Topics & Projects
The professorships in the Department of Mechanical Engineering conduct research in a wide variety of mechanical engineering disciplines. On this page they present a selection of special research projects from the department. Further research projects are presented by the professorships on their websites.

The project EcoWalk aims at developing a functional description and technical realization of the swing leg catapult in human walking

Analysis of the development workflow and restructuring of the software to improve reusability, change tracking, and reduce recertification effort.
Further research projects of the Institute of Automation and Information Systems

Assembly Lines In Circulation – smart digital tools for the sustainable, human-centric and resilient use of production resources
Further research projekts of the Chair for Industrial Management and Assembly Technologies

ForNeRo – Seamless and ergonomic integration of robotics into the clinical workflow
The introduction of robotic assistance systems into the clinical workflow leads to a significant increase in technical, social and organizational complexity in the operating theatre. With ForNeRo, we aim to improve the integration of systems, taking into account the needs and capacities of operating room staff.
Car2Car - Circular and Sustainable Recycling Concepts
The Car2Car project is developing recyclable and sustainable recycling concepts for end-of-life vehicles in order to recover high-quality recycling materials for the production of new vehicles.
Further research projects of the Chair of Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics

Innovative Process Strategies in PBF-LB/M
Further research projects of the Professorship of Laser-based Additive Manufacturing

SPP 2305
Sensor-Integrated Machine Elements pave the way for Widespread Digitalization

3D printed, bioinspired heart valves
Digital Fabrication of Highly Tunable Anisotropic Scaffolds for in situ Heart Valve Tissue Engineering via Melt Electrowriting

Design methodology for hybrid Additive Manufacturing
The KREATIVE research project aims to develop a design methodology for producing a component by combining different manufacturing processes.
Further research projects of the Laboratory for Product Development and Lightweight Design

Robotic Exoskeletons
Development of patient-specific lower limb Exoskeletons for Paraplegics
Further research projects of the Institute of Micro Technology and Medical Device Technology

Inductive heating of current collector foils for the calendering process in lithium-ion battery production
The InduKal research project addresses research into the complex cause-and-effect relationships during the calendering process on the quality of the electrodes.
Further research projects of the Production Technology and Energy Storage Systems

Comparing trail running shoes with respect to the traction
Further research projects of the Professorship of Sport Equipment and Sport Materials

Incremental Casting
Support Material and Close-Loop Control of Layer Height for Direct Metal Printing with Aluminium – Project Continuation
Further research projects of the Chair of Metal Forming and Casting

ENERGIZE – Adjungierten-basierte Optimierung von Wasserstoff-Brennern mithilfe additiver Fertigung
The ENERGIZE research project focuses on improving a burner design for hydrogen combustion, a key aspect of the energy transition. Additive manufacturing technology is used to overcome the limitations of conventional design methods.
Further research projects of the Chair for Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology