
Some measurements were done last week in the hospital Rechts der Isar at the professorship for experimental magnetic resonance tomography (Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Karampinos). A model phantom was studied during the measurements. the phantom could represent the properties of a human leg. These measures…

During the course "Workshop Sporttechnology", 16 students and their supervisors were three days long on the Zugspitze...

The winners of theCAD competition in the summer term 2021 have been announced! They include the ScanMate, a customized inliner protector, the BeerProtect a beer mug lid to go, an ergonomic and customized pair of ski goggles with interchangeable lenses, and the Ergo-Bikinator 3000, an ergonomic bike…

As part of automatica sprint 2021, we presented the topic "Knee Injury Prevenion" with our own brand room and live presentation. Here you can see the video for our project:

Our former research associate, Philipp KOPP, has succeeded and can now call himself "Dr. Kopp". The title of his publication-based dissertation at the TUM Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences is: "Motivation, Volition, and Gym Attendance - A Longitudinal Prospective Study". The thesis can be…

The professorship developed a rope clamp for sportive sailing, that shall make the life of many sailors easier. A small demonstration video is here, and to LinkedIn here.

The professorship welcomes Melanie Baldinger as research assistant. She has written her master thesis on the conception and development of a system to measure the pressure distribution in a skiboot at the professorship. She will be now working on the project MotiTrain and will be working on an…

A Master thesis from Emil Wörgötter

The professorship welcomes Anne Katharina Keßler as intern. She will be working on different projects of the professorship. We wish Mrs. Keßler a successful start.

Some students from the interdisciplinary project course worked in cooperation with the bavarian mountain rescue service on the "acquisition of data during rescue in mountain conditions". During six months they developed and tested an app to achieve this goal. You can find a report from the bavarian…