New in SG-Lib 4.1

Last change of this page: 2018-09-04
isonVLFLedge(VL,FL,PL)- returns the triangles a vertex is on edge
isonVLFLedge(VL,FL,PL) % isonVLFLedge(VL,FL,PL) - returns the triangles a vertex is on edge
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-SEP-14 as class: SURFACES)
% SGintersectFacetPoints returns a vertex list of crossing points of two
% surfaces. Nevertheless in case of numerical problems when a vertex is
% on a a facet edge, it is not found on the corresponding negative edge
% of the neighbor facet. Therefor this fnctn just makes a cross check for
% all vertices and all points
% NN cols; [vi fi ei ti]
% vi = checked vertex index of PL
% fi = facets of FL that contains PL(vi,:)
% ei = edge index 1..3 of fi
% ti = value between 0 and 1 end point
% if ti<0 or ti>1, the point is not on the edge (Status of: 2017-09-14)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGintersectFacetPoints, VLFLinsertFacetPoints
% NN=isonVLFLedge(VL,FL,PL)
% VL: Vertex list of solid
% FL: Face list of solid
% PL: Point to check or Point List
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% NN: Result [n x 4]
% SGsample(26); A=ans, isonVLFLedge(A.VL,A.FL,[0 -10 5])
% SGsample(26); A=ans, isonVLFLedge(A.VL,A.FL,[0 -10 5;10 10 -5])
% SGsample(26); A=ans, isonVLFLedge(A.VL,A.FL,[0 -10 5;20 10 -5])
% See also: SGintersectFacetPoints, VLFLinsertFacetPoints
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
barytocartUVLdelaunay(p1,p2,p3,UVL)- converts a 2d Barycentric [u,v] vertex list into a 3D Cartesian coordinate list [x, y, z]
barytocartUVLdelaunay(p1,p2,p3,UVL) % barytocartUVLdelaunay(p1,p2,p3,UVL) - converts a 2d Barycentric [u,v] vertex list into a 3D Cartesian coordinate list [x, y, z]
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-SEP-11 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% Same as barytocartUVL but uses mathlabs triangulation concept
% Expecting all vertices in the plane of a triangle p1p2p3, the
% coordinates of the vertices can be formulated as p1 + u*(p2-p1) + v*
% (p3-p1). The Barycentric coordinates are [u v].
% Both procedures can be used to solve 3D problems in 2D
% barytocartUVL is unable to detect the distance to the plane!
% (Status of: 2017-09-11)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: carttobaryVL, barytocartUVL, clipbarycentric
% VL=barytocartUVLdelaunay(p1,p2,p3,UVL)
% p1: Point 1 of the triangle
% p2: Point 2 of the triangle
% p3: Point 3 of the triangle
% UVL: Barycentric vertex list, all points in plane
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VL: n x 3 list with [x y z]
% barytocartUVLdelaunay([0 0 0],[ 0 10 10],[0 0 20],[0 0.5])
% See also: carttobaryVL, barytocartUVL, clipbarycentric
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
ELofELmesh(EL)- returns a separated EL consisting of independent meshes and a rest of points and lines
ELofELmesh(EL) % ELofELmesh(EL) - returns a separated EL consisting of independent meshes and a rest of points and lines
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-SEP-10 as class: EDGE LISTS)
% This fnctn will take an edge list and searches for closed meshed under
% the condition of correct edge lists(!), which is not the case for
% feature edges.
% The results are closed meshes and a list of open lines and points
% (Status of: 2018-08-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: ELplot, graphofEL
% [NEL,CIL,ELu]=ELofELmesh(EL)
% EL: Original edge list
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% NEL: New edge list (blue)
% CIL: CIL of meshes
% ELu: list of restpoints that are not part of a mesh (red)
% ELofELmesh([1 2;2 3;3 1;4 1])
% ELofELmesh([1 2;2 3;1 3])
% See also: ELplot, graphofEL
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
ELplot(EL)- plots the graph of the given edge list
ELplot(EL) % ELplot(EL) - plots the graph of the given edge list
% (by Tim Lueth, FileMaker, 2017-SEP-09 as class: EDGE LISTS)
% This fnctn uses the digraph class and plot for drawing the edge list.
% (Status of: 2018-04-18)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: graphofEL
% [h,G]=ELplot(EL)
% EL: Edge List
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to plot
% G: digraaph of the edge list
% ELplot(FEofSG(SGsample(32)));
% CPL=[PLcircle(5);nan nan;PLcircle(3)]; [~,EL]=PLELofCPL(CPL)
% SGfigure; ELplot(EL);
% X=SGsample(26); EL=ELofFL(X.FL); SGfigure; ELplot(EL,'layout','force3')
% See also: graphofEL
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
ELconnectedgroups(EL,vi)- returns edge lists in groups of isolate indices
ELconnectedgroups(EL,vi) % ELconnectedgroups(EL,vi) - returns edge lists in groups of isolate indices
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-SEP-08 as class: EDGE LISTS)
% Use CILofEL afterwards
% Use CELofEL to create EL with same directions (Status of: 2018-08-24)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: CELofEL, ELreconnect, ELofELmesh
% [NEL,CIL]=ELconnectedgroups(EL,vi)
% EL: Edge list
% vi: Optional list of interested vertices; default is ''
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CIL: Group Index List
% ELconnectedgroups(FEofSG(SGsample(32)))
% [NEL,CIL]=ELconnectedgroups( floor(rand(10,2)*10+1))
% See also: CELofEL, ELreconnect, ELofELmesh
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
debugTL()- just prompts the current function as debug info
debugTL() % debugTL() - just prompts the current fnctn as debug info
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-SEP-06 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% the varargin parameter has no use but the possibility to integrate
% somehow the date of the debug process somehow in the code, even it is
% useful only for a human programmer (Status of: 2017-09-06)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% debugTL([])
% EXAMPLE: debugTL('2017-09-07');
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CVLofSGcutTrot(SG,T,wlim,grow)- creates contours and 2.5D solids from a rotated cross-slice of a solid.
CVLofSGcutTrot(SG,T,wlim,grow) % CVLofSGcutTrot(SG,T,wlim,grow) - creates contours and 2.5D solids from a rotated cross-slice of a solid.
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-SEP-05 as class: SLICES)
% uses CVLofSGT but creates the sweeped crossing area and a 2D.
% This fnctn is required if an rotating solid needs volume space for the
% rotation and the revolving solid has to be substracted from the
% rotation partner. (Status of: 2017-09-06)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGbool
% [CVLA,CVLB,CPLA,CPLB,A,B]=CVLofSGcutTrot(SG,[T,wlim,grow])
% SG: Solid Geoemtry
% T: Cutting Frame; default is eye(4)
% wlim: [wlim wmax]; default is [-pi/4 +pi/4];
% grow: growing factor / slot size
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVLA: Spatial contour [n x 3] of above line
% CVLB: Spatial contour [n x 3] of below line
% CPLA: Planar contour [n x 2] of above line
% CPLB: Planar contour [n x 2] of below line
% A: Solid for contour A
% B: Solid for contour B
% CVLofSGcutTrot(SGsample(26),TofT(eye(4),0,+4),[0 pi/4]);
% CVLofSGcutTrot(SGsample(27),TofT(eye(4),0,+4),[0 pi/4]);
% See also: SGbool
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGvertexongrid(A,grid1,grid2)- returns a solid geometry with all vertices set to a grid
SGvertexongrid(A,grid1,grid2) % SGvertexongrid(A,grid1,grid2) - returns a solid geometry with all vertices set to a grid
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-SEP-01 as class: SURFACES)
% Three important fnctns to be used in combination with SGbool:
% SGvertexongrid - maps all vertices of a solid to a grid
% SGretesselate - removes small facets from a solid
% SGdelaunay - retesselates alls surfaces by delaunay
% (Status of: 2017-09-07)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: VLFLvertexongrid, SGretesselate, SGdelaunay
% B=SGvertexongrid([A,grid1,grid2])
% A: Solid Geoemtry
% grid1: default is 1e-3 points mapped to the same coordinates
% grid2: default is 0.25*grid 1 grid the last point is mapped to
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% B: Final Solid
% SG=SGsample(5), SGvertexongrid(SG,1), VLmindxyz(ans)
% See also: VLFLvertexongrid, SGretesselate, SGdelaunay
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLFLvertexongrid(VL,FL,grid1,grid2)- returns a solid geometry with all vertices set to a grid
VLFLvertexongrid(VL,FL,grid1,grid2) % VLFLvertexongrid(VL,FL,grid1,grid2) - returns a solid geometry with all vertices set to a grid
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-SEP-01 as class: SURFACES)
% Important fnctn to be used in combination with SGbool
% This fnctn uses two grids.
