Publikationen aus dem SPP 2013
Final Report of the DFG Priority Program 2013
Volk, Wolfram (Hrsg.): Targeted Use of Forming-induced Residual Stresses in Metal Components – Final Report of the DFG Priority Program 2013. Utz Verlag (1st edition. Aufl.), 2024,
Special Issues
2019: Residual Stresses in Production Technology, Production Engineering, Springer, Volume 3, No.2, April 2019
2021: Forming Induced Residual Stresses - Experiment, Modelling, Simulation, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Springer, Volume 91, Issue 8, August 2021
2021: Eigenspannungen bei umformtechnisch hergestellten Produkten, Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, Springer, Volume 85, Issue 3, September 2021
Langstädtler, L., Charni, D. Schenck, C., Epp, J., Kuhfuss, B.: Influences of die shape and calibration strokes on surface near residual stresses of rotary swaged steel tubes. Materials Science and Engineering - ESAFORM2024, Toulouse, France, 2024
Klein, C., Böhlke, T., Crystallographic Texture Evolution, COMPLAS 2023, Barcelona, Spain, 2023
Krause, M., Böhlke, T., Generalizing Kocks’s natural basis to arbitrary tensor orders, 93rd GAMM Annual Meeting GAMM 2023, Dresden
Hellebrand, S., Brands, D., Schröder, J.: Numerical analysis on how different cooling routes effect residual stresses in hot bulk formed parts; 4th International Conference on Materials and Structural Mechanics (MSM 2023), Marrakesh, Morocco, May, 2023
Hellebrand, S., Brands, D., Schröder, J.: On the three-dimensional numerical analysis of residual stresses on two scales in hot bulk forming parts. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023
Hellebrand, S., Scheunemann, L., Brands, D., Schröder, J.:. On the Analysis of Residual Stress due to Microscopic Phase Transformation utilizing the Multi-Phasefield Approach. 17th U. S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, July, 2023
Uebing, S., Brands, D., Schröder, J.: Towards a two-scale analysis of residual stresses in 3D. XVII International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications, COMPLAS 2023, Barcelona, Spain, 2023
Uebing, S., Brands, D., Schröder, J.: On the numerical analysis of macro- and microscopic residual stresses in 3D. 10th GACM colloquium on computational mechanics,TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2023
Gilch, I., Schauerte, B., Neuwirth, T., Sebold, S., Schulz, M., Hameyer, K., Volk, W.: Influence of pyramidal and spherical embossing on residual stress distribution and magnetic material properties of non-oriented electrical steel. Forming Technology Forum 2022, 2022
Krause, M., Erdle, H., Böhlke, T.: Validation of texture-induced anisotropy using the Swift effect, 9th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Essen, 2022
Krause, M., Erdle, H., Böhlke, T.: An incremental two-scale material model of duplex steel, 92nd GAMM Annual Meeting GAMM 2022, Aachen
Maaß, F., Hahn, M., Tekkaya, A.E. Numerical Residual Stress Analysis on Combined Tensile and Compressive Stress-Superposed Incremental Sheet Forming. International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes (NUMISHEET), Toronto, Kanada, 2022
Hellebrand, S., Brands, D., Scheunemann, L., Schröder, J.: A multiscale approach to investigate residual stresses due to targeted cooling of hot bulk formed parts. In A. Zingoni, editor, Current Perspectives and New Directions in Mechanics, Modelling and Design of Structural Systems: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2022), Cape Town, South Africa. 2022
Hellebrand, S., Brands, D., Scheunemann, L., Schröder, J.: Numerical investigation of hot bulk forming processes with respect to the resulting residual stress distribution. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022
Hellebrand, S., Scheunemann, L., Brands, D., Schröder, J.: On the residual stress evolution during cooling of hot bulk formed parts on multiple scales, 9th GACM colloquium on computational mechanics, Universität Dusiburg-Essen, Germany, September, 2022
Hellebrand, S., Scheunemann, L., Brands, D., Schröder, J.: On the analysis of targeted cooling processes and resulting residual stresses; 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2022), Oslo, Norway, June, 2022
