a Hmax of" =>
% Self intrusion! (Status of: 2018-08-24)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: pdemodelofSG
% [SGn,VL,FL,TR]=SGtetramesh(SG,[h])
% SG: Solid Geoemtry
% h: maximum mesh length; default is sofBB/20
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGn: Solid Geoemtry based on a PDE mesh
% VL: Vertex list
% FL: Facet list
% TR: Tetrahedron triangulation
% SGtetramesh(SGsample(17))
% SGtetramesh(SGsample(17),3)
% SGtetramesh(SGsample(35)) % failes because of non manifold
% SGtetramesh(SGsample(36)) % failes because of self intrusion
% See also: pdemodelofSG
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
exp_2017_07_18 (CVLz)- EXPERIMENT for automatic generation of packaging for filling from above
exp_2017_07_18 (CVLz) % exp_2017_07_18 (CVLz) - EXPERIMENT for automatic generation of packaging for filling from above
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-18 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Automatic generation of packaging for filling from above (z-axis)
% (Status of: 2017-07-20)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% exp_2017_07_18(CVLz)
% CVLz:
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CVLofVL(CVL)- converts a CVL in a CVL whose contours are closed
CVLofVL(CVL) % CVLofVL(CVL) - converts a CVL in a CVL whose contours are closed
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-18 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: CPLofPL
% CVL: CVL with potential open contours
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVL: CVL with ensured closed contours
% CVLofVL(VLsample(14))
% See also: CPLofPL
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGhollowsolid(SG,wthk,dist)- returns a copy of the solid with thin walls at an optional distance
SGhollowsolid(SG,wthk,dist) % SGhollowsolid(SG,wthk,dist) - returns a copy of the solid with thin walls at an optional distance
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-16 as class: SURFACES)
% *Hollow structures from closed solid surface models:* For all closed
% surfaces it is easy: Create a grown/shrinked copy of the solid with a
% defined wall thickness. For grown copies (shells), invert afterwards
% the inner/original faces of the solid. for shrinked copies (hollow
% solid walls), invert afterwards the inner/shrinked faces of the copy.
% Both surfaces together are the final hollow solid.
% ATTENTION: For a closed surface for most of the 3D printing processes
% it makes no sense to convert solids into shell structures since the
% material in the shells is not removable. There is no weight advantage!
% The vertices are sorted: VL=[ORG;COPY]; The facets are sorted
% *Solid structures from open free form surfaces:* In case of open
% surfaces that do not represent a solid, this fnctn will create also
% create a shrinked or grown copy and calculates in addition the facets
% that link the corresponding walls.
% The vertices are sorted: VL=[ORG;COPY]; The facets are sorted
% *PRINCIPLE* Since the normal vector of all vertices is known, the grow
% procedure will move this vertices along the normal vector. For an
% isolated surface the normal vector can also be calculated, but in case
% of features edges or features surfaces, the normal vector of the edge
% contour cannot be calculated isolated from other attached surfaces.
% *ERROR CONDITIONS* In case that a isolated surface is processed, the
% grow fnctn will not work as expected. This fnctn is for processing
% connected surfaces of a closed solid only
% (Status of: 2018-08-20)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: isplanarVLFL(VL, FL), VLFLsample, vertexNormalTL
% NSG=SGhollowsolid([SG,wthk,dist])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% wthk: Wall thickness
% dist: distance between original and new solid
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% NSG: Copy with thin walls
% A=SGsample(41); SGpuzzlecut3D(SGhollowsolid(A,0.7,.3));B=ans; SGplot(A,'w');
% [SG,FLW]=SGsphere(10,'',pi/3,-pi/3); SG.FL=FLW;
% SG=SGtransR(SG,rot(pi/6,0,0)); SGfigure(SG); view(-30,30); VL=SG.VL; FL=SG.FL;
% [SG]=SGsphere(10,'',pi/3,-pi/3);
% SGhollowsolid(SG,5)
% [VL,FL,SG]=VLFLsample(3); SGhollowsolid(SG,5)
% See also: isplanarVLFL(VL, FL), VLFLsample, vertexNormalTL
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
VLFLsample(Nr,T)- returns OPEN surfaces as samples for procedure testing
VLFLsample(Nr,T) % VLFLsample(Nr,T) - returns OPEN surfaces as samples for procedure testing
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-16 as class: SURFACES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: CPLsample, SGsample, VLsample, PLsample, CSGsample,
% SGerrorsample, testfunctTL, permutevector
% [VL,FL,SG,CVL]=VLFLsample([Nr,T])
% Nr: Number of sample
% T: Optional spatian transformation
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VL: Vertex List
% FL: Facet List
% SG: Solid SG.VL,SG.FL
% CVL: Open Edge contour
% VLFLsample(13)
% VLFLsample(13,TofR(rot(pi/6,pi/6,0),[0 0 10]))
% [~,~,~,CVL]=VLFLsample(13); SGfigure; CVLplot(CVL,'-',2); view(-30,30)
% See also: CPLsample, SGsample, VLsample, PLsample, CSGsample,
% SGerrorsample, testfunctTL, permutevector
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
SGnegativeform(SG,w)- creates from a solid a negative form with specific features