% grid 1 is used to select all points that are conidered to have the same
% coordinates
% grid 2 is used to force the remaining single point to a grid position
% grid 2 is an order of magnitude smaller than grid 1 (Status of:
% 2017-09-01)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGbool, VLFLremoveVertex
% [VLN,FLN]=VLFLvertexongrid([VL,FL,grid1,grid2])
% VL: Vertex List or Solid Geoemtry
% FL: Facet List, or empty if VL=SG
% grid1: default is 1e-3
% grid2: default is 0.25*grid 1
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VLN: Final Vertex List or Final Solid if nargout==1
% FLN: Final Facet List
% A=SGsample(5), B=VLFLvertexongrid(A,'',0.1), VLmindxyz(B)
% See also: SGbool, VLFLremoveVertex
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
uniquehist(A,)- performs the unique command and creates a full histogram count afterwards
uniquehist(A,) % uniquehist(A,) - performs the unique command and creates a full histogram count afterwards
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-30 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% works exactly as unique but calculates the number of occurences
% afterwards (Status of: 2017-08-30)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: unique
% [C,ia,ic,h]=uniquehist(A,[])
% A: array A
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% C: unique arrary, may be sorted
% ia: index vector ia
% ic: index vector ib
% h: number of entities of C in A
% L=1+floor(rand(10,1)*10)
% L=1+floor(rand(100,2)*10)
% [a,~,~,h]=uniquehist(roundn(ELunsort(L),2),'rows'),[a h]
% uniquehist(roundn(ELunsort(L),20))
% uniquehist(roundn(ELunsort(L),20),'rows')
% See also: unique
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLFLofCVLdelaunay3D(CVL)- returns the top and below tesselation for ONE closed vertex list which cuts a convex solid into two parts
VLFLofCVLdelaunay3D(CVL) % VLFLofCVLdelaunay3D(CVL) - returns the top and below tesselation for ONE closed vertex list which cuts a convex solid into two parts
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-28 as class: SURFACES)
% In contrast to VLFLofVLELdelaunay3D, this fnctn VLFLofCVLdelaunay3D is
% limited to the vertex points that are used in CVL. Based on the VL a
% convex solid is created and separted into two halfs/parts by the given
% EL. This works currently in 3D only for one closed contour. (Status of:
% 2017-08-31)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: VLedgeNormal, VLFLofCVLdelaunay2D, VLFLofVLELdelaunay3D
% [VL,FLA,FLB]=VLFLofCVLdelaunay3D([CVL])
% CVL: Closed Polygon Vertex List
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VL: Vertex List
% FLA: Facet List Above/Front of EL (CYAN)
% FLB: Facet List Below/Back of EL (YELLOW)
% VLFLofCVLdelaunay3D(VLsample(12))
% See also: VLedgeNormal, VLFLofCVLdelaunay2D, VLFLofVLELdelaunay3D
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CVLofVLEL(VL,EL)- returns a closed polygon vertex list from a vertex list and an edge list
CVLofVLEL(VL,EL) % CVLofVLEL(VL,EL) - returns a closed polygon vertex list from a vertex list and an edge list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-28 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% same as CPLofPLEL (Status of: 2017-08-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% VL: Vertex List
% EL: Edge list
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVL: closed polygon vertex list
% [VL,EL]=VLELofCVL(VLsample(18)); CVLofVLEL(VL,EL)
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLFLofVLELdelaunay3D(OVL,EL)- returns the top and below tesselation for ONE closed vertex list which cuts a convex solid into two parts
VLFLofVLELdelaunay3D(OVL,EL) % VLFLofVLELdelaunay3D(OVL,EL) - returns the top and below tesselation for ONE closed vertex list which cuts a convex solid into two parts
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-28 as class: SURFACES)
% In contrast to VLFLofCVLdelaunay3D, this fnctn VLFLofVLELdelaunay3D is
% not limited to the vertex points that are used in CVL. Based on the VL
% a convex solid is created and separted into two halfs/parts by the
% given EL. This works currently in 3D only for one closed contour.
% (Status of: 2017-08-30)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: VLedgeNormal, VLFLofCVLdelaunay2D, VLFLofCVLdelaunay3D
% [VL,FLA,FLB]=VLFLofVLELdelaunay3D([OVL,EL])
% OVL: Original Vertex List
% EL: Edge List
% === PROPERTY NAMES =====
% 'nowarn' : if used; the planar warning is off
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VL: Vertex List
% FLA: Facet List Above/Front of EL (CYAN)
% FLB: Facet List Below/Back of EL (YELLOW)
% A=SGsample(5); EL=ELsort(FEofSG(A)); VLFLofVLELdelaunay3D(A.VL,EL);
% A=SGsample(19); EL=ELsort(FEofSG(A)); VLFLofVLELdelaunay3D(A.VL,EL);
% AVL=VLofCVL(VLsample(17)); AEL=ELofCVL(AVL);
% VLFLofVLELdelaunay3D(AVL,AEL)
% AVL=VLofCVL(VLsample(15)); AEL=ELofCVL(AVL);
% VLFLofVLELdelaunay3D(AVL,AEL)
% AVL=VLofCVL(VLsample(12)); AEL=ELofCVL(AVL);
% VLFLofVLELdelaunay3D(AVL,AEL)
% See also: VLedgeNormal, VLFLofCVLdelaunay2D, VLFLofCVLdelaunay3D
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CVLplots(CVL,c,w,t,b,f)- similar to CVLplot but shows optionally the direction of the line segments
CVLplots(CVL,c,w,t,b,f) % CVLplots(CVL,c,w,t,b,f) - similar to CVLplot but shows optionally the direction of the line segments
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-28 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% This procedure is different to VLELplot (Status of: 2017-08-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: VLELplots, CPLplot, PLplot, VLplot, CVLplot
% h=CVLplots(CVL,[c,w,t,b,f])
% CVL: Several closed vertex list separated by nan
% c: Optional color of desired edges; default changing colors
% w: Optional line width; default is 1
% t: Size of a cone shaped arrow tip, default is ''=invisible
% b: Size of a cube showing the start point; default is ''=invisible
% f: Size of a ring showing the end point; default is ''=invisible
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to drawing elements
% SGfigure; view(-30,30); CVLplots(VLsample(18),'',3,1);
% SGfigure; view(-30,30); CVLplots(VLsample(18),'',3,1,1);
% SGfigure; view(-30,30); CVLplots(VLsample(18),'',3,1,1,1);
% See also: VLELplots, CPLplot, PLplot, VLplot, CVLplot
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLELofCVL(CVL)- converts nan separated succeeding vertex lists into a vertex list and an edge list
VLELofCVL(CVL) % VLELofCVL(CVL) - converts nan separated succeeding vertex lists into a vertex list and an edge list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-27 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% This fnctn removes the NaN from the original point list. The
% orientation (cw/ccw) is not changed. It is exactly the same as
% PLELofCPL (Status of: 2017-08-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: ELofCVL, PLELofCPL, CVLofVLEL
% CVL: NAN Separated Vertex List
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VL: Vertex List (without NaN)
% EL: Edge list
% [VL,EL]=VLELofCVL(VLsample(19)); CVL=CVLofVLEL(VL,EL);
% VLELofCVL(VLsample(19));
% See also: ELofCVL, PLELofCPL, CVLofVLEL
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLof2VLnonmanifold(VLA,VLB)- returns vertex list and indices of non manifold vertices on TWO DIFFERENT vertex lists
VLof2VLnonmanifold(VLA,VLB) % VLof2VLnonmanifold(VLA,VLB) - returns vertex list and indices of non manifold vertices on TWO DIFFERENT vertex lists
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-25 as class: SURFACES)
% This fnctn is able to detect potential problems in SGbool before
% execution (Status of: 2017-08-25)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: VLmindxyz, VLofcorruptedFL
% [NML,nma,nmb]=VLof2VLnonmanifold(VLA,VLB)
% VLA: Vertex list A
% VLB: Vertex list B
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% NML: Non manifold vertices; identical points used in both solids
% nma:
% nmb:
% [A,B]=CSGsample(12);
% VLof2VLnonmanifold(roundn(A.VL,1e-4),roundn(B.VL,1e-4))
% See also: VLmindxyz, VLofcorruptedFL
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
FLofELinFL(FL,EL,)- finds one ore more edges in a facets list
FLofELinFL(FL,EL,) % FLofELinFL(FL,EL,) - finds one ore more edges in a facets list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-24 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% this is a search fnctn ismember(FL,EL) (Status of: 2017-08-25)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: FLunique, ELinFL, ELofFL, ELofFLborder
% [FL,ci]=FLofELinFL(FL,EL,[])
% FL: Facet list
% EL: Edge List
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% FL: Faces that contain the edges
% ci: selection index
% A=SGbox([30,20,10]); ELinFL(A.FL,[1 2])
% See also: FLunique, ELinFL, ELofFL, ELofFLborder
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLmindxyz(VL,Name,FL,grid)- returns the minimal distance larger than zero
VLmindxyz(VL,Name,FL,grid) % VLmindxyz(VL,Name,FL,grid) - returns the minimal distance larger than zero
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-24 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% The smallest number in matlab different from zero is eps ~1e-15;
% The typical arithmetic error of ordinary calculation is ~1e-12;
% The smallest trigonometric number bigger than zero is eps2 ~1e-07;
% A boolean surface operation should use coordinate grids ~1e-03;
% The crossing points NPL of those coordinate would be up to ~1e-12;
% Rounding limits > 1e-12 will create new point in triangulation;
% (Status of: 2017-08-24)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: VLmindist, eps, eps2, epsdyn, SGboolanalyze
% [dmin,dmm]=VLmindxyz(VL,[Name,FL,grid])
% VL: vector list
% Name: Optional Name string for warnings and verbose print
% FL: Optional Facet list to get information on Area and collapsed facets
% grid: Optional Grid size to estimate the problems by grid rounding
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% dmin: absolute minimal distance
% dmm: abolute maximum dimension
% VLmindxyz(SGsample(5)), % Shows the minimal point distance for a half
% sphere
% See also: VLmindist, eps, eps2, epsdyn, SGboolanalyze
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGdelaunay(A,alpha)- returns a solid with delaunay surfaces
SGdelaunay(A,alpha) % SGdelaunay(A,alpha) - returns a solid with delaunay surfaces
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-24 as class: SURFACES)
% This fnctn takes all planar surfaces and creates a new delaunay
% tesselation for this planar surfaces
% ATTENTION. The new facet list will not change in size!