Hoche, H. , Jäger, F. , Franceschi, A. , Oechsner, M., Groche, P.: Formation of residual stresses in austenitic stainless steels by infeed and recess rotary swaging. ICTP 2021, preprint DOI: 10.31224/
Jobst A, Merklein M: Influence of material delivery condition on residual stresses and part properties during forward rod extrusion. In: Daehn et al (Eds): Forming the Future: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity ICTP, 2021
Behrens, B.-A., Schröder, J., Brands, D., Wester, H., Uebing, S., Kock, C.: Experimental and numerical investigations on the development and stability of residual stresses arising from hot forming processes. 13th ICTP 2021,
Uebing, S., Brands, D., Scheunemann, L., Kock, C., Wester, H., Behrens, B.-A., Schröder, J. Residual Stresses in Hot Bulk Formed Parts – A Phenomenological Approach for the Austenite-to-Martensite Phase Transformation. 13th ICTP, 2021, (accepted)
S. Walzer, N. Simon, M. Liewald, and J. Gibmeier: Local creation of uniform residual stresses into sheet met-al components by means of multiple one-sided embossing. 13th ICTP 2021 (accepted)
Pavliuchenko, P., Teller, M., Hirt, G., Analysis of influencing factors on the achievability of bistable fully closed shells by semi-analytical modelling, 13th ICTP, 2021, preprint
Charni, D.; Ishkina, S.; Epp, J.; Herrmann, M.; Schenck, C.; Kuhfuß, B.: Complementary methods for assessment of residual stress fields induced by rotary swaging of steel bars. 13th ICTP 2021,(accepted).
Hajavifard, R. (V.); Afzal, M. J.; Möhring, K.; Buhl, J.; Walther, F.: Characterisation of phase transformation and induced residual stresses in incrementally formed disc springs - an experimental and numerical study.
4. Symposium Materialtechnik des Clausthaler Zentrums für Materialtechnik, Web-Konferenz, 25.-26. Febr. 2021.
Seiler, Martha; Kästner, Markus: Parameter study on a phase-field model for fatigue fracture . PAMM 20, 2021. doi:10.1002/pamm.202000280.
Kühne, David; Fiedler, Melanie; Kästner, Markus: Extension of the local strain approach to transient material behavior and residual stresses. PAMM 20, 2021. doi:10.1002/pamm.202000311.
Bösing, I.; Ortmann-Ishkina, S.; Herrmann, M.; Schenck, S.; Kuhfuß, B.; Baune, M.: Control of corrosion features by forming parameters. ESAFORM 2021, 14 - 16 APRIL, 2021, LIEGE, DOI: 10.25518/esaform21.1464
Martha Seiler: Phase-field modelling of fatigue crack growth under residual stresses. 2021. WCCM. Paris.
Krause, M., Böhlke, T.: Statistical moments of stresses and strains in random heterogeneous thermoelastic materials,
91st GAMM Annual Meeting GAMM 2020@21, Kassel, 2021
Schauerte, B., Nell, M., Leuning, N., Brimmers, T., Hameyer, K.: Adaptation and Parametrization of an Iron Loss Model for Rotating Magnetization Loci in NO electrical steel. Manuscript submitted to XXVI Symposium Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits EPNC, 2020, April 2021
Jobst A, Merklein M: Applicability of Solid Lubricant Coatings in Cold Rod Extrusion of Stainless Steels. Defect and Diffusion Forum 404, 2020, 95-100. doi:10.4028/
Afzal, M. J., Maqbool, F., Hajavifard, R., Buhl, J., Walther, F. & Bambach, M. Modeling the residual stresses induced in the metastable austenitic stainless steel disc springs manufactured by incremental sheet forming by a combined hardening model with phase transformation. Proceeding Manufacturing 47, 3rd International Conference on Material Forming, 2020, 1410-1415. doi:10.1016/j.promfg.2020.04.300
Ishkina, S.; Schenck, C.; Herrmann, M.; Kuhfuß, B.: Visualization of Axial Material Flow by Eccentric Thread Swaging. Procedia Manufacturing, 2020, 47, 1339–1344. DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2020.04.255
Hajavifard, R., M., Maqbool, F., Bambach, M. & Walther, F.: Experimental and numerical studies on the use of incremental sheet forming to improve the austenitic disc spring characteristics through tailoring their microstructure and residual stress properties. Proceedings IRF2020: 7th International Conference Integrity-Reliability-Failure., Inegi-Feup, 2020, 247-258.