SGnegativeform(SG,w) % SGnegativeform(SG,w) - creates from a solid a negative form with specific features
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-15 as class: SURFACES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: SGconvexHull
% SG=SGnegativeform(SG,[w])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% w: wall distance
% === PROPERTY NAMES =====
% 'Faces' : reduces the number of facets
% 'turn' : if 'turn' is used, the axis are changed
% 'convex' : if 'convex' is used, the convex hull is calculated
% 'Type' : 'box' or 'shell' is supported; default is box
% 'Cut' : cutting planes; default is uncut, i.e. [1 1 1]
% 'hollowcontour' :
% 'hollow' :
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: A simple negative for or several parts of a form
% See also: SGconvexHull
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
exp_2017_07_14- EXPERIMENT for creating a negative Form of a solid and perforate the shell
exp_2017_07_14 % exp_2017_07_14 - EXPERIMENT for creating a negative Form of a solid and perforate the shell
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-14 as class: SURFACES)
% Tutorial to show the power of SG-Lib for medical data. Discussed with
% Franz Irlinger and Dominik Rumschoettel (Status of: 2017-07-14)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: SGnegativeform
% exp_2017_07_14
% See also: SGnegativeform
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGTdimensioning(SG,Fr,pnt)- creates a four-quadrant view related to a frame or the center of a solid geometry
SGTdimensioning(SG,Fr,pnt) % SGTdimensioning(SG,Fr,pnt) - creates a four-quadrant view related to a frame or the center of a solid geometry
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-13 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: viewdimensioning, PLdimensioning, CVLdimclassifier
% [CPL1,CPL2,CPL3]=SGTdimensioning(SG,[Fr,pnt])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% Fr: Frame Name; default is 'B'
% pnt: center of view related to Frame
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPL1: CPL of XY-Plane: subplot(2,2,4)
% CPL2: CPL of XZ-Plane: subplot(2,2,2)
% CPL3: CPL of YZ-Plane: subplot(2,2,1)
% SGTdimensioning(SGsample(5))
% SGTdimensioning(SGsample(17),'',[10 -0 -10])
% See also: viewdimensioning, PLdimensioning, CVLdimclassifier
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
ellipseofPL(PL)- returns the parameter for an ellipse of at least 5 points
ellipseofPL(PL) % ellipseofPL(PL) - returns the parameter for an ellipse of at least 5 points
% (by Ohad Gal, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-13 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Copyright (c) 2003, Ohad Gal
% All rights reserved.
% Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
% modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
% met:
% * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
% notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
% * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
% notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
% documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution
% (Status of: 2017-07-13)
% See also: center3P, center4P
% [cp,a,b,ex,ey,phi]=ellipseofPL(PL)
% PL: Point List
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% cp: center
% a: long axis
% b: short axis
% ex: ex vector
% ey: ey vector
% phi: turning angle
% ellipseofPL(PLcircle(10,'',pi/2,6,pi/9))
% See also: center3P, center4P
exp_2017_07_13(CPL,n,s,noise);- EXPERIMENT to test ellipseofPL
exp_2017_07_13(CPL,n,s,noise); % exp_2017_07_13(CPL,n,s,noise); - EXPERIMENT to test ellipseofPL
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-13 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: ellipseofPL
% cp=exp_2017_07_13([CPL,n,s,noise]);
% CPL: Close Polygon to test
% n: number of points used for testing
% s: starting index for a succeeding sequence; 0 = random
% noise: noise added to the point list coordinates
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% cp:
% See also: ellipseofPL
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGdimensioning(SG,ang1,ang2,pnt)- creates a drqwing of the solid including dimensions
SGdimensioning(SG,ang1,ang2,pnt) % SGdimensioning(SG,ang1,ang2,pnt) - creates a drqwing of the solid including dimensions
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-12 as class: SURFACES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: SGTdimensioning, viewdimensioning, PLdimensioning,
% CVLdimclassifier
% SGdimensioning(SG,[ang1,ang2,pnt])
% SG: Solid geometry
% ang1: angle 1 similar to view
% ang2: angle 2 similar to view
% pnt: crossing point
% A=SGbox([30,20,10])
% SGdimensioning(A,0,0)
% SGdimensioning(A,0,90)
% SGdimensioning(A,90,0)
% See also: SGTdimensioning, viewdimensioning, PLdimensioning,
% CVLdimclassifier
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CVLofopenfaces(VL,FL,thr)- returns the closed vertex list for all open surfaces
CVLofopenfaces(VL,FL,thr) % CVLofopenfaces(VL,FL,thr) - returns the closed vertex list for all open surfaces
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-12 as class: SURFACES)
% This fnctn is more or less for testing purposes. The fnctn
% VLFLcorrectdoubledvertex is called first, since otherwise it makes no