% ATTENTION. Sometimes the new surface is only mirrored on turned
% ATTENTION. The alpha value will smoothen the surface but can lead to
% undesired side effects
% A larger alpha value will flatten spherical surfaces and create
% undesired spherical shortcuts! (Status of: 2017-08-24)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGreduceVLFL, SGretesselate
% SGN=SGdelaunay(A,[alpha])
% A: Original Solid Geometry
% alpha: feature surface angle; default is 0.01
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN: Solid Geometry with delaunay surfaces
% A=SGsample(5); B=SGcutBB(A,BBofSG(A)*0.8,0.1,'bool');
% SGdelaunay(B,0.01)
% See also: SGreduceVLFL, SGretesselate
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGtransrelT(SG,T0,T)- tranforms a solid relative to known one
SGtransrelT(SG,T0,T) % SGtransrelT(SG,T0,T) - tranforms a solid relative to known one
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-22 as class: SURFACES)
% SGN=SGtransT(SG,T0*T*(eye(4)/T0));
% (Status of: 2017-08-23)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGtrans, SGtrans0, SGtrans1, SGtransP, SGtransR,
% SGtransrelSG, SGtransT
% SGN=SGtransrelT(SG,T0,T)
% SG: Solid Geometry
% T0: Reference Frame Matrix or string for SGTget
% T: Relative Transformation Frame
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN: Spatial transformed solid
% See also: SGtrans, SGtrans0, SGtrans1, SGtransP, SGtransR,
% SGtransrelSG, SGtransT
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CVLclipT(CVL,T,ax)- returns a clipped CVL relative to a HT matrix
CVLclipT(CVL,T,ax) % CVLclipT(CVL,T,ax) - returns a clipped CVL relative to a HT matrix
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-22 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% Be careful if more than one axis is clipped! unexpected results .....
% (Status of: 2017-08-22)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: CVLinsertT
% CVLC=CVLclipT(CVL,T,ax)
% CVL: Closed Polyggon in 3D
% T: Frame matrix
% ax: clipping area; [1 0 0]; [-1 0 0]; [0 1 0]; [0 -1 0]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVLC: Clipped contour
% CVLclipT(VLaddz(PLcircle(10)),TofR(rot(0,0,pi/3),[2 3 0]),[0 0 0])
% CVLclipT(VLaddz(PLcircle(10)),TofR(rot(0,0,pi/3),[2 3 0]),[-1 0 0])
% CVLclipT(VLaddz(PLcircle(10)),TofR(rot(0,0,pi/3),[2 3 0]),[0 1 0])
% See also: CVLinsertT
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CVLinsertT(CVL,T)- inserts the x/y crossing points of a CVL and a HT matrix of a plane
CVLinsertT(CVL,T) % CVLinsertT(CVL,T) - inserts the x/y crossing points of a CVL and a HT matrix of a plane
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-20 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% In case that a CVL should be cut by T matrix planes into two contour,
% it is helpful to create and insert 3D splitpoint into the original CVL
% (Status of: 2017-08-20)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: CVLremstraightAmin
% NCVL=CVLinsertT(CVL,T)
% T: T matrix
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% NCVL: NCVL matrix with crosing points with the xy plane
% CVLinsertT(VLsample(8),TofP([2 4 5]))
% See also: CVLremstraightAmin
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
exp_2017_08_21 (SG)- EXPERIMENT THAT IS IN FACT SGofCVLslices
exp_2017_08_21 (SG) % exp_2017_08_21 (SG) - EXPERIMENT THAT IS IN FACT SGofCVLslices
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-20 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGofCVLslices
% exp_2017_08_21([SG])
% SG:
% See also: SGofCVLslices
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGseparatebyT(SG,T)- separates a solid into surfaces that are clearly below or above of a xy-plane
SGseparatebyT(SG,T) % SGseparatebyT(SG,T) - separates a solid into surfaces that are clearly below or above of a xy-plane
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-20 as class: SURFACES)
% In contrast to SGcutT, when two solids are separated by a plane, this
% fnctn SGseparatebyT raytraces the ez vector of T to identify solids
% that are infront or behind the T coordinate system. It separates the
% surfaces into "below", "above" or "undefined".
% The solids of SGcutT would be considered as separated solids too.
% (Status of: 2017-08-25)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGsurfaces, SGcutT
% [SGX,SGA,SGB,SGC]=SGseparatebyT(SG,T)
% SG: Solid Geoemtry
% T: Separating frame/ plane
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGX: Surface that enclosed T (magenta); uncut
% SGA: Surfaces clearly ABOVE T (red)
% SGB: Surfaces clearly BELOW T (green)
% SGC: Surfaces that below and above of T (white)
% A=SGsample(5); T=TofP([0 0 3]); B=SGbladeofCVL(CVLofSGT(A,T),2,2);
% A=SGboolTL(A,'-',B); SGseparatebyT(A,T)
% A=SGsample(5); T=TofP([0 0 3]); [A,B]=SGcutT(A,T); SGfigure;
% SGplot(A,'r'); SGplot(B,'g');
% SGseparatebyT({A,B},T)
% SGseparatebyT(SGsample(5),T)
% See also: SGsurfaces, SGcutT
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLFLofCVLdelaunay2D(CVL);- returns a triangulation for an almost planar CVL
VLFLofCVLdelaunay2D(CVL); % VLFLofCVLdelaunay2D(CVL); - returns a triangulation for an almost planar CVL
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-20 as class: SURFACES)
% This fnctn works only for planar CVL (possible in different planes) and
% if CVL contains only open contours and there is no curvature larger
% than 90 degree. (Status of: 2017-08-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: PLFLofCPLdelaunay
% [VL,FL]=VLFLofCVLdelaunay2D(CVL);
% CVL): 3D closed contour vertex list
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% VL: Vertex list
% FL: Facet List
% VLFLofCVLdelaunay(VLsample(13)+5);
% VLFLofCVLdelaunay(VLsample(19)+5);
% See also: PLFLofCPLdelaunay
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGbladeofCVL(CVL,sl,ad)- returns a solid for an almost planar CVL the closing facets
SGbladeofCVL(CVL,sl,ad) % SGbladeofCVL(CVL,sl,ad) - returns a solid for an almost planar CVL the closing facets
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-20 as class: SURFACES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: VLFLofCVLdelaunay2D, SGofSurface
% SG=SGbladeofCVL(CVL,[sl,ad])
% CVL: Closed vertex list; open polygons
% sl: Blade thickness; default=0.3
% ad: size growing; default=0;
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid Geometry of a blade
% SGbladeofCVL(VLsample(19),3)
% SGbladeofCVL([VLaddz(PLcircle(10));nan nan nan;
% VLtransR(VLaddz(PLcircle(5)),rot(0,pi/8,0))],3)
% See also: VLFLofCVLdelaunay2D, SGofSurface
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
TofT(T0,R,P)- returns a T matrix defined relative to another T matrix
TofT(T0,R,P) % TofT(T0,R,P) - returns a T matrix defined relative to another T matrix
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-20 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% This fnctn help to specify a new matrix relative to an existing one.
% This is helpful to define cutting planes for SGcutT for example.
