The myJoghurt demonstrator of AIS is part of the white paper regarding Industrie 4.0 of the Japanese ministry of economy, trade and industry.
METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), Japan, 2015
Industrie 4.0 requires intelligent self-aware adaptive machines and plants that know their abilities. In this paper, we propose different qualitative and quantitative measures to evaluate reconfiguration abilities of automated production systems in the context of Industrie 4.0. This paper presents first measures to quantify different reconfiguration abilities of automated production systems, using different adaptive strategies focusing on fault compensation. For an application example, a lab size plant, the measures will be explained and calculated.
B. Vogel-Heuser, J. Weber and J. Folmer. "Evaluating reconfiguration abilities of automated production systems in Industrie 4.0 with metrics," in 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015), IEEE, Sep. 2015, pp. 1-6.
The increasing demand for adaptive and flexible machines and plants raises the need for components and systems that can be dynamically reconfigured. Therefore, production facilities are especially needed to allow for connecting or disconnecting machine modules at runtime to allow for flexible production orders and varying product types. Many highly sophisticated approaches e.g. multi-agent systems and service-oriented architectures support reconfiguration at the application layer, but the communication link between the components’ hardware has not yet been appropriately considered. However, the deterministic behavior of a field-bus is required to perform such a system reconfiguration of plants without violating the maximum cycle time of control applications. Considering these constraints, two different approaches are presented and discussed in this paper – a single-master and a multi-master approach. Based on an extension of the standard EtherCAT state machine, it is shown how flexibility can increase by reconfiguration of the field-bus communication. An evaluation of the reconfiguration time illustrates the impact to the control application.
D. Regulin, A. Glaese, S. Feldmann, D. Schütz and B. Vogel-Heuser. "Enabling Flexible Automation System Hardware - Dynamic Reconfiguration of a Real-Time Capable Field-Bus," in 13th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2015), IEEE, Jul. 2015.
The operation of industrial automated production systems (aPS) usually requires human operators that observe and, if necessary, intervene to keep aPS in steady operation. Inside the distributed control system (DCS) of an aPS, notifications are generated by an alarm management system (AMS) and visualized, informing operators about critical aPS situations, e.g. faults of a device. Since a huge number of notifications are usually configured inside the AMS, operators nowadays often face the problem of receiving more notifications than they can physically address. This paper proposes an approach, which allows automatic identification of alarm floods by using criteria-based search strategies. In order to address the problem statement, four hypotheses are stated. To evaluate the proposed algorithm regarding its ability to identify causally dependent notifications, historical notification logs of real industrial aPS are analyzed. For this purpose, notification logs of eight existing industrial aPS as well as the assessment of industrial experts are taken into account.
B. Vogel-Heuser, D. Schütz and J. Folmer. "Criteria-based Alarm Flood Pattern Recognition using Historical Data from Automated Production Systems (aPS)," Mechatronics, no. 1-12, Mar. 2015.
This paper comprises a SysML-based approach to support the model-driven engineering (MDE) of Manufacturing Automation Software Projects (MASP). The Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is adapted to define the SysML-AT (SysML for automation), a specialized language profile that covers (non-)functional requirements, corresponding software applications and properties of proprietary hardware components. Furthermore, SysML-AT supports an automated software generation for run-time environments conforming to IEC 61131-3. A prototypical tool support was realized for adapted SysML Parametric Diagrams (PD) inside an industrial automation software development tool. Coupling the model editor and online data from the provided run-time environment enables direct debugging inside the model. The approach was evaluated by several case studies and additional usability experiments. With the latter, the suitability of the MDE approach for future users was proven.
B. Vogel-Heuser, D. Schütz, T. Frank and C. Legat. "Model-driven Engineering of Manufacturing Automation Software Projects – A SysML-based Approach," Mechatronics, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 883-897, Jun. 2014.
Due to fierce competition, short product lifecycles and fluctuating markets, there is an increasing demand for flexible and fault tolerant systems in automated manufacturing. Multi-Agent System (MAS) can help meeting these demands by enabling fast reconfigurations and smart fault handling and compensation. A previously developed MAS, distributed on real time and non-real time capable platforms, can increase these benefits by combining the advantages of both, real time and nonreal time implementations of MAS when involved in controlling (a part of) a manufacturing plant. Even though different communication concepts have been developed and are provided within this MAS architecture, connections to other industrial IT systems such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or third party MAS implementations have not been included. To enable maximizing the system’s flexibility, a complete immersion of the MAS into the industrial IT environment needs to be provided. This paper proposes communication concepts, a running example and evaluation of the concepts for this problem.
S. Ulewicz, D. Schütz and B. Vogel-Heuser. "Integration of Distributed Hybrid Multi-Agent Systems into an Industrial IT Environment," in 12th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Jul. 2014, pp. 519-525.
Todays increasing volatility of market demands and customer requirements are forcing industrial enterprises to realize and ensure an increased flexibility of production systems. Since current automation concepts and architectures for production systems do not provide the required flexibility sufficiently, new approaches have to be developed. This paper proposes an approach that implements the quickly evolving concept of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) for the special case of production systems by means of software agents. A joined demonstrator of such Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS) is described and used for the evaluation of the proposed multi-agent approach.
B. Vogel-Heuser, C. Diedrich, D. Pantförder and P. Göhner. "Coupling heterogeneous production systems by a multi-agent based cyber-physical production system," in 12th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Jul. 2014, pp. 719-725.
Industry 4.0 and CPS (cyber-physical systems) or CPPS (cyber-physical production systems) are often associated with automotive or classic mechanical and plant engineering and thus with the area of production technology. However, Industry 4.0 is also leading to new strategies in the process industry, e.g. in making production more flexible or in maintenance support, etc.
