Picture of Yijie Sheng

M.Sc. Yijie Sheng

Chair of Ergonomics (Prof. Bengler)

Postal address

Boltzmannstr. 15
85747 Garching b. München


Since June 2024, Yijie Sheng, M.Sc. has worked as a research associate at the Chair of Ergonomics.

He studied Flight Vehicle Propulsion Engineering (B.Eng.) in Nanjing, China, where he specialized in the modeling and simulation of UAVs. He then completed his Master's degree in Technology Management at the University of Stuttgart. In his Master's thesis at the Chair of Interior Design Engineering, he investigated the user experience and acceptance of sustainable materials in vehicle interiors.

His research focuses on developing energy-efficient, user-centered air conditioning concepts and evaluating thermal comfort in autonomous vehicles.


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