Uebing, S.; Brands, D.; Scheunemann, L.; Schröder, J. A numerical study of the effect of phase evolution on residual stresses during cooling. 91st GAMM, 2020, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 20: e202000236. doi:10.1002/pamm.202000236
D. Müller, J. Stahl, I. Pätzold, R. Golle, T. Tobie, W. Volk and K. Stahl, Influence of Shear Cutting Process Parameters on the Residual Stress State and the Fatigue Strength of Gears, ICTP 2020, preprint doi:10.31224/
Behrens, B.-A., Brunotte, K., Wester, H., Kock, C. Experimental Investigations on the Interactions between the Process Parameters of Hot Forming and the Resulting Residual Stresses in the Component. The 18th International Conference on Metal Forming, 2020, Procedia Manufacturing 50, p.706-712. doi:10.1016/j.promfg.2020.08.127
Stahl, J.; Müller, D.; Pätzold, I.; Golle, R.; Tobie, T.; Volk, W.; Stahl, K.: The Infuence of Residual Stresses Induced by Near-Net-Shape Blanking Processes on the Fatigue Behavior under Bending Loads. IDDRG, 05.07.2019, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/651/1/012086
Maaß, F.; Hahn, M.; Dobecki, M.; Poeche, A.; Reimers, W.; Tekkaya, A. E.: Influence of Tool Path Strategies on the Residual Stress Development in Single Point Incremental Forming. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Sheet Metal, SHEMET19, 15-17 April 2019, Leuven Belgium. DOI:10.1016/j.promfg.2019.02.105.
A. Franceschi, H. Hoche, M. Kaffenberger, M. Oechsner, P. Groche, Effects of a counter-punch system for cold full-forward extrusion, NUMIFORM 2019: The 13th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA, June 23-27
Maaß, F., Dobecki, M., Hahn, M., Reimers, W., Tekkaya, A. E., Setting Component Properties in Incremental Forming. Contributed Papers from Material Science and Technology 2019, MS&T19, Portland, USA,
Maaß, F., Hahn, M., Dobecki, M., Reimers, W., Tekkaya, A. E., Single Point Incremental Forming: Relation between Forming Mechanisms and Residual Stresses for Different Path Strategies and Geometries, 15th International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS, 3.-5. September 2019, Barcelona, Spanien.
Uebing, S.; Scheunemann, L.; Brands, D.; Schröder, J. Numerical thermo-elasto-plastic analysis of residual stresses on different scales during cooling of hot forming parts. XV International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications, COMPLAS 2019.
Behrens, B.-A.; Chugreev, A.; Kock, C. 2019. Macroscopic FE-Simulation of Residual Stresses in Thermo-Mechanically Processed Steels Considering Phase Transformation Effects. XV International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications, COMPLAS 2019
Ishkina, S., Liu, Y., Herrmann, M. Schenck, C., Kuhfuss, B.: FEM Simulation of process fluctuations during rotary swaging of tubes,15th International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS, 3.-5. September 2019, Barcelona, Spanien
D. Müller, T. Tobie and K. Stahl: Calculation of sub-surface-initiated fatigue fractures in gears. 15th International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS, 3.-5. September 2019, Barcelona, Spanien
Seiler, M.: Phase-field modelling of fatigue crack initiation and propagation under residual stresses.15th International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS, 3.-5. September 2019, Barcelona, Spanien
Landkammer P, Steinmann P: Plastic dislocation and incompatibility density as indicators for residual stresses. COMPLAS XV: Proceedings of the XV International Conference on Computational Plasticity: fundamentals and applications, pp. 201-210. CIMNE, 2019.
