Institute of Micro Technology and Medical Device Technology (MIMED)

In Trauer und Andenken an unseren guten Kollegen & Freund Valentin, der am 19. Mai 2024 verunglückte.
Er hat uns alle stets mit seinem Ingenieursgeist und Tatendrang inspiriert. Nicht nur als Mensch hinterlässt er eine Lücke, die nicht zu schließen ist, auch seine außergewöhnliche Expertise im Aufbau mechatronischer Systeme und in der Geräteentwicklung suchten seines Gleichen. Insbesondere seine Arbeit an anwendungsnahen Robotiklösungen in der Notfallmedizin werden den Stand der Technik in naher Zukunft voran bringen.
In mourning and memory of our good colleague & friend Valentin, who died in an accident on May 19, 2024.
He always inspired us all with his engineering spirit and drive. Not only as a person does he leave a gap that cannot be filled, but his extraordinary expertise in the design of mechatronic systems and in device development was unparalleled. In particular, his work on application-oriented robotic solutions in emergency medicine will advance the state of the art in the near future.
The Institute of Micro Technology and Medical Device Technology (MIMED) at the Technische Universität München is specialized in precision engineering, microtechnology and mechatronic systems/robotics. MIMED has a strong focus on medical technology and clinical applications, rapid manufacturing, and assistive systems for an aging society.
The institute is divided into four research groups:
• Additive Design and Manufacturing