Welcome to the website of the chair of ergonomics (Prof. Dr. phil. Klaus Bengler).
The chair at the institute for production techniques focuses mainly on the design and evaluation of human-machine-interaction and the anthropometric dimensioning of technical systems. A key role is played by safety, efficiency, user satisfaction and acceptance in all use cases respectively. The research activities gain greater significance in light of current economic and demographic trends, since the quality of ergonomic design and the joy of use are becoming increasingly important for many products in the global market. This applies to consumer goods as well as machines in a production environment and to the automobile especially. It proves an important field of application for ergonomic research, because the heterogeneous user group, the upmarket product and the necessary safety restrictions pose unique demands.
We are plunging into the urban jungle! This time in the newly launched project STADT:up, which aims to develop concepts and pilot applications for continuous automated driving in urban areas. STADT:up builds on the research work of the predecessor project @City with the aim of developing and…
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The last two days Maximilian Hübner participated at the 2nd Human-Centred VRU Simulation Workshop at Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR). Besides great discussions, the VRU simulators were very exciting to see!
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Exoskeletons are designed to reduce the physical strain on workers in order to prevent musculoskeletal disorders.
Developing a system that is so close to the body is a major challenge. In "Exoskeletons: A challenge for development.
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Lean Ergonomics als neuer Forschungsinhalt am Lehrstuhl für Ergonomie:
Mit der Publikation in der ZfA und dem passenden Forschungsprojekt kann nun offiziell von einem berechtigten Interesse der Wissenschaft und Industrie an einer Verbindung von Lean Management und der Produktionsergonomie…
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Today Manuel Kipp presented his work on climate comfort and the usage of digital human modeling at the RAMSIS User Conference. A great networking event with fascinating talks on human-centered vehicle design. Big thanks to Human Solutions GmbH! #digital #DHM #RAMSIS #event #networking #design
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On the 13 & 14Th of October, our colleague Tianyu Tang with other colleagues Matthias Althoff and Florian Finkeldei (Cyber-Physical Systems Group TUM), Tanja Niels and Johannes Lindner (TUM - Lehrstuhl für Verkehrstechnik) from Technische Universität München kicked off the meeting for our project…
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In last week’s workshop Uni-DAS e.V. gathered to share and discuss the newest research on automated driving. Topics reached from machine learning and safety to human machine communication. Uni-DAS e.V. is a consortium of the following institutes: Lehrstuhl für Ergonomie/ Human Factors TUM, Institute…
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Today Christina Harbauer presented our work on exoskeletons at the ExoBerlin 2022. Many very inspiring talks where held and we are happy to be part of this strong community of exoskeleon developers, users and researchers. #Exoskeletons #ExoBerlin #Community #Work #sustainablework
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You are welcome to visit us at Botzmannstr. 15, 85748 Garching, in the Ludwig-Prandtl-Hörsaal MW0250 or via zoom https://lnkd.in/ec_x8j3V (password: 740815).
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