Maaß, F., Hahn, M., Dobecki, M., Reimers, W., Tekkaya, A. E., Improvement of Product Properties by Selective Induction of Residual Stresses in Single Point Incremental Forming, 12. Forming Technology Forum, 19./20. September 2019, Herrsching am Ammersee.
Dobecki, M., Maaß, F., Hahn, M., Reimers, W. und Tekkaya, A. E.: Einfluss umforminduzierter Eigenspannungen auf die Schwingfestigkeit inkrementell umgeformter Bauteile. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wärmebehandlung + Werkstofftechnik e. V. - Fachausschuss Eigenspannungen, Herbstsitzung, 05-06. November 2019 (Präsentation)
Jobst A, Kiener C, Merklein M: Investigations on Residual Stress Generation in Extruded Steel Components. Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology, 2019, 83-92.
Uebing, S.; Brands, D.; Scheunemann, L.; Sarhil, M.; Niekamp, R.; Kock, C.; Chugreev, A.; Behrens, B.-A.; Schröder, J. Numerical analysis of residual stresses on microscale and mesoscale in hot bulk forming parts under specific cooling. 90th GAMM, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 2019, 19: e201900017. doi:10.1002/pamm.201900017
Seiler, Martha; Linse, Thomas; Hantschke, Peter; Kästner, Markus: Efficient phase-field modelling of fatigue crack propagation. PAMM 19, 2019, Nr. 11/2019. doi:10.1002/pamm.201900229
Uebing, S.; Brands, D.; Scheunemann, L.; Sarhil, M.; Niekamp, R.; Schröder, J. Numerical analysis of microstructural residual stresses in hot bulk forming parts under specific cooling. 26. Conference on Computer Methods in Materials Technology, KomPlasTech 2019, 115-118.
Pavliuchenko, P., Bremen, T., Hirt, G.: Herstellung selbstentfaltender metallischer Hohlprofile, 33. ASK Umformtechnik Tagungsband, 2019.
Seiler, M.: Efficient phase-field modelling of fatigue in ductile materials. GACM, Kassel, 2019
Erdle, H., Böhlke, T.: Dislocation Transport within a Gradient Crystal Plasticity Theory, ICMM6, Lund, Sweden, 2019
Erdle, H., Krause, M., Hofinger, J., Böhlke, T., Simon, N., Gibmeier, J.: Residual Stresses in Duplex Steels: Mean Field Modelling and Characterization, COMPLAS 2019, Barcelona, Spain, 2019
Volk, W.: Targeted Use of Forming Induced Residual Stresses in Metall Components. 89th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics GAMM, 2018 [mehr...]
Seiler, M.; Linse, T.; Hennig, P.; Kühne, D.; Hantschke, P.; Kästner, M.: Phase-field modeling and simulation of fatigue crack propagation 5th GAMM Workshop on Phase-Field Modeling, Dresden, 08.02.2018
Kästner, M.; Seiler, M.: Influence of residual stresses on fatigue crack initiation and propagation – experiments and phase-field modeling. GAMM, München, 20.03.2018
Seiler, Martha; Hantschke, Peter; Brosius, Alexander; Kästner,Markus: A numerically efficient phase-field model for fatigue fracture – 1D analysis. GAMM 2018. doi:10.1002/pamm.201800207
Maqbool, Fawad; Bambach, Markus: Simulation of residual stresses and their impact on geometrical accuracy in incremental sheet metal forming, GAMM, München, 20.03.2018
Brands, D.; Chugreev, A.; Kock, C.; Niekamp, R.; Scheunemann, L.; Uebing, S.; Behrens, B.-A.; Schröder, J. On the analysis of microstructural residual stresses in hot bulk forming parts under specific cooling. GAMM 2018, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 2018, 18: e201800256, doi:10.1002/pamm.201800256
Schauerte, B., Steentjes, S., Leuning, N., & Hameyer, K.: A continuous parameter-based approach to model the effect of mechanical stress on the electromagnetic hysteresis characteristic. In 2018 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG) (pp. 1-5). IEEE, April 2018
Maaß, F.; Gies, S.; Dobecki, M.; Brömmelhoff, K.; Reimers, W.; Tekkaya, A. E.: Analysis of residual stress state in sheet metal parts processed by Single Point Incremental Forming. AIP-Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the 21st International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, 23-25 May 2018, Palermo, Italy.