% sense to detect open surfaces (Status of: 2017-07-12)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: VLFLcorrectdoubledvertex
% [CVL,EL,CIL]=CVLofopenfaces(VL,FL,[thr])
% VL: Vertex list
% FL: Facet list
% thr: threshold; default is 1e-3 for VLFLcorrectdoubledvertex
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVL: Closed Vertex List
% EL: Edge List
% CIL: Contour Index List for EL
% loadweb JACO_robot.mat; A=SGseparate(JC2,2)
% CVLofopenfaces(A.VL,A.FL);
% CVL=CVLofopenfaces(A.VL,A.FL);
% CVLdimclassifier(CVL)
% See also: VLFLcorrectdoubledvertex
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLFLerroropenfaces(VL,FL)- creates an open faces error by adding an existing vertex of a random facet
VLFLerroropenfaces(VL,FL) % VLFLerroropenfaces(VL,FL) - creates an open faces error by adding an existing vertex of a random facet
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-12 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% This fnctn deletes existing facets/surfaces and adds two degenerated
% facets.
% if the vertex list contains doubled vertices, the fnctn surfaceofSG is
% unable to find the connected surfaces (Status of: 2017-07-12)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: VLFLcorrectdoubledvertex, VLFLerrordoubledvertex
% [VL,FL]=VLFLerroropenfaces(VL,FL)
% VL: Vertex List
% FL: Facet List
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VL: Unchanged Vertex List
% FL: Facet list with a surface missing
% A=SGbox([30,20,10]); for i=1:4;
% [A.VL,A.FL]=VLFLerrordoubledvertex(A.VL,A.FL); end
% VLFLerroropenfaces(A.VL,A.FL)
% See also: VLFLcorrectdoubledvertex, VLFLerrordoubledvertex
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLFLcorrectdoubledvertex(VL,FL,thr)- finds and removes doubled vertex entries and shows degenerated facts
VLFLcorrectdoubledvertex(VL,FL,thr) % VLFLcorrectdoubledvertex(VL,FL,thr) - finds and removes doubled vertex entries and shows degenerated facts
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-12 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% After removal of doubled vertices, there can be degenerated facets of
% type [vi vk vk]. Those degenerated Facet MUST NOT BE REMOVED! (Status
% of: 2017-08-24)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: VLFLerrordoubledvertex, VLFLerroropenfaces
% [VLN,FLN,n]=VLFLcorrectdoubledvertex(VL,FL,[thr])
% VL: Vertex list
% FL: Facet list
% thr: resolution; default is 1e-12
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VLN: Shortend certex list with original, not rounded vertex values
% FLN: Corrected facet list
% n: number of removed vertices
% A=SGbox([30,30,1]); VLFLcorrectdoubledvertex(A.VL,A.FL,2);
% A=SGsample(25); VLFLcorrectdoubledvertex(A.VL,A.FL,1);
% A=SGbox([30,20,10])
% [B.VL,B.FL]=VLFLerrordoubledvertex(A.VL,A.FL)
% [C.VL,C.FL]=VLFLcorrectdoubledvertex(B.VL,B.FL)
% See also: VLFLerrordoubledvertex, VLFLerroropenfaces
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLFLerrordoubledvertex(VL,FL)- creates an doubled vertex error by adding an existing vertex of a random facet
VLFLerrordoubledvertex(VL,FL) % VLFLerrordoubledvertex(VL,FL) - creates an doubled vertex error by adding an existing vertex of a random facet
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-12 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Testing fnctn for development that creates copies of vertices plus a
% noise. (Status of: 2017-07-12)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: VLFLcorrectdoubledvertex, VLFLerroropenfaces
% [VL,FL]=VLFLerrordoubledvertex(VL,FL)
% VL: Vertex List
% FL: Facet List
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VL: vertex list with an additional/doubled entry
% FL: facet list indexing the doubled entry
% A=SGbox([30,20,10])
% [B.VL,B.FL]=VLFLerrordoubledvertex(A.VL,A.FL)
% [C.VL,C.FL]=VLFLcorrectdoubledvertex(B.VL,B.FL)
% See also: VLFLcorrectdoubledvertex, VLFLerroropenfaces
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
JACOmodel(gl,siz,tck);- creates an STL file for magnified/shrinked jaco link
JACOmodel(gl,siz,tck); % JACOmodel(gl,siz,tck); - creates an STL file for magnified/shrinked jaco link
% (by Tim Lueth, ROBOT-Lib, 2017-JUL-11 as class: FILE HANDLING)
% This fnctn is to created shrinked versions of the JACO STL's. Since the
% STL file contain different closed and even some open surfaces, it is
% required to select some of the parts to grow the to a required wall
% thickness (Status of: 2017-07-13)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: JACOsim, JACOget, JACOset
% SGS=JACOmodel([gl,siz,tck]);
% gl: robot link number
% siz: shinking/magnifiaction size; default is 0.25
% tck: thickness addon; default is 1.0
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGS: Final Solid including frames
% EXAMPLE: just type
% JACOmodel
% See also: JACOsim, JACOget, JACOset
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
FSofSG(TR,alpha,sizesort,Amin)- Features surfaces of SG
FSofSG(TR,alpha,sizesort,Amin) % FSofSG(TR,alpha,sizesort,Amin) - Features surfaces of SG
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-09 as class: SURFACES)
% This fnctn can take several seconds to classify all OPEN surfaces of a
% solid by using TR3neighborsAngle and neighborsAngleSurface. When called
% without output parameter; drawing the surfaces take the most time.