T. Pötter, J. Folmer and B. Vogel-Heuser. "Enabling Industrie 4.0 - Opportunities and Benefits for the Process Industry," in Industrie 4.0 in Produktion, Automatisierung und Logistik, B. Vogel-Heuser, Ed. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2014, pp. 159-171.
Many companies and institutes are currently dealing with the term Industry 4.0 and its exact interpretation. As a result, there are many different ideas about what exactly is meant by the term. A core theme is the dissolution of the rigid structures and hierarchies of the levels of the automation pyramid in the companies and across company boundaries. This is realised through increased vertical (across the levels of automation) and horizontal (different IT systems) networking (cf. contribution Vogel-Heuser "Challenges and requirements from the perspective of IT and automation technology").
D. Pantförder, F. Mayer, C. Diedrich, P. Göhner, M. Weyrich and B. Vogel-Heuser. "Agent-based Dynamic Reconfiguration of Networked Intelligent Production Plants - Evolution instead of Revolution," in Industrie 4.0 in Produktion, Automatisierung und Logistik, B. Vogel-Heuser, Ed. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2014, pp. 145-158.
The considerably increased vertical and horizontal integration of cyber-physical-production-systems (CPPS) leads to a significant change of the technical structures in the company and beyond company boundaries. On the one hand, all data from the various IT systems of a production plant will be globally available everywhere and at any time in the future; on the other hand, the plants/subplants and the devices in the plants will communicate more and more autonomously and without human intervention. The result is increased flexibility, but also increased complexity of the production plants.
F. Mayer and D. Pantförder. "Human support in cyber-physical production systems," in Industrie 4.0 in Produktion, Automatisierung und Logistik, B. Vogel-Heuser, Ed. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2014, pp. 481-491.
The collaborative production of a common product on different manufacturing machines, which takes place both locally distributed in the company or across companies, is a challenge of future-oriented production in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. This includes the interlinking of production plants and robots with a heterogeneous control architecture with simultaneous dynamic management of the production units involved in production and maintenance. Another goal, besides the networking of plants and controls, is the integration of components known from the multimedia field for human involvement. The paper describes the integration of the aspects of networking and order management with batch size one and consideration of the real-time boundary condition in production machines, in this case robot-based production machines. To implement the aspects mentioned, a multi-agent network is applied, which networks intelligent, heterogeneous software parts and enables an optimisation of the processes.
Regulin, D.; Schneider, M.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: Kollaborative Fertigung mittels eines Multiagentensystems zur Vernetzung anlagenspezifischer Echtzeitsysteme. In: Informatik aktuell: Echtzeit 2014 - Industrie 4.0 und Echtzeit, Boppard, Germany, 2014, PP. 91-100. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-45109-0_10
The term Industry 4.0 is currently on everyone's lips and is also the subject of much discussion. The initiative launched by the federal government is intended to keep Germany competitive and future-proof as an industrial location. Many companies and research institutes are currently dealing with the topic and developing new approaches, which are to be illustrated with the help of demonstrators. The term Industry 4.0 is often used with different meanings and is therefore difficult to grasp.
Regulin, D.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: Industrie 4.0 für die Roboterkooperation. In: elektronik & automation (etz), No. 6, 2014, PP. 50-51.
Motivated by the huge effort for adapting discrete field level automation software in case of (even minor) modifications of the technical system, this paper presents an approach to support the engineering and re-engineering of open-loop control software. In contrast to implement what a plant has to do, we suggest a novel modelling approach which enables describing what a plant is able to do. Based on an extension of the Unified Modelling Language meta model, an object-oriented approach for describing a manufacturing system’s state space in a consolidated way is proposed. The strict, declarative semantics of ontologies is utilized to automatically reason about this model for determining the manufacturing system’s state space and deriving an optimal operation sequence to be implemented.
C. Legat, D. Schütz and B. Vogel-Heuser. "Automatic generation of field control strategies for supporting (re-)engineering of manufacturing systems," Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 1101-1111, Mar. 2013.
Engineering of manufacturing systems involves multiple disciplines, e.g. mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and software engineering. Due to the increasing functionality of automation systems and, thus, their increasing complexity, reuse of automation control software is currently achieved through copy, paste and modify. Therefore, module libraries containing verified control software are being developed to overcome these challenges. However, due to the differences of module structures in the disciplines participating in automation engineering, a pure syntactic software description based on inputs and outputs is not sufficient. Moreover, automatic retrieval of automation control software is needed to support the engineer implementing the entire system. In this paper, an approach enabling automatic retrieval of software units based on a module’s hardware description by means of ontologies and customized rule-based inference is proposed.
S. Feldmann, C. Legat, D. Schütz, S. Ulewicz and B. Vogel-Heuser. "Automatic Rule-Based Inference of Control Software Capabilities Considering Interdisciplinary Aspects," in 22nd International Conference on Production Research (ICPR 2013), Aug. 2013, pp. 1-6.
This paper presents the elaboration of a concept to develop and implement real-time capable industrial automation software that increases the dependability of production automation systems by means of soft sensors. An application example with continuous behavior as it is a typical character treat of process automation is used to illustrate the initial requirements. Accordingly, the modeling concept is presented which supports application development and which is supplemented by an implementation approach for standard automation devices, e.g. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). The paper further comprises an evaluation which adapts the concept for two use cases with discrete behavior (typical character treat of manufacturing automation) and validates the initially imposed requirements.
D. Schütz, A. Wannagat, C. Legat and B. Vogel-Heuser. "Development of PLC-based Software for Increasing the Dependability of Production Automation Systems," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 2397-2406, Nov. 2013.