Maqbool, Fawad; Hajavifard, Ramin; Walther, Frank; Bambach, Markus: Experimental investigation and finite element modelling of residual stress control in disc springs made of metastable austenitic stainless steel (MASS) using incremental sheet forming (ISF). In: AIP-Conference Proceedings. Proceedings of the 21st International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, 23-25 May 2018, Palermo, Italy
Dobecki, M.; Poeche; A., Maaß, F.; Hahn, M.; Reimers, W.; Tekkaya, A. E.: Influence of forming mechanisms on the residual stress state of aluminum sheet metal parts produced by Single Point Incremental Forming. European Conference on Residual Stresses (ECRS10), 11-14 September 2018, Leuven, Belgium.
Baumann, M., Graf, A., Selbmann, R., Brömmelhoff, K., Kräusel, V., Landgrebe, D., Bergmann, M.: Influence of a modified drawing process on the resulting residual stress state of cold drawn wire. MATEC web of Conferences, 5th International Conference on New Forming Technology (ICNFT 2018) 190, 2018. doi:10.1051/matecconf/201819004004
Behrens, B.-A.; Chugreev, A.; Kock, C. Experimental-numerical approach to efficient TTT-generation for simulation of phase transformations in thermomechanical forming processes. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 2018, 461 012040. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/461/1/012040
Bösing, I.; Herrmann, M.; Bobrov, I.; Thöming, J.; Kuhfuß, B.; Epp, J.; Baune, M.: The influence of microstructure deformation on the corrosion resistance of cold formed stainless steel, MATEC Web of Conferences, 190, p. 4002, 2018, doi:10.1051/matecconf/201819004002
Charni, D.; Ishkina, S.; Epp, J.; Herrmann, M.; Schenck, C.; Zoch, H.-W.; Kuhfuß, B.: Generation of residual stresses in rotary swaging process, MATEC Web of Conferences 190, 04001, 2018, doi:10.1051/matecconf/201819004001
Liu, Y.; Herrmann, M.; Schenck, C.; Kuhfuß, B.; Axial and Radial Material Flow Analysis in Infeed Rotary Swaging of Tubes, MATEC Web of Conferences 190, 04003, 2018, doi:10.1051/matecconf/201819004003
Böhlke, T., Erdle, H., Gibmeier, J., Simon, N., Pulvermacher, S.: Two-scale Mechanism-Based Modeling of Residual Stresses in Duplex Steels, ECCM 2018, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2018
Nürnberger, A.; Müller, D.; Martinitz, L.; Hartmann, Ch.; Tobie, T.; Stahl, K.; Volk, W.: Advantages in the production of power transmitting gears by fineblanking. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023, doi:10.1007/s00170-023-12160-z
Erdle, H., Böhlke, T. Analytical investigation of a grain boundary model that accounts for slip system coupling in gradient crystal plasticity frameworks. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 479.2273, 2023: 20220737,
Maaß, F., Hahn, M., Tekkaya, A.E., Controlling Product Properties by Compressive Stress-Superposed Incremental Forming. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity - Current Trends in the Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2023), 2023. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham.
Leuning, N., Schauerte, B., Hameyer, K. Interrelation of mechanical properties and magneto-mechanical coupling of non-oriented electrical steel. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 567, 170322. 2023
Langstädtler, L.; Moazzez, K.; Charni, D.; Schenck, C.; Epp, J.; Kuhfuss, B.: Residual stresses generation in multi-stage rotary swaging of steel tubes. GCSM Springer Lecture Notes, 2023
Moazzez, K.; Langstädtler, L.; Schenck, C.; Kuhfuss, B.: Impact of Modified Clamping System on Rotary Swaging Workpiece Surface Quality. GCSM Springer Lecture Notes, 2023
Nürnberger, A., Müller, D., Martinitz, L., Hartmann, C., Tobie, T., Stahl, K., Volk, W. Comparative study of v-ring indenter configurations in fineblanking in order to derive tool design guidelines. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 123, 4171–4179, 2022.
