Project Title Biofeedback System for Thermal Strain
Acronym BIOSS
Status accomplished
Project Start 01/07/2015
End of the Project 30/09/2017
Sports endurance - triathlon, cycling - road/mountain/e-bike, running & trail running
Field of Research Physiology, Materials Science, Psychology 
Overall Research Goals Safety, Performance
Project Leader Marius Janta; Stefanie Passler
Funding public with industry
Cooperation Partner ciclosport
Project Team  
Publications Marius Janta, Nadja Höschele, Veit Senner (2016): The Zero Heat Flux Method and Sweat Loss Modelling in Sports: Attempts of Next Generation Sports Information Systems, Procedia Engineering, Volume 147, Pages 643-648. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.06.262

short description

In sports, medicine and work thermal stress and hydration can be a performance inhibiting factor. Several studies prove a double edges problem due to transient conditions or under- or over-hydration that can cause health risks or even death. Due to the Zentrale Innovationsprogram Mittelstand (ZIM) of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the Professorship of Sports Equipment and Materials of the Technische Universität München was granted a two year project. In cooperation with ciclosport® a new biofeedback system to monitor thermal stress in medicine, sports and work shall be developed. The goal is the development and combination of non invasive measuring methods to determine heat stress relevant parameters, such as body temperatures, heart frequency and sweat rate and/or their modelling. The integration of multiple factors shall lead to more reliable predictions of thermal strain and feedback on reasonable counteractions.


detailed description

"In sports, medicine and work, thermal stress and hydration can be a performance inhibiting factor. Several studies prove a double edges problem due to transient conditions or under- or over-hydration that can cause health risks or even death. Due to the Zentrale Innovationsprogram Mittelstand (ZIM) of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the Professorship of Sports Equipment and Materials of the Technische Universität München was granted a two year project. In cooperation with ciclosport® a new biofeedback system to monitor thermal stress in medicine, sports and work shall be developed. The goal is the prototyping and combination of non invasive measuring methods to determine heat stress relevant parameters, such as body temperatures, heart frequency and sweat rate and/or their modelling. The integration of multiple factors shall lead to more reliable predictions of thermal strain and feedback on reasonable counteractions in physically active situations. For example, Teunissen et al. (2011) and Gao et al. (2016) demonstrated methods to non invasiveley measure body core temperature and the analysis of sweat biomarkers function as indicators for physical overloads. The goals is to develop systems which work wireless and real-time for endurance sports. "