% In fact it is the same as T1=T0*TofR(R,P) but may be easier to
% understand. (Status of: 2017-08-20)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: TofR, TofVL, TPL, TofDPhiH, T3ofT2, T3P, T2P, TofP, TofPez,
% TofPEul
% T1=TofT(T0,[R,P])
% T0: Original Matrix
% R: Rotation matrix relative to the T axis; scalar=phiz
% P: Translation vector relative to the T axis; scalar=z
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% T1: resulting new T Matrix
% TofT(TofP([10 10 10]),10)
% TofT(TofP([10 10 10]),rot(0,0,pi))
% TofT(TofP([10 10 10]),pi/2,2)
% See also: TofR, TofVL, TPL, TofDPhiH, T3ofT2, T3P, T2P, TofP, TofPez,
% TofPEul
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CVLremstraightAmin(CVL,Amin)- removes points with a minal distance/area to a predecessor or successor
CVLremstraightAmin(CVL,Amin) % CVLremstraightAmin(CVL,Amin) - removes points with a minal distance/area to a predecessor or successor
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-20 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% This fnctn seperates individual CPLs by nan and processes them using
% VLremstraightAmin The result is always an open end CPL! Ohter fnctn
% such as CVLinsertT or CPLaddauxpoints insert additional points into a
% contour (Status of: 2017-08-22)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: VLremstraightAmin, CVLremstraight, CVLinsertT
% NVL=CVLremstraightAmin(CVL,[Amin])
% CVL: Closed Polygon Line in 2D or 3D
% Amin: Minimal Area between two succeeding points; default is 1e-3;
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% NVL: New Vertex List
% CVLremstraightAmin(VLaddz([PLcircle(10,100); nan
% nan;PLcircle(1,100)]),1)
% CVLremstraightAmin([PLcircle(10,100); nan nan;PLcircle(1,100)],1)
% See also: VLremstraightAmin, CVLremstraight, CVLinsertT
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLremstraightAmin(CVL,Amin)- removes points with a minal distance/area to a predecessor or successor
VLremstraightAmin(CVL,Amin) % VLremstraightAmin(CVL,Amin) - removes points with a minal distance/area to a predecessor or successor
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-19 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% VLremstraightCVL is an impressive simple but efficient method.
% Nevertheless it fails if the point density is too tight. This fnctn
% VLremstraightAmin adds the removal of each second (!) point that is too
% tight.
% The result is always open at the end! (Status of: 2017-08-20)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: CVLremstraightAmin
% [NVL,ci]=VLremstraightAmin(CVL,[Amin])
% CVL: Closed Polygon Line in 2D or 3D
% Amin: Minimal Area between two succeeding points; default is 1e-3;
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% NVL: New Vertex List
% ci: mapping index from original to new
% VL=VLaddz(PLcircle(1,10000)); VLremstraightAmin(roundn(VL,1e-7),1e-3);
% VLremstraightAmin(VLaddz(PLsample(3)),1e-1);
% VLremstraightAmin(VLaddz(CPLsample(19)),1e-1);
% VLremstraightAmin(VLaddz(CPLsample(19)),1e-2
% VLremstraightAmin(VLaddz(VLsample(15)),1e-1);
% VLremstraightAmin(VLaddz(CPLsample(21)),1e-1);
% See also: CVLremstraightAmin
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
exp_2017_08_18- EXPERIMENT to show numerical resolution effects
exp_2017_08_18 % exp_2017_08_18 - EXPERIMENT to show numerical resolution effects
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-19 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: VLremstraightAmin, CVLremstraightAmin
% exp_2017_08_18
% See also: VLremstraightAmin, CVLremstraightAmin
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
epsofVL(NVL,n)- returns the minimal points distance in a set of vertices or two groups
epsofVL(NVL,n) % epsofVL(NVL,n) - returns the minimal points distance in a set of vertices or two groups
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-17 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% The fnctn can also be called using two VL or two SG. The fnctn has
% quadratic effort. It wil become very slow for large vertex lists.
% (Status of: 2017-08-17)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: eps, eps2
% [e,ea,eb]=epsofVL(NVL,[n])
% NVL: Vertex list with appended split points
% n: number to split the vertex list into 2 parts [1:n,:] & [n+1:end,:]
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% e: smallest number larger 0 between the points
% ea: epsilon within the first group
% eb: epsilon within the second group
% A=SGsample(5); SGfigure(A); view(-30,30); epsofVL(A.VL)
% A=SGsample(26); SGfigure(A); view(-30,30); epsofVL(A.VL)
% A=SGsample(25); SGfigure(A); view(-30,30); epsofVL(A.VL)
% A=SGsample(5); SGfigure(A); view(-30,30); [a,b,c]=epsofVL(A.VL,500)
% A=SGsample(26); SGfigure(A); view(-30,30); [a,b,c]=epsofVL(A.VL,5)
% See also: eps, eps2
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
FLunique(FL)- returns a FL without copies of circshifted rows
FLunique(FL) % FLunique(FL) - returns a FL without copies of circshifted rows
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-17 as class: SURFACES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: ELunique, ELuniqueofFL
% FL=FLunique(FL)
% FL: Facet list
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% FL: Facet list with unique rows;
% FLunique([1 2 3;4 5 6;2 3 1;4 5 6])
% See also: ELunique, ELuniqueofFL
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLmindist(VL,epsr)- returns the minimal distance larger than zero
VLmindist(VL,epsr) % VLmindist(VL,epsr) - returns the minimal distance larger than zero
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-17 as class: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY)
% After reading in a STL file, there is a need to check the minmal
% distances between the vertices.
% If the minimal distance is smaller than the minimal value of Matlab,
% eps, accuracy errors will occur. (Status of: 2018-08-31)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: eps, eps2, epsdyn, VLmindxyz, SGshortopti,
% VLcheckvertexaccuracy
% [dmm,dmin]=VLmindist(VL,[epsr])
% VL: vector list
% epsr: optional rounding before; default is 0, i.e. no rounding
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% dmm: absolute minimal distance
% dmin: minmal distance per column
% VLmindist(rand(1000000,1)) % linear minimal random distance
% VLmindist(rand(1000000,2)) % quadratic minimal random distance
% VLmindist(rand(1000000,3)) % cubic minimal random distance
% loadweb JACO_robot.mat
% VLmindist(JC61.VL)
% See also: eps, eps2, epsdyn, VLmindxyz, SGshortopti,
% VLcheckvertexaccuracy
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
SGplotparts(A,c,Fs,si)- plots the overlapping parts of a solid separately
SGplotparts(A,c,Fs,si) % SGplotparts(A,c,Fs,si) - plots the overlapping parts of a solid separately
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-16 as class: SURFACES)
% The result of SGanalyzeGroupParts is a struct with a field SG. It
% contains overlapping objects that form a melted/joined solid and could
% be group melted (Status of: 2017-08-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGanalyzeGroupParts, SGplot, SGplotsurfaces
% h=SGplotparts(A,[c,Fs,si])
% A: Solid or Group Part Solid (A.SG)
% c: color or colorstring such as 'rbwcr'
% Fs: Font size for Descriptor; default is 16
% si: selector for group parts
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to graphic objects
% EXAMPLE: close all; SGfigure; view(30,30); SGplotparts(SGsample(17));
% GP=SGanalyzeGroupParts(SGsample(17));
% close all; SGfigure; view(30,30); SGplotparts(GP);
% close all; SGfigure; view(30,30); SGplotparts(GP,'wr');
% close all; SGfigure; view(30,30); SGplotparts(GP,'wr',20);
% close all; SGfigure; view(30,30); SGplotparts(GP,'wr',20,1);
% close all; SGfigure; view(30,30); SGplotparts(GP,'wr',20,2);
% See also: SGanalyzeGroupParts, SGplot, SGplotsurfaces
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGplotsurfaces(SG,col,Fs,si)- plots closed surface of the solids seperatly in different colors
SGplotsurfaces(SG,col,Fs,si) % SGplotsurfaces(SG,col,Fs,si) - plots closed surface of the solids seperatly in different colors
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-16 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% very similar to SGsurfaceplot, but more a clear plotting fnctn
% (Status of: 2017-08-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGseparate
% h=SGplotsurfaces(SG,[col,Fs,si])
% SG: Solid Geoemtry
% col: color force; default is '';
% Fs: Font size for descriptors; default is 0
% si: surface selectors
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to drawing
% See also: SGseparate
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGchamfer(SG,ph,ed,r,stype,posit,shape,hole)- chamfers the edges of a 2.5D Solid Geometry
SGchamfer(SG,ph,ed,r,stype,posit,shape,hole) % SGchamfer(SG,ph,ed,r,stype,posit,shape,hole) - chamfers the edges of a 2.5D Solid Geometry
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-16 as class: SURFACES)
% Optimized in Dakhla, Marocco. It does not returns as perfect edges as
% SGofCPLzchamfer but is the same as SGchamfer! Used first with negative
% values by Samuel Detzel!