Pavliuchenko, P.; Ringel, A.; Hirt, G.: Nutzbarkeit von Eigenspannungen in rohrförmigen Strukturbauteilen, Stahl + Technik, Ausgabe 5, 56-62, 2022.
Walzer, S., Liewald, M., Simon, N., Gibmeier, J., Erdle, H., & Böhlke, T. Improvement of sheet metal properties by inducing residual stresses into sheet metal components by embossing and reforming. Applied Science and Engineering Progress, 15(1). 2022. DOI: 10.14416/j.asep.2021.09.006
Maaß, F., Hahn, M. and Tekkaya, A.E., Setting Residual Stresses in Tensile Stress-Superposed Incremental Sheet Forming. Key Engineering Materials 926, S. 655–662, 2022, DOI: 10.4028/p-232uip.
Leuning, N., Schauerte, B., Schweren, S., Hameyer, K., Loss parameter identification after cutting for different non-oriented electrical steel grades. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 58(8), 1-5. 2022
Schauerte, B., Xiao, X., Jansen, K., Hameyer, K. Consideration of the spatial orientation of magnetic field quantities and tensile mechanical stress in the Finite Element Analysis of electrical machines. Archives of Electrical Engineering, 71(4). 2022
Schauerte, B., Nell, M. M., Brimmers, T., Leuning, N., Hameyer, K. Adaptation and parametrization of an iron loss model for rotating magnetization loci in NO electrical steel. COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, 41(2), 589-599. 2022 https:/
Schneider, T., Müller, D., Seiler, M., Tobie, T., Stahl, K. & Kästner, M. Phase-field modeling of fatigue crack growth during tooth flank fracture in case-hardened spur gears. International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 163, 107091, 2022,
Kühne, D. et al., Consideration of cyclic hardening and residual stresses in fatigue life calculations with the Local Strain Approach. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2021 (akzeptiert)
Uebing, S., Brands, D., Scheunemann, L., Schröder, J.: Residual stresses in hot bulk formed parts: two-scale approach for austenite-to-martensite phase transformation. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2021, doi:10.1007/s00419-020-01836-7
M. Krause and T. Böhlke: Stochastic Evaluation of Stress and Strain Distributions in Duplex Steel. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2021. doi:10.1007/s00419-021-01925-1
Guilleaume, C.; Brosius, A.: Cross-rolling process for manufacturing lightweight hybrid components. Journal of Advanced Joining Processes, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jajp.2021.100063
P. Groche, A. Franceschi, Residual stress evolution in partial and full forming processes. CIRP Annals 2021, Vol. 70/1, doi:10.1016/j.cirp.2021.03.003
Baumann, M.; Selbmann, R.; Milbrandt, M.; Kräusel, V.; Bergmann, M.: Adjusting the Residual Stress State in Wire Drawing Products via In-Process Modification of Tool Geometries. Materials 2021, 14, 2157. doi:10.3390/ma14092157
Reddy B D, Steinmann P, Kergaßner A: A thermodynamically consistent theory of stress-gradient plasticity. J Mech Phys Solids 147, 2021, 104266. doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2020.104266
Dobecki, M., Poeche, A. and Reimers, W.: Spatially Resolved Forming Mechanisms Detection in Single Point Incremental Forming Using Synchrotron Based Texture Analysis. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2021, 1-14. doi:10.1007/s11661-021-06261-1
J. Stahl, D. Müller, A. Nürnberger, T. Gress, P. Lechner R. Golle, T. Tobie, W. Volk and K. Stahl: On the Formation of Residual Stresses in Blanks Manufactured by Near-Net-Shape-Blanking Processes. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (accepted)
Behrens, B.-A., Gibmeier, J., Brunotte, K., Wester, H., Simon, N., Kock, C.: Investigations of residual stresses within hot bulk formed components using FE simulation and contour method. Metals, 2021, doi:10.3390/met11040566
S. Walzer, M. Liewald, N. Simon, J. Gibmeier, H. Erdle, and T. Böhlke: Improvement of sheet metal properties by inducing residual stresses into sheet metal components by embossing & reforming. Applied Science and Engineering Progress, 2021 (accepted)
Liu, Y.; Liu, J.; Herrmann, M.; Schenck, C.; Kuhfuß, B.: Material Flow in Infeed Rotary Swaging of Tubes. Materials, 2021, 14 (1) doi:10.3390/ma14010058
J. Stahl, D. Müller, I. van den Bosch, L. Kindsmüller, R. Golle, T. Tobie, W. Volk and K. Stahl: The frictional force between slug and die in shear cutting after material separation. Key Engineering Materials 2021 (accepted). doi:10.4028/
Neuwirth, T.; Walfort, B.; Sebold, S.; Schulz, M.: Light Yield Response of neutron Scintillation Screens to Sudden Flux Changes. Journal of Imaging, 2020, 6.