% (Status of: 2017-07-31)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: FSplot, surfacesofSG
% [CFL,nF,Ai]=FSofSG(TR,[alpha,sizesort,Amin])
% TR: Solid Geometry or Triangulation
% alpha: maximum angle difference between two facets; default is 1 ~ 60
% degree
% sizesort: if true, the surfaces are sorted by their size; default is
% false
% Amin: Minimum area to be classified as individual surface
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CFL: Index List for the Surface Indices
% nF: maximum value of FIL
% Ai: Facet Normal List - TR3neighborsAngle
% load JACO_robot.mat
% FSofSG(JC3,0.6);
% FSofSG(JC3,0.6,true);
% See also: FSplot, surfacesofSG
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
VLmeshgrid(xx,yy,zz)- simple function for a better understand of meshgrid
VLmeshgrid(xx,yy,zz) % VLmeshgrid(xx,yy,zz) - simple fnctn for a better understand of meshgrid
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-09 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: CPLofmeshgrid(X, Y), PLmeshgrid
% VL=VLmeshgrid(xx,yy,[zz])
% xx: list of x values
% yy: list of y values
% zz: list of y values;
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VL: Point list of all mesh coordinates
% VLmeshgrid(1:3,1:2,10)
% VLmeshgrid([0 15 25 35 45 55 65],0:8:8*22,[10 20])
% See also: CPLofmeshgrid(X, Y), PLmeshgrid
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLedgeNormal_old(VL,ez)- returns the normal vector to vertex edge list
VLedgeNormal_old(VL,ez) % VLedgeNormal_old(VL,ez) - returns the normal vector to vertex edge list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-09 as class: EDGE LISTS)
% =======================================================================
% OBSOLETE (2017-07-26) - USE FAMILY 'VLedgeNormal' INSTEAD
% =======================================================================
% It does not support nan separted vertex lists (CVL) yet. The normal is
% NaN for the first point or the given ez. The normal is NaN for the
% lastpoint. The normal is NaN for all straight points. In case of
% switching normals; the orientation of the succeeding normal will be
% fliped. (Status of: 2017-07-19)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: [ VLedgeNormal ] ; VLFLfaceNormal, VLedgeNormal, edgeNormal,
% CPLedgeNormal
% [NL,AL]=VLedgeNormal_old(VL,[ez])
% VL: Vertex list of succeeding vertices
% ez: optional first normal vector; default is normal of facet [1 2 3]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% NL: Normal vector; NaN if A(i)=0;
% AL: area vector; if straight, A(i)=0;
% VL=VLsample(12); VL=[VL;VL(1:2,:)]; VLedgeNormal(VL)
% VLedgeNormal(PLhelix(10,10,4*pi))
% VLedgeNormal(VLsample(9))
% See also: [ VLedgeNormal ] ; VLFLfaceNormal, VLedgeNormal, edgeNormal,
% CPLedgeNormal
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLedgeNormal(VL,ez)- returs normal and plane vector for free boundary contour
VLedgeNormal(VL,ez) % VLedgeNormal(VL,ez) - returs normal and plane vector for free boundary contour
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-09 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% This fnctn is more complex to understand that it seems on the first
% view: Three succeeding points [last current next] define a plane if not
% in a line. This plane has a normal vector ez. The tangential vector
% ex= is [next - last] and the plane vector is ey=cross(ez,ex)
% 2018-07-23 Does also support straight lines now. (Status of: 2018-08-20)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: VLFLfaceNormal, VLFLofCVLdelaunay2D, VLFLofCVLdelaunay3D,
% edgeNormal, CPLedgeNormal, Rofez
% [NL,OL]=VLedgeNormal(VL,[ez])
% VL: Vertex list of succeeding vertices
% ez: optional first normal vector; default is normal of facet [1 2 3]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% NL: Normal Vector List (red)
% OL: Orthogonal Plane Directed Vector list (blue)
% VL=VLsample(12); VL=[VL;VL(1:2,:)]; VLedgeNormal(VL)
% VLedgeNormal(PLhelix(10,10,4*pi))
% VLedgeNormal(VLsample(9))
% VLedgeNormal(VLsample(2))
% See also: VLFLfaceNormal, VLFLofCVLdelaunay2D, VLFLofCVLdelaunay3D,
% edgeNormal, CPLedgeNormal, Rofez
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
PLmeshgrid(xx,yy)- simple function for a better understand of meshgrid
PLmeshgrid(xx,yy) % PLmeshgrid(xx,yy) - simple fnctn for a better understand of meshgrid
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-08 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: VLmeshgrid, CPLofmeshgrid(X, Y)
% PL=PLmeshgrid(xx,yy)
% xx: list of x values
% yy: list of y values
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% PL: Point list of all mesh coordinates
% PLmeshgrid(1:3,1:2)
% PLmeshgrid([0 15 25 35 45 55 65],0:8:8*22)
% See also: VLmeshgrid, CPLofmeshgrid(X, Y)