% if r>0; r must be larger than abs(ph)*1.5
% ATTENTION: If r is reduced automatically by tangentcirc, ph can be only
% r/1.5, or r must be zero! (Status of: 2018-04-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: PLchamfer, SGofCPLzchamfer, SGof2CPLzheurist, CPLradialEdges
% SGN=SGchamfer(SG,[ph,ed,r,stype,posit,shape,hole])
% SG: Solid Geometry with just two different z values
% ph: edge/phase size default is 0.3; [r z], [r zs ze] is also valid
% ed: curved edges; default is true
% r: radius for radial edges; default is ph*1.5
% stype: default is 'angle'; see SGof2CPLzheurist
% posit: 'both', 'start', 'end' or calculated from ph
% shape: PL or 'line' (default), 'circ', see PLchamfer for all values
% hole: "norm", "outw", "hole", see CPLgrow for all values
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN:
% SGchamfer(SGsample(2))
% SGchamfer(SGofCPLz(PLcircleoval(10,'',20,5),10))
% SGchamfer(SGofCPLz(PLstar(10),10),0.3,'')
% SGchamfer(SGofCPLz(PLstar(10),10),0.3,'',2)
% SGchamfer(SGofCPLz(PLstar(10),10),0.3,'',-0.5)
% SGchamfer(SGofCPLz(PLstar(10),10),-1)
% SGchamfer(SGlinkage(5,30,10),0.3)
% SGchamfer(SGsample(10),-2,false,0)
% SGchamfer(SGsample(10),-2,true,0)
% SGchamfer(SGsample(10),-2,true,0,'center')
% See also: PLchamfer, SGofCPLzchamfer, SGof2CPLzheurist, CPLradialEdges
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
SGbladeofPL(sl,XZL,YZL,T,XSG)- returns a solid with a shape of a cutting blade in z direction
SGbladeofPL(sl,XZL,YZL,T,XSG) % SGbladeofPL(sl,XZL,YZL,T,XSG) - returns a solid with a shape of a cutting blade in z direction
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-16 as class: SURFACES)
% This fnctn create a big variety of blade structures depending on the
% input values;
% (Status of: 2017-08-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGbool, SGinsertCut, SGcutBB, SGinsertPeghole
% SG=SGbladeofPL([sl,XZL,YZL,T,XSG])
% sl: thickness of the blade
% XZL: z or [x z] or PL with xz values;
% YZL: depth in Y
% T: Transformation Matrix
% XSG: Final Crossing Solid to limit the outer shape
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Cutting Blade Slid Geometry
% SGbladeofPL(3,10)
% SGbladeofPL(0.5,10)
% SGbladeofPL(1,[10,10])
% SGbladeofPL(0.05,PLcircle(10))
% SGbladeofPL(0.05,CPLofPL(PLcircle(10)))
% A=SGbladeofPL(0.5,CPLofPL(PLcircle(3)),30,TofP([0 0 5]));
% SGboolTL(SGsample(5),'-',A)
% SGbladeofPL(0.05,CPLofPL(PLcircle(3,8)),30,TofP([0 0 5]),SGsample(5));
% See also: SGbool, SGinsertCut, SGcutBB, SGinsertPeghole
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGboolTL(A,op,B,Amin)- returns a Boolean operation including re T esse L ation
SGboolTL(A,op,B,Amin) % SGboolTL(A,op,B,Amin) - returns a Boolean operation including re T esse L ation
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-16 as class: SURFACES)
% This fnctn calls SGbool but performs preprocessing and postprocessing.
% The syntax is changed from (Operation, A, B) to (A, Operation, B)
% 1. Both argoment solids and the resulting solids get a retesselation
% using a minimal facet area of Amin
% 2. Argument Solid B is grown by 1e-5
% This is done to make sure that identical points,faces, solids can be
% processed.
% If SGbool fails, there is always a numerical problem.
% The retesselation will create sometimes faces of a minimal area just to
% turn the edges of some facets. This is a principal problem until a
% global retesselation solution is implemented if exists at all.
% This fnctn will be integrated into SGbool soon, since the type of the
% second argument will help to distinguish between two types:
% SGbool ('+',A,B) or SGbool(A,'+',B) ==> SGboolTL(A,'+',B)
% (Status of: 2017-08-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGbool, SGretesselate, SGgrow
% SG=SGboolTL(A,op,B,[Amin])
% A: Solid A
% op: Boolean Operator
% B: Solid B
% Amin: Minimal Area for tessealtion; default 0.01
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG:
% A=SGsample(26); SGboolTL(A,'+',SGtransP(A,[0 0 10]))
% A=SGsample(5); B=SGbox([1,20,20]); SGboolTL(A,'-',B);
% A=SGsample(27); B=SGbox([1,20,20]); SGboolTL(A,'-',B);
% A=SGsample(5); B=SGbox([1,15,15]); SGboolTL(A,'-',B);
% A=SGsample(26); B=SGoftext('TIM',[20,4,2]);
% SGboolTL(A,'-',SGtransrelSG(B,A,'center','aligntop',1));
% See also: SGbool, SGretesselate, SGgrow
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGinsertPeghole(SG,T,sl,sx,ad)- returns a solid with an inserted peg and hole connector
SGinsertPeghole(SG,T,sl,sx,ad) % SGinsertPeghole(SG,T,sl,sx,ad) - returns a solid with an inserted peg and hole connector
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-15 as class: SURFACES)
% After cutting an object using (Status of: 2017-08-15)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGbool, SGinsertCut, SGcutBB
% [SG,T,d]=SGinsertPeghole(SG,[T,sl,sx,ad])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% T: Separation plane
% sl: slot size peg and hole
% sx: diameter of slot size; or CPL of peg
% ad: doubled length of peg
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid Geometry with a peg and a hole
% T:
% d:
% [X,T]=SGinsertCut(SGsample(5),eye(4),0.3,10)
% SGinsertPeghole(X,T,0.3,10,)
% SGinsertPeghole(X,T,0.3,10,5)
% SGinsertPeghole(X,T,0.3,PLcircle(3,4),5)
% See also: SGbool, SGinsertCut, SGcutBB
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGinsertCut(SG,T,sl,sx,ad)- returns a solid with an inserted cut
SGinsertCut(SG,T,sl,sx,ad) % SGinsertCut(SG,T,sl,sx,ad) - returns a solid with an inserted cut
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-15 as class: SURFACES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGbool, SGcutBB
% [SG,T,d]=SGinsertCut(SG,[T,sl,sx,ad])
% SG: Solid Geometry
% T: Transformation for cut; default is eye(4)
% sl: cut slot size; default is 0.3
% sx: transversal separation of cut; default is 0;
% ad: addendum ; default is 1 mm; tbi: if negative add is added to bb of
% SG
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SG: Solid Geoemtry, retesselated Amin=0.01
% T: exact cutting point matrix
% d: distance values relative to T
% SGinsertCut(SGsample(5),'',1,4)
% SGinsertCut(SGsample(5),'','',4)
% SGinsertCut(SGsample(5),'','','')
% SGinsertCut(SGsample(5),'','','',5)
% SGinsertCut(SGsample(5),TofR(rot(0,0,pi/4)),'','',5)
% See also: SGbool, SGcutBB
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLFLfreeboundary(VL,FL)- returns the freeboundary of a solid
VLFLfreeboundary(VL,FL) % VLFLfreeboundary(VL,FL) - returns the freeboundary of a solid
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-15 as class: SURFACES)
% Same as fnctn freeBoundary. There is a difference to ELboundaryFL or
% ELofFLborder, since a triangualtion is created first that detects
% doubled vertices. (Status of: 2017-08-15)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: VLFLplotfreeboundary, ELboundaryFL, ELofFLborder
% EL=VLFLfreeboundary(VL,FL)
% VL: Vertex list or Solid Geoemtry
% FL: Facet List or empty
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% EL: Edge list
% See also: VLFLplotfreeboundary, ELboundaryFL, ELofFLborder
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
PLgrowline(PL,s,edge);- converts a single open polygon into a grown contour
PLgrowline(PL,s,edge); % PLgrowline(PL,s,edge); - converts a single open polygon into a grown contour
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-14 as class: CLOSED POLYGON LISTS)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: PLgrow, CPLgrow
% CPL=PLgrowline(PL,s,[edge]);
% PL: Open point list line
% s: thickness
% edge: true= rounded edges; false = simple;
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CPL: Closed Polygon line
% PL=[-5 10; -5 0; +5 0; +5 -10]
% PLgrowline(PL,1,true)
% PLgrowline(PL,1,false)
% See also: PLgrow, CPLgrow
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLFLfaceAngles(VL,FL,thr)- returns the three angles for the facets of a solid
VLFLfaceAngles(VL,FL,thr) % VLFLfaceAngles(VL,FL,thr) - returns the three angles for the facets of a solid
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-14 as class: SURFACES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: VLFLfaceNormal