Schauerte, B; Leuning, N; Vogt, S; Moll, I; Weiss, H; Neuwirth, T; Schulz, M; Volk, W; Hameyer, K: The influence of residual stress on flux-barriers of non-oriented electrical steel. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 504, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2020.166659
Neuwirth, T; Backs, A; Gustschin, A; Vogt, S; Pfeiffer, F; Böni, P; Schulz, M: A high visibility Talbot-Lau neutron grating interferometer to investigate stress-induced magnetic degradation in electrical steel. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 1764.
Brosius, A.; Guilleaume, C.: New cross-rolling process for joining of hybrid components. CIRP Annals 69(1):245-248 (2020).
A. Franceschi, F. Jäger., H. Hoche, M. Kaffenberger, M. Oechsner and P. Groche: Calibration Of The Residual Stresses With An Active Die During The Ejection Phase Of Cold Extrusion. Journal of Material Forming, 2020,
Maaß, F., Hahn, M., Tekkaya, A. E.: Interaction of Process Parameters, Forming Mechanisms, and Residual Stresses in Single Point Incremental Forming. Metals, 2020, 10 (5), DOI: 10.3390/met10050656.
Seiler, Martha; Linse, Thomas; Hantschke, Peter; Kästner, Markus: An efficient phase-field model for fatigue fracture in ductile materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 224 2020, Nr. 02/2020. doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2019.106807.
N. Simon, M. Krause, P. Heinemann, H. Erdle, T. Böhlke, and J. Gibmeier: Phase-specific strain hardening and load partitioning of cold rolled duplex stainless steel X2CrNiN23-4. Crystals, vol. 10, no. 11, 2020. doi:10.3390/cryst10110976
J. Hofinger, H. Erdle, and T. Böhlke: Prediction of residual stresses of second kind in deep drawing using an incremental two-scale material model. Philosophical Magazine. vol. 100, no. 22, pp. 2836–2856, 2020. doi:10.1080/14786435.2020.1798533
M. Krause and T. Böhlke: Maximum-Entropy Based Estimates of Stress and Strain in Thermoelastic Random Heterogeneous Materials. Journal of Elasticity. vol. 141, no. 2, pp. 321–348, 2020. doi:10.1007/s10659-020-09786-5
Hajavifard, Ramin; Maqbool, Fawad; Schmiedt-Kalenborn, Anke; Buhl, Johannes; Bambach, Markus; Walther, Frank: Integrated Forming and Surface Engineering of Disc Springs by Inducing Residual Stresses by Incremental Sheet Forming. Materials, 2019, 12(10), 1646.
Ishkina, S.; Charni, D.; Herrmann, M.; Yang, L.; Epp, J.; Schenck, C.; Kuhfuß, B.; Zoch, H.W.: Influence of process fluctuations on residual stress evolution in rotary swaging of steel tubes, Materials, 12(6), 855, 2019, doi:10.3390/ma12060855
Maqbool, Fawad; Bambach, Markus: Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Process Parameters in Incremental Sheet Metal Forming on Residual Stresses. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 2019, 3 (2), p. 31. doi:10.3390/jmmp3020031
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