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGgrowFS (SG,t)- grows the feature surfaces of a solid
SGgrowFS (SG,t) % SGgrowFS (SG,t) - grows the feature surfaces of a solid
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-08 as class: SURFACES)
% The feature surfaces are calculated (default value is 1 rad/60 degree).
% Afterwards it is analyzed wich facets show inside of the solid an which
% show outside. Only inside or outside are processed here. Use SGgrow for
% processing all. At the border between outside and inside, the vertices
% that belong to both (inside, outside) stay unchanged. The vertices that
% define the border of the new outside surfaces are not moved along the
% vertex normal vector but along the normal vector of the border contour!
% Attention: Be aware that concave surface cannot be grown without
% self-penetration. (Status of: 2017-07-08)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: SGgrowFS, SGgrow
% SGgrowFS(SG,[t])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% t: Increase/Decrease Value along the vertex normal vector
% load JACO_robot.mat % use loadweb if the file need to be aquired
% SG=SGseparate(JC3,3)
% SGgrowFS(SG,10)
% See also: SGgrowFS, SGgrow
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
clipboardrem(maxc)- removes comment characters from the clipboard
clipboardrem(maxc) % clipboardrem(maxc) - removes comment characters from the clipboard
% (by Tim Lueth, FileMaker, 2017-JUL-07 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: clipboardadd
% C=clipboardrem([maxc])
% maxc:
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% C:
% See also: clipboardadd
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
clipboardadd(maxc)- adds comment characters from the clipboard
clipboardadd(maxc) % clipboardadd(maxc) - adds comment characters from the clipboard
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-07 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: clipboardrem
% C=clipboardadd([maxc])
% maxc:
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% C:
% See also: clipboardrem
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
surfacesofSG(TR,alpha)- returns all feature surfaces (open boundaries) that have a limited angle between their normal vectors
surfacesofSG(TR,alpha) % surfacesofSG(TR,alpha) - returns all feature surfaces (open boundaries) that have a limited angle between their normal vectors
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-06 as class: SURFACES)
% This fnctn can take several seconds to classify all OPEN surfaces of a
% solid by using TR3neighborsAngle and neighborsAngleSurface.
% When called without output parameter; drawing the surfaces take the
% most time.
% SGsurfaces returns CLOSED surfaces
% TR3mountingfaces is a very similar fnctn
% (Status of: 2017-07-27)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: neighborsAngleSurface, TR3neighborsAngle, SGsurfaces,
% TR3mountingfaces
% [FIL,k,FNL,NAL,NBL,Ai]=surfacesofSG(TR,[alpha])
% TR: Solid Geometry or Triangulation
% alpha: maximum angle between two facets; default is 1 ~ 60 degree
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% FIL: Index List for the Surface Indices
% k: maximum value of FIL
% FNL: Facet Normal List - TR3neighborsAngle
% NAL: Neigbor Angle List - TR3neighborsAngle
% NBL: Neigbor List - TR3neighborsAngle
% Ai: Area of the indexed surfaces 1:k
% load JACO_robot.mat
% surfacesofSG(JC3);
% See also: neighborsAngleSurface, TR3neighborsAngle, SGsurfaces,
% TR3mountingfaces
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
LaserInit- Initializes the USB-Serial Port and Requests Data from the Leuze Scanner
LaserInit % LaserInit - Initializes the USB-Serial Port and Requests Data from the Leuze Scanner
% (by Tim Lueth & Sebastian Heininger, ROBOT-Lib, 2017-JUL-06)
% This is just an example how to use the Leuze Laser Scanner at the mac
% computer. (Status of: 2017-07-06)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: USBhelp
% LaserInit
% See also: USBhelp
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGinsideSurface(SG,fnum,wlim,ilim)- Checks the distance between the centers of the facets
SGinsideSurface(SG,fnum,wlim,ilim) % SGinsideSurface(SG,fnum,wlim,ilim) - Checks the distance between the centers of the facets
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-06 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% The fnctns SGcheckfacedist and SGinsidesurface are very similar. Both
% ray trace the normal vector of a facet and detect self-penetration of
% other facets. While SGcheckfacedist looks backwards, SGinsideSurface
% looks forward along the normal vector. The only problem is the extreme
% time-consuming quadratic growing effort.