% [FLa,ma]=VLFLfaceAngles(VL,FL,[thr])
% VL: Vertex list
% FL: Facet list
% thr: threshold; default is eps2
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% FLa: angle 1 2 3; [nf x 3]
% ma: minimal value angles [nf]
% [VL,FL]=SGsample(30); VLFLfaceAngles (VL,FL);
% [VL,FL]=SGsample(30); VLFLfaceAngles (VL,FL,1e-5);
% [VL,FL]=SGsample(30); VLFLfaceAngles (VL,FL,1e-4);
% [VL,FL]=SGsample(30); VLFLfaceAngles (VL,FL,1e-3);
% [VL,FL]=SGsample(30); VLFLfaceAngles (VL,FL,1e-2);
% [VL,FL]=SGsample(30); VLFLfaceAngles (VL,FL,1e-1);
% [VL,FL]=SGsample(30); VLFLfaceAngles (VL,FL,1e-0);
% See also: VLFLfaceNormal
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGboolanalyze(A,B,thr)- plots the two separated surfaces of A and B when crossed
SGboolanalyze(A,B,thr) % SGboolanalyze(A,B,thr) - plots the two separated surfaces of A and B when crossed
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-14 as class: SURFACES)
% This fnctn show the principles of SGintersectFacetPoints,
% VLFLinsertFacetPoints, SGisInterior and SGbool. (Status of: 2017-08-14)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGintersectFacetPoints, VLFLinsertFacetPoints, SGisInterior,
% SGbool
% SGboolanalyze(A,B,[thr])
% A: Solid A; or number for CSGsample
% B: Solid B;
% thr:
% SGboolanalyze(8)
% See also: SGintersectFacetPoints, VLFLinsertFacetPoints, SGisInterior,
% SGbool
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
eps2- returns the rounding limit for triangular or quadratic problems
eps2 % eps2 - returns the rounding limit for triangular or quadratic problems
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-14 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% While fnctn eps returns the minimal distance between zero and a floting
% points number,
% eps 2 returns the root of this number. Therefor eps is a candidate to
% round fnctns such as acos, cross, etc. (Status of: 2017-08-14)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: eps, roundn, acos, cross
% to=eps2
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% to: rounding limit for square problems
% eps2
% VL=rand(100,3); VL=normr(VL); dp=bsxfun(@dot,VL',VL')';
% a=real(acos(dp)); [a roundz(a,eps2)]
% See also: eps, roundn, acos, cross
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGbooltest(tests)- Procedure to test different cases using SGbool and CSGsample
VLiscollBBs(bba,VL)- returns the crossing of a vertex list with bounding boxes list
VLiscollBBs(bba,VL) % VLiscollBBs(bba,VL) - returns the crossing of a vertex list with bounding boxes list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-14 as class: ANALYZING PROCEDURES)
% This fnctn can be used directly to preprocess, i.e. accelerate facet
% crossing fnctns (Status of: 2017-08-14)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: VLDLBBofVLFL, collofBBs
% [CL,ca,cb]=VLiscollBBs(bba,VL)
% bba: bounding box list A or Solid Geometry
% VL: Vertex list to test
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CL: Crossing list [n x 2] = [ia ib]
% ca: A
% cb: optional index list of crossings of VL
% [A,B]=CSGsample(5); VLiscollBBs(A,B.VL)
% [A,B]=CSGsample(5); VLiscollBBs(A,A.VL)
% See also: VLDLBBofVLFL, collofBBs
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLFLfreeboundaryfacets(VL,FL,thr)- returns the facets attached to the freeboundary edges
VLFLfreeboundaryfacets(VL,FL,thr) % VLFLfreeboundaryfacets(VL,FL,thr) - returns the facets attached to the freeboundary edges
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-14 as class: SURFACES)
% During testing of SGbool it became obvious, that the result of SGbool
% without a postprocessing will create structures that MATLAB's
% triangulation procedure will consider as open edge structure while
% Meshlab would consider it as perfect solid.
% Those tests where performed using
% 1. A 1e-12 grid on both solids!
% 2. Non rounding during SGintersectFacetPoints
% 3. Thresholds of 1e-6 for VL and 1e-9 for NPLs
% 4. Thresholds for 1e-6 for UVP and added triangulation points
% 5. Thresholds of 1e-6 for minimal area of a facet (line type)
% Even than, there are problems with surface that come from the fnctn
% SGisinterior, since there is a bug for coordinates ontop of barycentric
% coordinates
% A final fusion of 1e-8 on the point position solves this problem.
% Therefore Meshlab roundes at least at 1e-8 / and the accuracy of SGbool
% is maximum 1e-8;
% (Status of: 2017-08-15)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: VLFLplotfreeboundary
% [FL,EL]=VLFLfreeboundaryfacets(VL,FL,[thr])
% VL: Vertex list
% FL: Facet list
% thr: threshold for VLFLshort2; default is 0;
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% FL: facets attached to the freeboundary edges
% EL: freeboundary edges
% See also: VLFLplotfreeboundary
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGinsertJoint(SG,T,typ,x)- creates joint structures inside of a solid geometry
SGinsertJoint(SG,T,typ,x) % SGinsertJoint(SG,T,typ,x) - creates joint structures inside of a solid geometry
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-13 as class: SURFACES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% SGR=SGinsertJoint(SG,T,typ,x)
% SG: Solid Geometry
% T: Frame for the Solid Geometry
% typ: Type of joint
% x: parameter set
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGR:
% SG=SGsample(29); SGinsertJoint(SG,TofR(rot(0,0,0),[0 +20 5]));
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
VLFLplotfreeboundary(VL,FL,c,w)- plots the freeboundary of a solid with grid forced vertices (1e-6)
VLFLplotfreeboundary(VL,FL,c,w) % VLFLplotfreeboundary(VL,FL,c,w) - plots the freeboundary of a solid with grid forced vertices (1e-6)
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-13 as class: USER INTERFACE)
% Points that have coordinate differences of less than 1e-6 are mapped to
% the same vertices in the triangulation class. Therefor the threshold in
% this fnctn is 1e-6; (Status of: 2017-08-15)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: VLFLfreeboundary, VLFLplots, VLELplot, VLFLplot,
% VLFLfreeboundaryfacets
% h=VLFLplotfreeboundary(VL,FL,[c,w])
% VL: Vertex list
% FL: Facet list
% c: color; default is 'r-'
% w: width of lines
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to the drawings
% [A,B]=CSGsample(8); SGbool('A',A,B); X=ans;
% VLFLplotfreeboundary(X.VL,X.FL);
% See also: VLFLfreeboundary, VLFLplots, VLELplot, VLFLplot,
% VLFLfreeboundaryfacets
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
roundz(x,thr)- returns zeros if a number is larger than -thr and smaller than thr
roundz(x,thr) % roundz(x,thr) - returns zeros if a number is larger than -thr and smaller than thr
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-12 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% =======================================================================
% OBSOLETE (2017-08-12) - USE FAMILY 'roundn' INSTEAD
% =======================================================================
% roundn is twice as fast as roundz! Therefore use roundn
% At lot of trigonometric fnctn and cross product or dot product have
% problems with numerical accuracy.
% Double = rounds(1,12)
% single = rounds(1,6)
% half = rounds(1,3) (Status of: 2017-08-12)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: [ roundn ] ; round, roundn
% y=roundz(x,[thr])
% x: floating point number
% thr: threshold
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% y: small numbers are set to zero
% VL=rand(100,3); VL=normr(VL); dp=bsxfun(@dot,VL',VL')';
% a=real(acos(dp)); [a roundz(a,1e-6)]
% See also: [ roundn ] ; round, roundn
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
rounds(x,s)- is just an abbreviation if rounds(x,s,'significant')
rounds(x,s) % rounds(x,s) - is just an abbreviation if rounds(x,s,'significant')
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-12 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% At lot of trigonometric fnctn and cross product or dot product have
% problems with numerical accuracy.
