Sustainable Fitness Service

Project Title  Sustainable Fitness Service
Acronym  Sustainability
Status  completed
Project Start  01/06/2015
End of the Project  n.a.
Sports  general physical fitness, all type of sports
Field of Research  Psychology, Physiology
Overall Research Goals  Pleasure, Performance
Project Leader Philipp Kopp
Funding  public with industry
Cooperation Partners  
Project Team  

short description

The observation that not only the elderly but also the younger generation is increasingly suffering from chronic physical and mental problems requires measures not only from the public stake holders but also from the individual itself. The focus however should be on preventive measures and in particular on activities which enable intrinsic motivation for a sports oriented active life style. This is supported by the fact, that many studies confirm the positive effect of such kind of living on wellbeing, physical and mental health. One inherent problem of the commercial fitness sector however is its constantly high drop-out-rate of their members. Our research has shown that one reason for drop-out is the discrepancy between the clients’ desired and their de facto achieved fitness improvements. These differences in expectations, which very often results in abandoning the started activity, have to be seen critical with respect to life-long and sustainable self-management of health.