% In SGcheckfacedist there is almost never a need to process the original
% data. But for SGinsidesurface there is wish to process the original
% data. There we use a heuristics to accelerate the algorithm. First we
% analyze freeeform surfaces using surfacesofSG, the we analyze just for
% each of those surfaces ONE surface to have an opponent. (Status of:
% 2017-07-07)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: SGcheckfacedist, SGinsidesurface, surfacesofSG
% [FIL,insFS]=SGinsideSurface(SG,[fnum,wlim,ilim])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% fnum: reduce to face numbers; default is 3000;
% wlim: warning limit; default is 0.7 mm
% ilim: intended limit; distance that is considered as intended; default
% is 0.1mm
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% FIL: Facet surface index list
% insFS: inside index of feature surface
% load JACO_robot.mat
% SG=SGsurfaces(JC3,3)
% SGinsideSurface(SG)
% See also: SGcheckfacedist, SGinsidesurface, surfacesofSG
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
diffangle(NL1,NL2,normfirst)- calculates the angle between to normal vector lists
diffangle(NL1,NL2,normfirst) % diffangle(NL1,NL2,normfirst) - calculates the angle between to normal vector lists
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-06 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% optimal for list processing. if normalization is required, the time is
% about doubled (Status of: 2017-08-03)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: TR3neighborsAngle, PLangle, VLangle, PLangle2
% AL=diffangle(NL1,NL2,[normfirst])
% NL1: normal vector lists 1
% NL2: normal vector lists 2
% normfirst: if true; VLnorm is sued to norm the vectors first;
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% AL: real(acos(dot(NL1(i,:),NL2(i,1))))
% EXAMPLE: NL1=rand(10,3); NL2=rand(10,3);
% See also: TR3neighborsAngle, PLangle, VLangle, PLangle2
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGcheckfacedist(SG,fnum,wlim,ilim)- Checks the distance between the centers of the facets
SGcheckfacedist(SG,fnum,wlim,ilim) % SGcheckfacedist(SG,fnum,wlim,ilim) - Checks the distance between the centers of the facets
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-06 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Important test procedure for shrinked models and imported geometries.
% Attention: Some geometries consist of intended overlapping structures
% Attention: Some geometries consist of open surfaces (Status of:
% 2017-07-06)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: exp_2017_07_06
% [ml,cpl]=SGcheckfacedist(SG,[fnum,wlim,ilim])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% fnum: reduce to face numbers; default is 3000;
% wlim: warning limit; default is 0.7 mm
% ilim: intended limit; distance that is considered as intended; default
% is 0.1mm
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% ml: complete list of distances
% cpl: complete list of cross points
% load JACO_robot.mat
% X=SGseparate(JC2,5)
% SGcheckfacedist(X,2000)
% See also: exp_2017_07_06
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLFLofSGT(SGN,N)- returns the VL and FL of the surface related to a fram
VLFLofSGT(SGN,N) % VLFLofSGT(SGN,N) - returns the VL and FL of the surface related to a fram
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-06 as class: SURFACES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: CVLofVLFL
% SGN: Solid with Frames
% N: Name of Frames
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VL: Vertex list; shortend
% FL: FAcet list; shortend
% loadweb JACO_robot.mat
% VLFLofSGT(JC0,'B');
% See also: CVLofVLFL
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CVLofVLFL()- does the same as CVLfreeBoundaryVLFL
CVLofVLFL() % CVLofVLFL() - does the same as CVLfreeBoundaryVLFL
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-06 as class: SURFACES)
% =======================================================================
% OBSOLETE (2017-07-26) - USE FAMILY 'CVLfreeBoundaryVLFL' INSTEAD
% =======================================================================
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: [ CVLfreeBoundaryVLFL ] ; VLFLofSGT, CVLfreeBoundaryVLFL
% [CVL,TR]=CVLofVLFL([])
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVL:
% TR:
% See also: [ CVLfreeBoundaryVLFL ] ; VLFLofSGT, CVLfreeBoundaryVLFL
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CVLofSGT(SGN,N)- returns the CVL of the surface that belongs to a Frame