% Double = rounds(1,12)
% single = rounds(1,6)
% half = rounds(1,3) (Status of: 2017-08-12)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: round, roundn
% y=rounds(x,s)
% x: floating point number
% s: number of
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% y: rounded x
% See also: round, roundn
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
crosspointsVLFLofT(VL,FL,T,)- returns the crossing points of the axis of a coordinate system
crosspointsVLFLofT(VL,FL,T,) % crosspointsVLFLofT(VL,FL,T,) - returns the crossing points of the axis of a coordinate system
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-11 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% For a rotational axis, typically the z values TVL(5:6,:) are important
% For a prismatic axis, typically the x axis TVL(1:2) is important
% (Status of: 2017-08-12)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: crosspointVLFL, CVLofSGcutplanes, CVLofconvexHull
% [TVL,td,np,TN]=crosspointsVLFLofT(VL,FL,T,[])
% VL: Vertex List of Solid
% FL: Facet List of Solid
% T: Coordinate Frame [4x4]
% === PROPERTY NAMES =====
% 'center' : if 'center' is used; the Matrix TN contains the moved frame
% matrix
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% TVL: Touch vertex list [6 x 3]
% td: distances between touch points [dx dy dz]
% np: center of crossing lines
% TN: Optional moved Frame matrix
% VL,FL]=SGsample(5);crosspointsVLFLofT(VL,FL,eye(4))
% VL,FL]=SGsample(29);
% crosspointsVLFLofT(VL,FL,TofR(rot(0,0,0),[0 22 5]))
% crosspointsVLFLofT(VL,FL,TofR(rot(0,pi/4,0),[0 22 5]))
% See also: crosspointVLFL, CVLofSGcutplanes, CVLofconvexHull
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CVLofSGcutplanes(SG,T)- returns the three cutting contours at a frame coordinate system through a solid
CVLofSGcutplanes(SG,T) % CVLofSGcutplanes(SG,T) - returns the three cutting contours at a frame coordinate system through a solid
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-11 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Thus fnctn helps to create cutting contours for a solid using an
% optional cutting frame coordinate system. In contrast to
% CVLofconvexHull, this fnctn create a local cut that is only considering
% the solid space around the frame coordinate system (Status of:
% 2017-08-11)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: CVLofconvexHull, CVLofSGcutT, CVLofSGT
% [CVLX,CVLY,CVLZ,SG2]=CVLofSGcutplanes(SG,T)
% SG: Solid geoemtry
% T: cutting coordinate system; must be inside of the solid!
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVLX: cutting contour x=0 (green)
% CVLY: cutting contour y=0 (blue)
% CVLZ: cutting contour z=0 (red)
% SG2: used T matrix; if input parameter T was empty
% CVLofSGcutplanes(SGsample(29))
% CVLofSGcutplanes(SGsample(30))
% CVLofSGcutplanes(SGsample(29),TofP([0 22 5]))
% CVLofSGcutplanes(SGsample(29),TofR(rot(pi/20,pi/20,pi/20),[0 22 5]))
% See also: CVLofconvexHull, CVLofSGcutT, CVLofSGT
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CVLofconvexHull(SG,T)- returns the three cutting contours through the convex hull of a solid
CVLofconvexHull(SG,T) % CVLofconvexHull(SG,T) - returns the three cutting contours through the convex hull of a solid
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-11 as class: EXPERIMENTS)
% Thus fnctn helps to create cutting contours for a solid using an
% optional cutting frame coordinate system (Status of: 2017-08-11)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% [CVLX,CVLY,CVLZ,T]=CVLofconvexHull(SG,[T])
% SG: Solid geoemtry
% T: cutting coordinate system; default is eye(4) at center of solid
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVLX: cutting contour x=0 (green)
% CVLY: cutting contour y=0 (blue)
% CVLZ: cutting contour z=0 (red)
% T: used T matrix; if input parameter T was empty
% CVLofconvexHull(SGsample(29))
% CVLofconvexHull(SGsample(30))
% CVLofconvexHull(SGsample(29),TofP([0 22 5]))
% CVLofconvexHull(SGsample(29),TofR(rot(pi/20,pi/20,pi/20),[0 22 5]))
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
textVLFS(VL,FL,FSi,c,s,nt,lb)- plots descriptors for each feature surface and the corresponding feature edges
textVLFS(VL,FL,FSi,c,s,nt,lb) % textVLFS(VL,FL,FSi,c,s,nt,lb) - plots descriptors for each feature surface and the corresponding feature edges
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-10 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% This is an auxiliary fnctn to the boundaries of feature surfaces and
% the feature surface descriptors
% In contrast to FSplot, the surfaces itself are not drawn (Status of:
% 2017-08-10)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: FSplot, textT, textP, textVL, textCVL, textVLFL,
% VLFLfaceNormalplot
% h=textVLFS(VL,FL,FSi,[c,s,nt,lb])
% VL: Vertex list
% FL: Facet List
% FSi: Feature surface index list; FSi = surfacesofSG(SG,fea);
% c: Color, default is black
% s: Size, default is 10
% nt: optional list of selected points
% lb: optional string for text; default is 'F'
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to modify or delete text if necessary
% close all; SG=SGsample(27); fea=0.08; FSi=surfacesofSG(SG,fea);
% SGfigure; view(-30,30); h=SGplot(SG); setplotlight(h,'w',0.9);
% textVLFS(SG.VL,SG.FL,FSi);
% See also: FSplot, textT, textP, textVL, textCVL, textVLFL,
% VLFLfaceNormalplot
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
TofFS(TR,Nr,fe,FS,Rz,dz)- returns a HT matrix for a speficied feature surface
TofFS(TR,Nr,fe,FS,Rz,dz) % TofFS(TR,Nr,fe,FS,Rz,dz) - returns a HT matrix for a speficied feature surface
% TofFS(TR,Nr,fe,FS,Rz,dz) - returns a HT matrix for a speficied feature surface
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-09 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% This very powerful fnctn is similar to SGTui but creates Frames based
% on Feature surfaces. The use is to specify the number of the feature
% edg plus an optional specific feature selector such as
% Feature Surface 3 based on an feature edge angle of 1 rad (60 degree).
% Feature Surface 3 based on an feature edge angle of 1 rad (60 degree)
% and here the third radius
% It is also possible to eplace the feature angle directly by the FIL
% list of surfacesof SG (Status of: 2017-08-10)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGTget, SGTset, SGTplot, SGTremove, SGTui, VLFLsurfaceofSGT,
% FSplot
% [T,fsi,FN,Ti,RCVL]=TofFS([TR,Nr,fe,FS,Rz,dz])
% TR: Solid Geometry
% Nr: Number list or ez vector list of the selected surfaces
% fe: feature edge angle; default 1; use 0.08 for planar surfaces ~ 6
% degree
% FS: Optional string selector for center points such as 'R1'
% Rz: Optional Rz rotation angle
% dz: Optional dz translation in
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% T: Frame Matrix
% fsi: feature surface index; scalar if unique or selected
% FN: full feature name list
% Ti: full frame list for feature names
% RCVL: CVL for found radial contours; sorted
% TofFS(SGsample(27),2)
% TofFS(SGsample(27),2,'','R1')
% TofFS(SGsample(27),4,'','R2')
% TofFS(SGsample(27),76,0.05)
% FIL=surfacesofSG(SGsample(27),0.05); TofFS(SGsample(27),76,FIL)
% TofFS(SGsample(26,[0 0 1;0 -1 0])
% See also: SGTget, SGTset, SGTplot, SGTremove, SGTui, VLFLsurfaceofSGT,
% FSplot
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CVLofSGcutT(SG,T)- returns the CVL of a crossing/slicing plane given by a HT or Frame string
CVLofSGcutT(SG,T) % CVLofSGcutT(SG,T) - returns the CVL of a crossing/slicing plane given by a HT or Frame string
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-09 as class: SURFACES)
% CVLofSGcutT uses SGslice3 for creating the cross sectional plane. In
% constrast to CVLofSGT is crosses the complete solid not only the frame
% surface (Status of: 2017-08-09)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: CVLofSGT
% SG: Solid Geometry with Frames
% T: 4x4 matrix or Frame name
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% CVL: Convtour Vertex List
% CPL: Closed contour wrt Frame N; [n x 3]; z should be 0
% EXAMPLE: loadweb JACO_robot.mat
% CVLofSGcutT(JC1,'F');
% See also: CVLofSGT
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
exp_2017_08_08- Experiment to create a cylindrical link into any solid
exp_2017_08_08 % exp_2017_08_08 - Experiment to create a cylindrical link into any solid
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-08)
% Using this Strategy it is possible to create any type of joint at a
% specific position or Frame into a solid geoemtry. In other words, there
% is obviously no need to create a joint before since the joint can be
% created whenever and whenever desired. (Status of: 2017-08-08)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% exp_2017_08_08
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGretesselateAmin(SG,amin)- retesselates a solid that all facet have a minimal size
SGretesselateAmin(SG,amin) % SGretesselateAmin(SG,amin) - retesselates a solid that all facet have a minimal size
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-08 as class: SURFACES)
% This is a recursive fnctn that is repeated until all small facets are
% removed.
