
Project Title iBack in cooperation with TUM-Medical Center "Rechts der Isar"
Akronym iBack
Status running
Project Start 01/01/2015
End of the Project 31/12/2020
Sports no relation to sports
Field of Research Biomechanics
Overall Research Goal Safety
Project Leader Tanja Lerchl; PD Dr. med. Jan Stefan Kirschke
Funding Öffentlich 
Cooperation Partner TUM-Klinikum Rechts der Isar
Project Team PD Dr. med. Jan Stefan Kirschke; Tanja LerchlKati Nispel
Publications n/a

Objective of the iBack project is the indiviudalized treatment planning in chronic back pain patients. By means of advanced in-vivo imaging, biomechanical models are being developed to investigate occuring loads on the spine. In the process, individual characteristics, such as vertebral bone density, disc degeneration and muscle function will be considered in order to understand the respective pathology and to find the ideal therapeutic approach for every patient. For the first time ever, the capturing of local loads on facet joints, intervertebral discs, endplates and trabecular structures allows a correlation between chronic back pain and biomechanical and anthropometric parameters.