CVLofSGT(SGN,N) % CVLofSGT(SGN,N) - returns the CVL of the surface that belongs to a Frame
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-06 as class: SURFACES)
% currently required that the affiliated surfaces are defined already and
% linked to the frame name. (Status of: 2017-08-11)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: VLFLofSGT, CVLofSGcutT, CVLofSGcutplanes
% SGN: Solid Geometry with Frames
% N: Frame name or Transfomraton Matrx [4x4]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVL: Convtour Vertex List
% CPL: Closed contour wrt Frame N; [n x 3]; z should be 0
% loadweb JACO_robot.mat
% CVLofSGT(JC1,'F');
% CVLofSGT(JC1,TofP([0 0 150]));
% See also: VLFLofSGT, CVLofSGcutT, CVLofSGcutplanes
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGofsmbFullModelSimulation(SGi,Ti,tm,t)- returns a solid geometry for an arbitrary time value of a simulation
SGofsmbFullModelSimulation(SGi,Ti,tm,t) % SGofsmbFullModelSimulation(SGi,Ti,tm,t) - returns a solid geometry for an arbitrary time value of a simulation
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-05 as class: SIMMECHANICS INTERFACE)
% This fnctn is an add on to smbFullModelSimulation (Status of:
% 2017-07-05)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: smbFullModelSimulation
% [SG,t]=SGofsmbFullModelSimulation(SGi,Ti,tm,t)
% SGi: List of Solid Geometries, result of smbFullModelSimulation
% Ti: List of HT Frames, result of smbFullModelSimulation
% tm: List of time points result of smbFullModelSimulation
% t: desired time
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid Geoemtry
% t: Exact time of simulation
% [~,BNi,SGi,Ti,tm]=smbFullModelSimulation(1);
% SGofsmbFullModelSimulation(SGi,Ti,tm,0);
% See also: smbFullModelSimulation
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGgrabcad(page)- Simply opens the WWW-page of in the system browser
SGgrabcad(page) % SGgrabcad(page) - Simply opens the WWW-page of in the system browser
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-05 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: SG_DBconnectors.mat, SG_Patientknee.mat, DeepL
% SGgrabcad([page])
% page: optional direct page such as 'hebi'
% SGgrabcad
% SGgrabcad('hebi')
% See also: SG_DBconnectors.mat, SG_Patientknee.mat, DeepL
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
CVLfreeBoundaryVLFL(VL,FL)- returns the CVL of the free boundary
CVLfreeBoundaryVLFL(VL,FL) % CVLfreeBoundaryVLFL(VL,FL) - returns the CVL of the free boundary
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-05 as class: SURFACES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: freeBoundary, neighborsAngleSurface
% [CVL,TR2]=CVLfreeBoundaryVLFL(VL,FL)
% VL: Vertex List, or Solid Geometry, or triangulation
% FL: Facet list, if VL is Vertex list
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVL: Closed vertex contour list
% TR2: triangulation
% loadweb JACO_robot.mat
% SG=JC61; [NAL,NBL]=TR3neighborsAngle(SG);
% fi=neighborsAngleSurface(NAL,NBL,1,22000);
% CVL=CVLfreeBoundaryVLFL(SG.VL,SG.FL(fi,:)); SGfigure;
% CVLplot(CVL,'--');
% CV=separateNaN(CVL,10); CVLplot(CV,'-',3);
% See also: freeBoundary, neighborsAngleSurface
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
ELunique(ELo,remeq)- returns a unique list of all edges
ELunique(ELo,remeq) % ELunique(ELo,remeq) - returns a unique list of all edges
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-05 as class: EDGE LISTS)
% Makes sure that no edge is used twice!
% More or less the same as ELuniqueofFL but will not change the ordner
% and in case of doubles the direction of the first used edges is not
% changed. (Status of: 2017-08-17)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: ELuniqueofFL, FLunique
% EL=ELunique(ELo,[remeq])
% ELo: Edge List or Facet List
% remeq: removes degenerated edges [i i]; default is false;
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% EL: Edge list sorted by first vertex index
% EL=[2 1;2 3;4 5;1 2; 2 1; 3 4; 6 5; 5 1]; ELunique(EL)
% ELunique([4 4;4 5; 5 4; 6 4],true)
% See also: ELuniqueofFL, FLunique
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
graphofEL(EL,n)- creates an undirected graph model from an edge list
graphofEL(EL,n) % graphofEL(EL,n) - creates an undirected graph model from an edge list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-05 as class: EDGE LISTS)
% This is the first fnctn to analyze surface models using graph theory.
% It is extremely helpful to analyze the structures by this abstraction
% level.