% Important fnctn that makes sense after SGbool (Status of: 2017-08-24)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: nofVLFL, SGreduceVLFL, SGbool, SGretesselate, SGdelaunay
% [SGR,nn,no]=SGretesselateAmin(SG,[amin])
% SG: Solid Geoemtry
% amin: minimal facet size; default is 0.1mm^2
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGR: Solid Geoemtry with no Facet smaller that amin
% nn: final facets
% no: original facets
% SGretesselate(SGsample(27))
% SGretesselate(SGsample(20),5)
% See also: nofVLFL, SGreduceVLFL, SGbool, SGretesselate, SGdelaunay
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
nofVLFL(VL,FL,amin);- returns the number of facets with an area larger than 0.1 mm^2 and the facet list
nofVLFL(VL,FL,amin); % nofVLFL(VL,FL,amin); - returns the number of facets with an area larger than 0.1 mm^2 and the facet list
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-08 as class: SURFACES)
% This fnctn is useful in combination with reducepatch/SGreduceVLFL after
% an SG boolean operation. In such a case a lot of additional triangles
% are added that could be removed by retesselation/
% (Status of: 2017-08-08)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: VLFLarea, SGreduceVLFL, reducepatch, SGfacenum
% [nf,Ai]=nofVLFL(VL,FL,[amin]);
% VL: Vertex list
% FL: Facet list
% amin: threshold; default is 0.1 mm^2
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% nf: number of facets >= amin
% Ai: Index list of facets >
% nofVLFL(SGsample(17))
% nofVLFL(SGsample(26))
% See also: VLFLarea, SGreduceVLFL, reducepatch, SGfacenum
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGfacenum(SG)- returns the number of facets of a solid geoemtry
SGfacenum(SG) % SGfacenum(SG) - returns the number of facets of a solid geoemtry
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-08 as class: SURFACES)
% It makes sense to reduce the number of facets after an boolean melting
% operation to the number of facets the object had before (Status of:
% 2017-08-08)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGreduceVLFL, nofVLFL
% nF=SGfacenum(SG)
% SG: Solid Geometry, can be nested
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% nF: number of facets
% SGfacenum(SGsample(25))
% See also: SGreduceVLFL, nofVLFL
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGsurfacemeltbool(SG,si,Amin,grw)- returns a solid which surfaces were added using SGbool
SGsurfacemeltbool(SG,si,Amin,grw) % SGsurfacemeltbool(SG,si,Amin,grw) - returns a solid which surfaces were added using SGbool
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-08 as class: SURFACES)
% This fnctn is useful to melt overlapping solids into one solid by using
% SGboolTL (Status of: 2017-08-16)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGsurfaces, SGplotsurfaces, SGboolTL
% A=SGsurfacemeltbool(SG,[si,Amin,grw])
% SG: Original solid. All surfaces must overlap
% si: indices of surfaces to melt; default is all;
% Amin: Minimal Area removal; parameter for SGboolTL; default 0.01
% grw: Minimal grow factor; parameter for SGboolTL; default 1e-5
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% A: Melted Object consisting of melted solids
% A=SGsample(27); B=SGaddrelSG(SGsample(5),A,'incenter','ontop',-1);
% SGsurfacemeltbool(B)
% SGsurfacemeltbool(SGsample(17),[3,2,5,6])
% See also: SGsurfaces, SGplotsurfaces, SGboolTL
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGbool5(flag,A,B,thr)- returns the correct result of a boolean operation on two closed elementary solids
SGbool5(flag,A,B,thr) % SGbool5(flag,A,B,thr) - returns the correct result of a boolean operation on two closed elementary solids
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-08 as class: SURFACES)
% SGbool5 hast much less limitations than SGbool3 and SGBool4. All fnctns
% SGbool3-5 are now much faster.
% Use CSGsample for testing.
% Nevertheless, it should be clear that there are limitations even of
% closed surface models with SGbool3 and SGBool4:
% 1. Never have identical points in both surfaces
% 2. Never have identical lines in both surfaces
% 3. Never have indentical surface planes in both surfaces
% If there is a risc, use SGgrow to grow before substraction or addition
% by 1e-4
% It is possible to remove those problems one day by cutting tetrahedrons
% instead of triangles
% A => A without B
% B => B without A
% + => A combined with B
% x => A intersected with B
% of: 2017-08-08)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGbool, SGbool2, SGbool3, SGbool4
% SGR=SGbool5(flag,A,B,[thr])
% flag: Boolean operator ('AB+x')
% A: Solid A (VL/FL)
% B: Solid B (VL/FL)
% thr: threshold for grid; default is 1e-5
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGR: resulting surface geometry
% [A,B]=CSGsample(1); SGbool5('-',A,B);
% [A,B]=CSGsample(2); SGbool5('-',A,B);
% [A,B]=CSGsample(3); SGbool5('-',A,B);
% [A,B]=CSGsample(4); SGbool5('-',A,B);
% [A,B]=CSGsample(5); SGbool5('-',A,B);
% [A,B]=CSGsample(6); SGbool5('-',A,B);
% [A,B]=CSGsample(7); SGbool5('-',A,B);
% See also: SGbool, SGbool2, SGbool3, SGbool4
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
CSGsample(Nr,spatrel)- Cross-Pair Samples returns two solids as examples for crossing solids
CSGsample(Nr,spatrel) % CSGsample(Nr,spatrel) - Cross-Pair Samples returns two solids as examples for crossing solids
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-06 as class: SURFACES)
% This is more or less an testing fnctn for SGbool and the supporting
% fnctns:
% SGintersectFacetPoints, VLFLinsertFacetPoints
% The spatial relations are used from SGtransrelSG.
% (Status of: 2018-07-28)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: CPLsample, SGsample, VLsample, PLsample, VLFLsample,
% SGerrorsample, testfunctTL, permutevector
% [A,B]=CSGsample([Nr,spatrel])
% Nr: Nr of Example
% spatrel: spatial relations such as 'ontop',-15
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% A: Solid A
% B: Solid A
% CSGsample
% [A,B]=CSGsample(3,'ontop',-15); SGintersectFacetPoints(A,B); NPL=ans,
% VLFLinsertFacetPoints(B.VL,B.FL,NPL(:,[2 1 3:end])); copyfig;
% VLFLinsertFacetPoints(A.VL,A.FL,NPL);
% See also: CPLsample, SGsample, VLsample, PLsample, VLFLsample,
% SGerrorsample, testfunctTL, permutevector
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
VLFLfaceNormalplot(VL,FL,c,t)- plots normal vector in appropriate length and writes the name of the facet at the tip
VLFLfaceNormalplot(VL,FL,c,t) % VLFLfaceNormalplot(VL,FL,c,t) - plots normal vector in appropriate length and writes the name of the facet at the tip
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-06 as class: VISUALIZATION)
% plots only the normal vectors in appropriate length and writes the name
% of the facet at the tip. Use VLFLplot(VL,FL) to show the solid itself.
% (Status of: 2017-08-06)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: textT, textP, textVL, textCVL, textVLFL
% h=VLFLfaceNormalplot(VL,FL,[c,t])
% VL: Vertex list
% FL: Facet List
% c: Color, default is magenta
% t: Thickness; default is 2
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% h: handle to modify or delete text if necessary
% [VL,FL]=VLFLsample(13); SGfigure; view(-30,30); VLFLplot(VL,FL);
% VLFLfaceNormalplot(VL,FL);
% See also: textT, textP, textVL, textCVL, textVLFL
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
SGrotate(SG,ax,val)- returns a solid rotated around the center of the solid
SGrotate(SG,ax,val) % SGrotate(SG,ax,val) - returns a solid rotated around the center of the solid
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-06 as class: KINEMATICS AND FRAMES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGtransT, SGTrotate
% SGN=SGrotate(SG,[ax,val])
% SG: Solid Geoemtry
% ax: rotation axis sequence; 'xyz' or 'x' or 'z'
% val: values for rotation; same as ax
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% SGN: Spatial rotated Solid including the frames
% EXAMPLE: SGrotate(SGsample(18),'y',pi/2)
% See also: SGtransT, SGTrotate
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth
workdir (wd)- changes to the working directory and/or defines it
workdir (wd) % workdir (wd) - changes to the working directory and/or defines it
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-04 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: desktopdir, pcodedirTL, smbFilename, smbPSLibname, expname
% workdir([wd])
% wd: working directory path
% See also: desktopdir, pcodedirTL, smbFilename, smbPSLibname, expname
% Copyright 2017-2018 Tim C. Lueth
iscalledbycmdline- returns wether a function was called by commandline directly
iscalledbycmdline % iscalledbycmdline - returns wether a fnctn was called by commandline directly
% (by Tim Lueth, VLFL-Lib, 2017-AUG-04 as class: AUXILIARY PROCEDURES)
% This is an auxiliary fnctn for developfnctns such as publishTL to
% create help text in case that a fnctn is used not in a script or a
% fnctn but in specific situations (Status of: 2017-08-04)
% Introduced first in SolidGeometry 4.1
% See also: SGtitle
% b=iscalledbycmdline
% === OUTPUT RESULTS ======
% b: logical true if length(dbstack) <=2
% See also: SGtitle
% Copyright 2017 Tim C. Lueth