% MATLAB supports since 2015b
% undirected "graphs" and
% directed "digraphs" (Status of: 2017-09-10)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: featureEdges, ELplot
% G=graphofEL(EL,[n])
% EL: Edge list; must have unique entries!
% n: optional number of vertices
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% G: MATLAB's Graph struct using Edges and Nodes
% EL=featureEdges(TR3ofSG(SGsample(25)),1)
% graphofEL(EL)
% graphofEL(featureEdges(TR3ofSG(SGsample(3)),1))
% See also: featureEdges, ELplot
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
neighborsAngleSurface(NAL,NBL,alpha,fi)- returns connected facets with respect to a feature angle
neighborsAngleSurface(NAL,NBL,alpha,fi) % neighborsAngleSurface(NAL,NBL,alpha,fi) - returns connected facets with respect to a feature angle
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-05 as class: SURFACES)
% The required parameter NAL,NBL are calculated using TR3neighborsAngle.
% Since TR3neighborsAngle can be slow, the fnctns are separated to
% accelerate the repeatet use of neighborsAngleSurface.
% (Status of: 2017-07-05)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: TR3neighborsAngle
% [fa,FCL]=neighborsAngleSurface(NAL,NBL,alpha,fi)
% NAL: =TR3neighborsAngle(TR3)
% NBL: =neighbors(TR3), also delivered by [NAL,NBL]=TR3neighborsAngle(TR3)
% alpha: feature angle
% fi: starting facet index (can be several)
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% fa: facet index with respect to NAL,NBL of (TR3)
% FCL: Facet connection list; optional
% SG=SGsample(25);
% [NAL,NBL]=TR3neighborsAngle(SG); fi=neighborsAngleSurface(NAL,NBL,1,22);
% VLFLplot(SG.VL,SG.FL(fi,:))
% See also: TR3neighborsAngle
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
TR3featureEdges(TR3,alpha)- returns feature edge List plus edge attached facets
TR3featureEdges(TR3,alpha) % TR3featureEdges(TR3,alpha) - returns feature edge List plus edge attached facets
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-05 as class: SURFACES)
% Auxiliary fnctn as starting point:
% Simply calls featureEdges. It is not using edgeAttachments but an own
% solution
% (Status of: 2017-07-05)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% [EL,Fi]=TR3featureEdges(TR3,alpha)
% TR3: Triangulation
% alpha: feature edge angle
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% EL: Feature Edge List
% Fi: Index of TR3.ConnectivityList of attached facets
% TR3featureEdges(SGsample(25),1)
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
TR3neighborsAngle(TR3)- returns the angle difference between a facet an its neigbors
TR3neighborsAngle(TR3) % TR3neighborsAngle(TR3) - returns the angle difference between a facet an its neigbors
% (by Tim Lueth, Video-Lib, 2017-JUL-04 as class: SURFACES)
% Calculated the difference angle between a surface and its neighbor
% surfaces.
% Typically used in combination with/to create the input for
% fnctn neighborsAngleSurface (Status of: 2017-07-05)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: neighborsAngleSurface, diffangle
% [NAL,NBL,FNL]=TR3neighborsAngle(TR3)
% TR3: Triangulation or SG
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% NAL: Facet Normal Angle List wrt to NBL
% NBL: Neighbor List = neighbors(TR3)
% FNL: Facet normal List = faceNormal(TR3)
% See also: neighborsAngleSurface, diffangle
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
loadweb (mname,overwr,urlp)- loads mat files from an web url
loadweb (mname,overwr,urlp) % loadweb (mname,overwr,urlp) - loads mat files from an web url
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-JUL-03 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% This fnctn reduces the size of the SG-Lib Toolbox since the '.mat'
% files and the directories can be downloaded once into the user
% directory.
% if parameter overwr=false; the filename will be "downloaded_mname"
% if parameter overwr=true; the filename will be "mname"
% Try:
% 'AAruffo_surf.mat' (3.6 MByte) = Geometry of some human arms
% 'JACO_robot.mat' (6.1 MByte) = Geometry of the JACO robot structure
% 'AIM_SGrobot.mat' (0.1 MByte)
% 'AIM_Patientmodel.mat' ( 5MByte) = 216 x 216 x 26 Slices of a Human
% Head CT Voxel model
% 'ModulKegelradwelle_1.mat' (0.2 MByte)
% 'NDI_STLs.mat' (0.1 MByte) = Geometry of the NDI mounting post for
% spheres (Status of: 2017-07-26)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.0
% See also: load, webread
% loadweb(mname,[overwr,urlp])
% mname: name and extension of the file
% overwr: true=overwrite; default is false.
% urlp: web path; default is
% ''
% loadweb('JACO_robot.mat') % loads the downloaded file
% loadweb('JACO_robot.mat',true) % replaces the original file by the
% downloaded file
% See also: load, webread
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth